How to use the spy function from sinon
Find comprehensive JavaScript sinon.spy code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
sinon.spy is a JavaScript function that creates a "spy" function, which can record information about how it was called and its return value.
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}); it('should inherit from Node OutogingMessage.end()'); it('triggers callback provided as 1st argument', function() { var callback = sinon.spy(); response.end(callback); expect(callback).to.have.been.called; });
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describe('#addProcessor', () => { let processor; beforeEach(() => { global.OffscreenCanvas = OffscreenCanvas; processor = { processFrame: sinon.spy() }; videoTrack._dummyEl = 'foo'; log.warn = sinon.spy(); });
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How does sinon.spy work?
sinon.spy works by creating a "spy" function that can be used to record information about its invocation and behavior. The spy function can be used like any other function in your code, but it also provides a number of additional features for testing and debugging, including: Recording how many times the function was called, with what arguments, and in what order. Recording the return value of the function and any exceptions thrown. Overriding the behavior of the function to return a specified value or throw a specified exception. Accessing the "this" object of the function when it was called. By using sinon.spy, you can easily test how your functions are being called and interacted with by other parts of your code, without having to modify the functions themselves. This makes it a powerful tool for unit testing, debugging, and development in general.
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let funcStub; let logSpy; const ports = [16127, 16126, 16129, 80, 443, 16125, 11, 13]; beforeEach(() => { utilStub = sinon.stub(util, 'promisify'); logSpy = sinon.spy(log, 'info'); }); afterEach(() => { sinon.restore();
GitHub: mozilla/fxa
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db = mocks.mockDB({ uid: UID, email: TEST_EMAIL, locale: ACCOUNT_LOCALE, }); db.createAccountSubscription = sinon.spy(async (data) => ({})); db.deleteAccountSubscription = sinon.spy( async (uid, subscriptionId) => ({}) ); db.cancelAccountSubscription = sinon.spy(async () => ({}));
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Ai Example
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const sinon = require("sinon"); // Create a spy function using sinon.spy const myFunction = sinon.spy(); // Call the spy function multiple times myFunction(1, 2, 3); myFunction("hello"); myFunction(); // Check the number of times the spy function was called console.log(myFunction.callCount); // Check the arguments passed to the spy function console.log(myFunction.firstCall.args); console.log(myFunction.secondCall.args); // Override the behavior of the spy function to return a specific value myFunction.returns("world"); // Call the spy function again and check its return value console.log(myFunction("test"));
In this example, we use sinon.spy to create a spy function called myFunction. We then call the myFunction function multiple times with different arguments. We use the callCount property of the myFunction object to check how many times it was called, and the args property to check the arguments passed to the first and second calls. We then use the returns method of the myFunction object to override its behavior and make it return the string 'world'. Finally, we call myFunction again and log its return value to the console. By using sinon.spy, we can easily test the behavior of our functions and get detailed information about how they are being called, making it a powerful tool for unit testing and debugging.
GitHub: mozilla/fxa
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}, async get(key) { return _data[key]; }, }; Object.keys(mock).forEach((key) => sinon.spy(mock, key)); return mock; } mockConfig.redis = mockRedisConfig;
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config.publicUrl = 'https://public.url'; const log = options.log || mocks.mockLog(); const db = options.db || mocks.mockDB(); const oauth = options.oauth || { getRefreshTokensByUid: sinon.spy(async () => []), }; const customs = options.customs || { check: function () { return Promise.resolve(true);
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GitHub: nasa/cumulus
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body: '{"Granule Not Found"}', }); }, }; const pMapSpy = sinon.spy(pMap); // Import the discover-granules functions that we'll be testing, configuring them to use the fake // granules module and the fake logger. const {
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after(function () { nock.cleanAll(); }); var getToken = sinon.spy(function any(callback) { callback({ accessToken: "token001" }); }); it("sends the request to the right end point and returns a response", function (done) {
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}); describe('#_emitEvent(eventType, payload)', () => { it('should emit Event:on(canceled)', () => { const spy = sinon.spy(); const task = new Task(worker, new Request(config), reservationSid, pendingTaskDescriptor); assert.equal(task.status, 'reserved');
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describe('whenReady', () => { it('should call the callback function after the backoff interval', async() => { const intervalCount = 2; const expectedDelay = 1500; sinon.stub(retryUtil, 'generateBackoffInterval').returns(expectedDelay); const spy = sinon.spy(global, 'setTimeout'); const callback = sinon.spy(); await retryUtil.whenReady(intervalCount).then(callback); expect(spy.calledWith(sinon.match.any, expectedDelay)); expect(callback.called);
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let signaling; let supervisor; const Request = () => { request = createEmitterStub(require('../../../lib/util/Request').default); = sinon.spy(() => Promise.resolve()); request.get = sinon.spy(() => Promise.resolve()); return request; };
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describe("model/twitter", function() { let oldGetFunction; before(function (bddone) { config.initialise(); oldGetFunction = twitter.for_debug_only.twitterClient.get; twitter.for_debug_only.twitterClient.get = sinon.spy(function (param, option, cb) { should(option).eql({ tweet_mode: "extended" }); if (param.substring(0, 15) === "/statuses/show/") { const id = param.substring(15, 999); let r = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "data", "TwitterStatus-" + id + ".json"));
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// Arrange: const throttlingConfig = { burst: 20, rate: 5 }; const spy = sinon.spy(restify.plugins, 'throttle'); // Act: bootstrapper.createServer({ protocol: 'HTTP' }, createFormatters(), throttlingConfig);
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}); it('should call listeners on a "disconnect" event', () => { const cb = sinon.stub(); sinon.spy(websocket, "clear"); websocket.retrying = false; websocket.addListener("disconnect", cb); should(websocket.listeners("disconnect").length).be.eql(1);
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}, flash: sinon.spy() } res = { setHeader: sinon.stub(), status: sinon.spy(), redirect: sinon.spy(), render: sinon.spy(), locals: { stripeAccount: {
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} } next = sinon.spy() setStripeAccountSetupFlagMock = sinon.spy(() => Promise.resolve()) createDirectorMock = sinon.spy(() => Promise.resolve()) updateDirectorMock = sinon.spy(() => Promise.resolve()) updateCompanyMock = sinon.spy(() => Promise.resolve()) listPersonsMock = sinon.spy(() => Promise.resolve()) completeKycMock = sinon.spy(() => Promise.resolve()) })
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let req let res let next const setStripeAccountSetupFlagMock = sinon.spy(() => Promise.resolve()) const loggerInfoMock = sinon.spy(() => Promise.resolve()) const stripeAcountId = 'acct_123example123' function getControllerWithMocks () { return proxyquire('./post.controller', {
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} next = sinon.spy() }) it('should call stripe and connector and redirect to add psp account details redirect route', async () => { updateBankAccountMock = sinon.spy(() => Promise.resolve()) setStripeAccountSetupFlagMock = sinon.spy(() => Promise.resolve()) const controller = getControllerWithMocks() await controller(req, res, next)
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describe('organisation address - post controller', () => { let req, res, next, controller let responseData const mockUpdateService = sinon.spy(() => { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve(updatedService) }) })
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requests.push(req); }; sinon.spy(console, 'log'); sinon.spy(console, 'info'); sinon.spy(console, 'warn'); sinon.spy(console, 'error'); }); afterEach(function() {
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sinon.stub is the most popular function in sinon (5777 examples)