How to use ssh2.Server:
GitHub: utisss/UTCTF-23
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const TLS_HOSTNAME = ""; const PING_URL = "/submit?flag=" + process.env.FLAG; const PORT = 2222; new ssh.Server({ hostKeys: [require("fs").readFileSync("server_host_key")] }, function(client, clientInfo) { function logForClient(...args) { console.log("[" + clientInfo.ip + "/" + clientInfo.port + "]", ...args);
How to use ssh2.Client:
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return err && err.stderr ? err.stderr : "<stderr empty>"; } async connect(connectionInfo) { this.connectionInfo = connectionInfo; this.conn = new Client(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.conn.on("error", (error) => { this.conn.end();
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