How to use the get function from stack-trace
Find comprehensive JavaScript stack-trace.get code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
stack-trace.get is a function that captures the call stack at the point where it is called and returns an array of stack frames.
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if(!this.rootPath){ console.log('ATENCIÓN hay que poner be.rootPath antes de llamar a super()'); this.rootPath=Path.resolve(__dirname,'..'); } console.log('rootPath',this.rootPath); var trace = stackTrace.get(); trace.forEach(function(callSite){ var path = callSite.getFileName(); if(path && !path.startsWith('internal/') && !path.startsWith('node:internal/')){ path = Path.dirname(path);
+ 22 other calls in file
GitHub: quintoandar/node-logger
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function getFunctionCaller(func) { return func.caller; } function getFunctionData(func) { const trace = stackTrace.get(func || getFunctionCaller(getFunctionData)); const callerData = trace[0]; const data = { filePath: `${callerData.getFileName()}:${callerData.getLineNumber()}:${callerData.getColumnNumber()}`, };
+ 14 other calls in file
How does stack-trace.get work?
stack-trace.get is a function in Node.js that returns an array of CallSite objects representing the current stack trace. It can be used to introspect the current execution context of a program and diagnose errors or performance issues. The returned CallSite objects contain information about the caller and callee functions, including their names, file locations, and argument values.
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} var processMeta = function (meta) { var callers try { callers = stackTrace.get().slice(2) .filter(c => c.getFileName()) .filter(c => c.getFileName().indexOf('/app/') > -1) .map(caller => `${(caller.getFunctionName() || caller.getMethodName())}@${caller.getFileName()}:${caller.getLineNumber()}`) .join('\n')
+ 22 other calls in file
Ai Example
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const stackTrace = require("stack-trace"); function foo() { bar(); } function bar() { baz(); } function baz() { console.log(stackTrace.get()); } foo();
In this example, stack-trace.get is used to retrieve a stack trace and print it to the console. The get function returns an array of stack frames, where each frame contains information about a function call in the stack. By calling stackTrace.get() inside the baz function and logging the result to the console, we can see the current call stack and the functions that led up to the current point of execution.
stack-trace.parse is the most popular function in stack-trace (81 examples)