How to use the generate function from shortid
Find comprehensive JavaScript shortid.generate code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
shortid.generate is a function that generates short, unique, and URL-friendly IDs as strings in JavaScript.
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if (!(_NAMED !== null && _NAMED.hasOwnProperty('mapping'))) { const codeStr = this.$$mangleCode(/*await*/ nqp.arg_s(ctx, code)); return fromJSToReturnValue(ctx, /*await*/ eval('(function() {' + codeStr + '})()')); } const fakeFilename = 'nqpEval' + shortid.generate(); const codeStr = this.$$mangleCode(/*await*/ nqp.toStr(code, ctx)); // TODO - get rid of the node.js specific way
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getSchema() { return { _id: { type: String, default: shortid.generate }, campaign_id: String, ad_target: String, // 广告目标字段, 1:应用安装量,2: 转化量, campaign_name: String,
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How does shortid.generate work?
shortid.generate is a function provided by the shortid library that generates a unique and random string of characters representing a short ID. The ID is constructed from a combination of random characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and some special characters that are URL-friendly. The generated IDs are designed to be short, typically consisting of 7-14 characters, making them useful for cases where short, unique identifiers are needed, such as in URL routing or database keys. The algorithm used by shortid.generate is designed to minimize the likelihood of collisions or duplicates, and it includes support for generating IDs based on a provided seed value. Overall, shortid.generate provides a simple and convenient way to generate unique IDs in JavaScript without the need for external dependencies or complex configuration.
GitHub: rijkvanzanten/luaus
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* @param {Object} req Express request object * @param {Object} res Express response object */ function addNewPlayerToGame(req, res) { debug(`[POST] /new-player/${req.params.gameID} Add player to game`); const playerID = shortid.generate(); games[req.params.gameID].players[playerID] = new Player('web', req.params.gameID,; debug(`[WS] Send NEW_PLAYER ${req.params.gameID} ${playerID}`); io.emit('NEW_PLAYER', {gameID: req.params.gameID, playerID, player: games[req.params.gameID].players[playerID]});
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res.json(id); });"/categories", (req, res) => { const { name } = req.body; const newCategory = { id: shortid.generate(), name }; categories.push(newCategory); updateCategoriesFile(); res.json(newCategory); });
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Ai Example
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const shortid = require("shortid"); const myId = shortid.generate(); console.log(myId); // "B1VGaxvPw"
In this example, we use shortid.generate to generate a unique and random ID, which is assigned to the variable myId. We then log the generated ID to the console, which will output a short, URL-friendly string of characters such as "B1VGaxvPw". Note that in order to use shortid.generate, you need to have the shortid library installed and imported in your application.
GitHub: nicolaschan/mines
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mines = 10; if (!name) name = 'Unnamed game'; = name; this.gameId = shortid.generate(); this.hidden = true; this.doNotDelete = false; this.resetting = false;
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function getMes(id) { return appconfig.getMessage(id); } function getNewAid() { return shortid.generate(); } function getTsStr(ts) { return hut.isTs(ts) ? hut.getDateTimeFor(new Date(ts), 'dtms') : '';
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GitHub: nicolaschan/mines
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*/ const Board = function(width, height, mines, id) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.mines = mines; this.seed = (id) ? id : shortid.generate(); this.generated = false; this.lost = false; this.won = false; this.squares = [];
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const { procfs, ProcfsError, } = require('@stroncium/procfs'); const handlerId = shortid.generate(); /* ** Function handleJob
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}, shortid: { type: DataTypes.STRING, unique: true, allowNull: false, defaultValue: shortId.generate }, alias: { type: DataTypes.STRING, unique: true
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GitHub: Cloud-V/Backend
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path.basename( file.originalname, path.extname(file.originalname) ) + "-" + shortid.generate() + "-" + ((req.user || {})._id || "") + "-" + +
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GitHub: Cloud-V/Backend
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const createFile = async (repoEntry, fileData, content = "", cb) => { const fileModel = require("../models/repo_file").model; return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const fsName = shortid.generate() + "_" + + "." + fileData.extension; let newFileEntry = new fileModel({ repo: repoEntry.repo, user: repoEntry.user, repoEntry: repoEntry._id,
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GitHub: Cloud-V/Backend
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}); const displayName = generateName() => el.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + el.substr(1)) .join(" "); const repoName = shortid.generate().replace(/[^\w]/, "_"); const updatedprofile = await User.updateUserProfile(profile._id, { displayName, });
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}, }, } }, affiliate: { code: _.get(settings, 'affiliate.code', useDefaults ? shortid.generate() : null), referrals: [], referrer: _.get(settings, 'affiliate.referrer', null), }, activity: {
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8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 = broker; /* TO WRITE MODEL */ this.createTest = async (req, res, next) => { try { const testId = shortid.generate(); //upload to S3 let promiseLoop = [];
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}, //apply for job this.applyForJob = (req, res, next) => { //check if jobseeker const appId = shortid.generate() __self.commandHandler.sendCommand({ commandType: CONSTANTS.COMMANDS.SUBMIT_APPLICATION, aggregateId: appId,
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if(role != CONSTANTS.ROLES.SEEKER && role != CONSTANTS.ROLES.EMPLOYER) { role = CONSTANTS.ROLES.SEEKER } if(role === CONSTANTS.ROLES.SEEKER) { const id = shortid.generate(); __self.commandHandler.sendCommand({ commandType: CONSTANTS.COMMANDS.REGISTER_SEEKER, aggregateId: id, payload: {
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return user;; } module.exports.comment = (data) => { let id = shortid.generate(); let comment = db.get('comments').push({ id: id, date: new Date().toDateString(), content: data.content,
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//console.log(item); const d = new Date(); let article = { type: "cvd", shortId: shortid.generate(), batchId: batch._id, batchName:, status: public ? "Completed" : "New article", // depends on the "live" column in the excel document - New article otherwise live: public, // depends on the "live" column in the excel document
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await knex('event_log').delete() const totalRows = 1000 for (let counter = 1; counter <= totalRows; counter++) { const row = { id: shortid.generate(), transId: shortid.generate() + shortid.generate(), code: ['141', '00', '134'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)], finger: 'R1', timestamp: new Date().getTime(),
shortid.generate is the most popular function in shortid (189 examples)