How to use the exist function from should
Find comprehensive JavaScript should.exist code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
should.exist is a method provided by the should.js assertion library that checks whether a given value is not null or undefined.
GitHub: qiniu/nodejs-sdk
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}); it('test prepareZone error', function (done) { = null; qiniu.util.prepareZone(bucketManager, 'no_ak', 'no_bucket', function (err, ctx) { should.exist(err); done(); }); });
GitHub: miktam/sizeof
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
it('report an error for circular dependency objects', () => { const firstLevel = { a: 1 } const secondLevel = { b: 2, c: firstLevel } firstLevel.second = secondLevel should.exist(sizeof(firstLevel)) }) it('handle hasOwnProperty key', () => { sizeof({ hasOwnProperty: undefined })
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How does should.exist work?
should.exist is a method provided by the should.js assertion library that checks whether a given value is not null or undefined. The method is typically used as part of a unit test to verify that a variable or function returns an expected value. Under the hood, should.exist checks whether the value passed to it is not null or undefined. If the value is null or undefined, an assertion error is thrown. If the value is not null or undefined, the method returns undefined, indicating that the assertion passed. For example, the following code uses should.exist to test whether a variable named myVariable is not null or undefined: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const should = require('should'); // Test whether a variable exists const myVariable = 'hello'; should.exist(myVariable); If myVariable is null or undefined, an assertion error will be thrown, indicating that the test has failed. Otherwise, the test will pass and the method will return undefined. Overall, should.exist provides a simple and convenient way to test whether a value is not null or undefined, helping to ensure that your code behaves correctly under various conditions.
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'internal3', 'smartgondor', 'gardens', function (error, devices) { should.not.exist(error); should.exist(devices); devices.length.should.equal(1); devices[0].id.should.equal('id3'); done(); }
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GitHub: getodk/central-backend
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
const { count } = await`select count(*) from entities`); count.should.equal(0); // Original submission update event should look like it was successfully processed with no failures. const updateEvent = await container.Audits.getLatestByAction('submission.update').then((o) => o.get()); should.exist(updateEvent.processed); updateEvent.failures.should.equal(0); // There should be no entity events logged. const createEvent = await container.Audits.getLatestByAction('entity.create');
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Ai Example
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const should = require("should"); // Define a function that returns a value function multiply(a, b) { return a * b; } // Test whether the function returns a value const result = multiply(2, 3); should.exist(result);
In this example, should.exist is used to test whether the multiply function returns a value. The function takes two arguments and returns their product. The result variable is assigned the result of calling multiply with arguments 2 and 3. Then, should.exist is used to test whether result is not null or undefined. If multiply returns a value, the test will pass and no error will be thrown. If the function returns null or undefined, the test will fail and an assertion error will be thrown. Note that should.exist can be used in various contexts to test whether a value is not null or undefined, helping to ensure that your code behaves correctly and returns expected values.
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return done(articleSaveErr); } // Set assertions on new article (articleSaveRes.body.title).should.equal(article.title); should.exist(articleSaveRes.body.user); should.equal(articleSaveRes.body.user._id, orphanId); // force the article to have an orphaned user reference orphan.remove(function () {
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keyCount.should.equal(Object.keys(defaultValues).length); }); it('reportstorage.saveProps sets property in localstorage', () => { reportstorage.saveProps({insulin: false}); should.exist(mockStorage.get('reportProperties')); mockStorage.get('reportProperties'); }); it('reportstorage.saveProps ignores property not tracked', () => {
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36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
return done(err); } should.not.exist(res.headers['x-cache-invalidate']); const jsonResponse = res.body; should.exist(jsonResponse.posts); localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse, 'posts'); jsonResponse.posts.should.have.length(13); localUtils.API.checkResponse(
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// perform a sign-in request to set members cookies on superagent await request.get(signinPath) .expect(302) .then((res) => { const redirectUrl = new URL(res.headers.location, testUtils.API.getURL()); should.exist(redirectUrl.searchParams.get('success')); redirectUrl.searchParams.get('success').should.eql('true'); }); });
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'users', 'webhooks', 'milestones' ]; should.exist(exportData); should.exist(exportData.meta); should.exist(; // NOTE: using `Object.keys` here instead of `should.have.only.keys` assertion
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name: 'SiteRouter' }] } }; should.exist(parentRouter._getSiteRouter(req)); }); }); describe('fn: _respectDominantRouter', function () {
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await configUtils.restore(); }); it('should output relative url of image', function () { const rendered = img_url('/content/images/image-relative-url.png', {}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.should.equal('/content/images/image-relative-url.png');; });
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const model = await models.Post.findOne({ id }, testUtils.context.internal); should(model.get('newsletter_id')).eql(null); should.exist(model.get('published_by')); // Check email // Note: we only create an email if we have members susbcribed to the newsletter const email = await models.Email.findOne({
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GitHub: furkot/directions
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
const result = await furkotDirections({ services: [] })({ points: [[0, 0], [1, 1]] }); should.exist(result);'routes').with.length(1); }); it('service', async function () {
GitHub: pofresh/pofresh
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
describe('channel manager test', function () { describe('#createChannel', function () { it('should create and return a channel with the specified name', function () { let channelService = new ChannelService(mockApp); let channel = channelService.createChannel(channelName); should.exist(channel); channelName.should.equal(; }); it('should return the same channel if the name has already existed', function () {
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GitHub: pofresh/pofresh
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// for (i = 0, l = filters2.length; i < l; i++) { // filters2[i].should.equal(filters[i]); // } // // let filters3 = app.get('__afters__'); // should.exist(filters3); // filters3.length.should.equal(filters.length); // for (i = 0, l = filters3.length; i < l; i++) { // filters2[i].should.equal(filters[i]); // }
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GitHub: TryGhost/Ghost
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}); res.text.should.match(/id,email,name,note,subscribed_to_emails,complimentary_plan,stripe_customer_id,created_at,deleted_at,labels,tiers/); const csv = Papa.parse(res.text, {header: true}); should.exist( => === 'Mr Egg')); should.exist( => === 'Winston Zeddemore')); should.exist( => === 'Ray Stantz')); should.exist( => === '')); should.exist( => row.tiers.length > 0));
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// storing current environment currentEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV; describe('Error handling', function () { // Just getting rid of jslint unused error should.exist(errors); describe('Throwing', function () { it('throws error objects', function () { var toThrow = new Error('test1'),
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
}); it('createCheckoutSession sends success_url and cancel_url', async function (){ await api.createCheckoutSession('priceId', null, {}); should.exist(mockStripe.checkout.sessions.create.firstCall.firstArg.success_url); should.exist(mockStripe.checkout.sessions.create.firstCall.firstArg.cancel_url); }); it('createCheckoutSetupSession sends success_url and cancel_url', async function (){
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expires: expires, password: 'password', dbHash: dbHash }); should.exist(token);; }); it('compare: success', function () {
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executeMiddleware(middleware, req, res, function next() { try { const templateOptions = hbs.updateTemplateOptions.firstCall.args[0]; const data =; should.exist(;''); done(); } catch (error) {
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should.not is the most popular function in should (1156 examples)