How to use the sed function from shelljs
Find comprehensive JavaScript shelljs.sed code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
shelljs.sed is a method provided by the ShellJS library that performs a search and replace operation on a given file or string.
GitHub: deepraining/blogs

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// Replace macros in each .js file'lib');'*.js').forEach(function (file) { shell.sed('-i', 'BUILD_VERSION', 'v0.1.2', file); shell.sed('-i', /^.*REMOVE_THIS_LINE.*$/, '', file); shell.sed('-i', /.*REPLACE_LINE_WITH_MACRO.*\n/,'macro.js'), file); });'..'); // Run external tool synchronously
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const hash = crypto.createHash(algo).update(data, 'utf8').digest('base64') const integrity = `${algo}-${hash}` console.log(`${configPropertyName}: ${integrity}`) sh.sed('-i', new RegExp(`^(\\s+${configPropertyName}:\\s+["'])\\S*(["'])`), `$1${integrity}$2`, configFile) }) }
How does shelljs.sed work?
The shelljs.sed function is used to perform search and replace operations on a given string or file using regular expressions, and returns the modified string or file contents as a string. It takes two or three arguments: the search pattern, the replacement pattern, and an optional path to the file to perform the operation on. If a file path is provided, the operation is performed on the contents of the file and the file is updated with the modified contents. If no file path is provided, the operation is performed on the given string and the modified string is returned.
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); console.log(file); // replace BN import shell.sed( '-i', 'import BN from "bn.js"', 'import { BN } from "@switchboard-xyz/common"', file
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saveFiles( ['packages/react-native/ReactAndroid/'], tmpVersioningFolder, ); if ( sed( '-i', /^VERSION_NAME=.*/, `VERSION_NAME=${version}`, 'packages/react-native/ReactAndroid/',
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Ai Example
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const shell = require("shelljs"); // Replace all occurrences of 'foo' with 'bar' in myfile.txt shell.sed(/foo/g, "bar", "myfile.txt");
This will search for all occurrences of the regular expression /foo/g in myfile.txt and replace them with the string 'bar'.
GitHub: pritamprasd/therapyApp
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events.emit('log', 'Multiple candidate Java files that extend CordovaActivity found. Guessing at the first one, ' + java_files[0]); } var destFile = path.join(locations.root, 'src', pkg.replace(/\./g, '/'), path.basename(java_files[0])); shell.mkdir('-p', path.dirname(destFile)); shell.sed(/package [\w\.]*;/, 'package ' + pkg + ';', java_files[0]).to(destFile); events.emit('verbose', 'Wrote out Android package name "' + pkg + '" to ' + destFile); if (orig_pkg !== pkg) { // If package was name changed we need to remove old java with main activity
GitHub: lbear9090/wediapp_ionic
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// interpolate the activity name and package shell.mkdir('-p', activity_dir); shell.cp('-f', path.join(project_template_dir, ''), activity_path); shell.sed('-i', /__ACTIVITY__/, safe_activity_name, activity_path); shell.sed('-i', /__NAME__/, project_name, path.join(project_path, 'res', 'values', 'strings.xml')); shell.sed('-i', /__NAME__/, project_name, path.join(project_path, '.project')); shell.sed('-i', /__ID__/, package_name, activity_path); shell.cp('-f', path.join(project_template_dir, 'AndroidManifest.xml'), manifest_path);
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GitHub: strong6208/eslint
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entries.forEach(entry => { assert(entry.changed === false, `the entry for ${entry.key} is initially unchanged`); }); // this should result in a changed entry shell.sed("-i", "abc", "xzy", goodFileCopy); fileCache = fCache.createFromFile(cacheLocation, true); assert(fileCache.getFileDescriptor(badFile).changed === false, `the entry for ${badFile} is unchanged`); assert(fileCache.getFileDescriptor(goodFileCopy).changed === true, `the entry for ${goodFileCopy} is changed`); });
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// reset the build number to 0.0.1 shell.sed('-i', /.*"version": ".*",/, ` "version": "0.0.1",`, `${pluginDir}/package.json`); // repeat for package-lock if(shell.test('-e', `${pluginDir}/package-lock.json`)){ shell.sed('-i', /.*"name": ".*",/, ` "name": "${fullPluginName}",`, `${pluginDir}/package-lock.json`); shell.sed('-i', /.*"version": ".*",/, ` "version": "0.0.1",`, `${pluginDir}/package-lock.json`); } // rename the plugin file names
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GitHub: aklib/laravel-core
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} const replaceRecursively = (filename, vendor) => { const original = vendor.src const replacement = `vendors/${}/${vendor.filetype}/${basename(vendor.src)}` sh.sed('-i', original, replacement, filename) } const main = () => { const vendors = findVendors()
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*/ var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var sh = require('shelljs'); sh.config.fatal = true; var sed = sh.sed; // Blame TC39... RegExp.quote = function (string) { return string.replace(/[-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
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const hash = crypto.createHash(algo).update(data, 'utf8').digest('base64') const integrity = `${algo}-${hash}` console.log(`${file.configPropertyName}: ${integrity}`) sh.sed('-i', new RegExp(`^(\\s+${file.configPropertyName}:\\s+["'])\\S*(["'])`), `$1${integrity}$2`, configFile) }) })
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GitHub: YouRimm/CHIP_U
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algorithms: ['sha384'] }, data) console.log(`${file.configPropertyName}: ${integrity}`) sh.sed('-i', new RegExp(`(\\s${file.configPropertyName}:\\s+"|')(\\S+)("|')`), `$1${integrity}$3`, configFile) }) })
GitHub: RadioAc/shell-pr
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
//'*.js').forEach(function (file) { // /* 这是第一个难点:sed流编辑器,建议专题学习,-i表示直接作用源文件 */ // //将build_version字段替换为'v0.1.2' // sh.sed('-i', 'BUILD_VERSION', 'v0.1.2', file); // //将包含`REMOVE_THIS_LINE`字符串的行删除 // sh.sed('-i', /^.*REMOVE_THIS_LINE.*$/, '', file); // //将包含`REPLACE_LINE_WITH_MACRO`字符串的行替换为`macro.js`中的内容 // sh.sed('-i', /.*REPLACE_LINE_WITH_MACRO.*\n/,'macro.js'), file); // });
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shelljs.exec is the most popular function in shelljs (4615 examples)