How to use the Client function from ssh2
Find comprehensive JavaScript ssh2.Client code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
ssh2.Client is a Node.js module that provides an SSH client implementation for establishing secure shell connections to remote servers.
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return err && err.stderr ? err.stderr : "<stderr empty>"; } async connect(connectionInfo) { this.connectionInfo = connectionInfo; this.conn = new Client(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.conn.on("error", (error) => { this.conn.end();
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this.log.debug('try to read xml files'); if (this.config.ip === '') { this.vcontrold_read(this.config.path + '/vcontrold.xml'); } else { //Create a SSH connection const ssh_session = new Client(); this.log.debug('try to create a ssh session'); ssh_session.connect({ host: this.config.ip, username: this.config.user_name,
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How does ssh2.Client work?
ssh2.Client is a module in Node.js that provides an easy-to-use interface for establishing SSH connections and executing commands on a remote server. It works by creating an SSH client instance that can be configured with connection options and event listeners. Once connected, you can execute commands and transfer files to and from the remote server. The module also supports advanced features such as agent forwarding, tunneling, and compression.
GitHub: ubccr/heorot
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"diffie-hellman-group14-sha1", "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1", ], }, }; var conn = new ssh2_1.Client(); conn .on("ready", function () { socket.emit("clear", true); socket.emit("data", "\r\n Connected to SSH Session: \r\n \r\n");
GitHub: xristos3490/rsync-toolkit
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const chokidar = require("chokidar"); const cliSpinners = require("cli-spinners"); const colors = require("colors"); const figlet = require("figlet"); const ssh2 = require('ssh2'); const SSH = ssh2.Client; /** * Configuration. */
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Ai Example
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const Client = require("ssh2").Client; const conn = new Client(); conn .on("ready", function () { console.log("Client :: ready"); conn.exec("uptime", function (err, stream) { if (err) throw err; stream .on("close", function (code, signal) { console.log( "Stream :: close :: code: " + code + ", signal: " + signal ); conn.end(); }) .on("data", function (data) { console.log("STDOUT: " + data); }) .stderr.on("data", function (data) { console.log("STDERR: " + data); }); }); }) .connect({ host: "", port: 22, username: "username", privateKey: require("fs").readFileSync("/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa"), });
In this example, we create a new ssh2.Client object and connect to an SSH server with the provided credentials. Once the connection is established, we use the exec method to execute the uptime command on the server. We then listen for events on the resulting stream object to capture the output of the command. When the command finishes, we close the connection with conn.end().
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/* * Attempts to connect to a host. */ function connect(nameOrInfo){ var Client = ssh.Client; return getHost(nameOrInfo) .then(host => { return new Promise((success, rej) => {
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ssh2.Client is the most popular function in ssh2 (110 examples)