How to use the match function from sinon
Find comprehensive JavaScript sinon.match code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
sinon.match is a utility function in the Sinon.js library that allows for advanced argument matching in test assertions.
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ref: '03e9577bc1ec60f2ff0929d5f1554de36b8f48cf', content: require('./data/yml/valid-yaml.json'), }); await simulateJobMessage({ user: 'TaskclusterRobot' }); assert(handlers.createTasks.calledWith({ scopes: sinon.match.array, tasks: sinon.match.array })); let args = handlers.createTasks.firstCall.args[0]; let taskGroupId = args.tasks[0].task.taskGroupId; let [build] = await helper.db.fns.get_github_build(taskGroupId); assert.equal(build.organization, 'TaskclusterRobot');
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GitHub: mozilla/fxa
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email: '', name: 'Joe Cool', description: uid, metadata: { userid: uid, geoip_date: sinon.match.any, }, shipping: { name: sinon.match.any, address: {
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How does sinon.match work?
sinon.match provides a way to perform advanced matching on arguments passed to a mocked or spied function in a test assertion. It allows the user to create a matcher object that can be used to compare the actual arguments passed to the function with the expected values or patterns. The matcher object can be created using various built-in matchers provided by Sinon.js, such as sinon.match.any, sinon.match.number, sinon.match.string, sinon.match.object, etc., or by creating a custom matcher function. When a mocked or spied function is called with arguments, the sinon.match utility compares each argument with the corresponding matcher in the expected argument list. If all the matchers match the actual arguments, the assertion passes; otherwise, it fails with an error message that indicates which matchers failed to match. This allows for more fine-grained control over test assertions, especially when dealing with complex or dynamic arguments, and can make test code more readable and maintainable.
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t.context.fetchRulesStub.callsFake((params) => { t.deepEqual(params, { queryParams: { 'rule.type': 'sqs', state: 'ENABLED' } }); return rules.filter((rule) => rule.state === 'ENABLED'); }); const queueMessageFromEnabledRuleStub = queueMessageStub .withArgs(rules[1], sinon.match.any, sinon.match.any); // send two messages to the queue of the ENABLED sqs rule await Promise.all( range(2).map(() =>
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GitHub: nasa/cumulus
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t.true(pMapSpy.calledOnce); t.true(pMapSpy.calledWithMatch( sinon.match.any, sinon.match.any, sinon.match({ concurrency: 17 }) )); }); test.serial('discover granules sets the GRANULES environment variable and logs the granules', async (t) => {
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Ai Example
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const sinon = require("sinon"); // Create a mocked function with a single argument const myFunc = sinon.stub(); // Call the mocked function with an argument myFunc("Hello, world!"); // Assert that the mocked function was called with the expected argument sinon.assert.calledWith(myFunc, sinon.match.string);
In this example, sinon.match.string is used as a matcher to check if the argument passed to myFunc is a string. If the assertion fails, the error message will indicate that the actual argument passed was not a string. Note that sinon.match can also be used to match against complex objects or data structures, regular expressions, or custom functions that perform more complex matching logic.
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const requestURL = `Workspaces/${credentials.multiTaskWorkspaceSid}/Workers/${credentials.multiTaskAliceSid}`; const requestParams = { ActivitySid: credentials.multiTaskConnectActivitySid }; sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); const failedResponse = { response: { status: 429, statusText: 'failed on purpose' } } ; const requestStub = sandbox.stub(Request.prototype, 'post').withArgs(requestURL, requestParams, API_V1, sinon.match.any); // mocking the activity update request and making it fail, so retires are executed requestStub.rejects(failedResponse); message = /Retrying Update Worker Activity after backoff time: (\d+)ms for retryCount: (\d+)/;
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const indicesDefinition = dataContractJs.getDocumentSchema(williamType).indices; stateRepositoryMock.fetchDocuments .withArgs( sinon.match.instanceOf(Identifier), williamType, { where: [ ['$ownerId', '==', ownerId.toJSON()],
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.then(() => { should(websocket.retrying).be.true(); should(cb).be.calledTwice(); should(websocket.connect).be.calledOnce(); should(window.addEventListener).calledWith("online", sinon.match.func, { once: true, }); return clock.tickAsync(100);
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req.account.connectorGatewayAccountStripeProgress = undefined await controller(req, res, next) sinon.assert.notCalled(res.redirect) const expectedError = sinon.match.instanceOf(Error) .and(sinon.match.has('message', 'Stripe setup progress is not available on request')) sinon.assert.calledWith(next, expectedError) })
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context("calling the updateJourneyState", () => { it("should raise an error when debug is set to false", async () => { req.session.isDebugJourney = false; await middleware.updateJourneyState(req, res, next); expect(next).to.have.been.calledWith( sinon.match.has("message", "Debug operation not available") ); }); it("should raise an error when given an invalid action", async () => {
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}) return it('should return a NotFoundError', function () { return this.callback .calledWith( sinon.match.has( 'message', `No such doc: ${this.doc_id} in project ${this.project_id}` ) )
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it('should import an identity from a path', async () => { await identityManagerFactory.create(stubWalletFacadeFactory, [org1MSPWithCertificates, org2MSPWithCertificates]); sinon.assert.calledTwice(stubInMemoryAndFileSystemWalletFacade.import); sinon.assert.calledWith(stubInMemoryAndFileSystemWalletFacade.import, 'Org1MSP', 'User1', sinon.match(/^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*/), sinon.match(/^-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----.*/)); sinon.assert.calledWith(stubInMemoryAndFileSystemWalletFacade.import, 'Org2MSP', '_Org2MSP_User1', sinon.match(/^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*/), sinon.match(/^-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----.*/)); });
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prometheusPushTxObserver._sendUpdate(); sinon.assert.calledWith(prometheusPushTxObserver.prometheusPushGateway.pushAdd, sinon.match({ jobName: 'caliper-workers', groupings: sinon.match({ workerIndex: 0, roundIndex: 2 }) }), sinon.match.func);
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const client = await session.client; sinon.assert.match(client, { ...baseClient, getInstance: sinon.match.func }); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(ClientModel.prototype.getBy, 'code', 'some-client-code', { limit: 1 });
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) }) it('should return an error', function () { this.callback.should.have.been.calledWith( sinon.match.instanceOf(Errors.DocVersionDecrementedError) ) }) })
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sinon.stub is the most popular function in sinon (5777 examples)