How to use the optimize function from svgo
Find comprehensive JavaScript svgo.optimize code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
svgo.optimize is a function provided by the SVGO library that optimizes SVG images by removing unnecessary elements, attributes, and whitespace.
GitHub: cssnano/cssnano
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// normalize all escaped quote characters from svg attributes // from <svg attr=\"value\"... /> to <svg attr="value"... /> // see: svg = svg.replace(escapedQuotes, '$1="$2"'); const result = optimize(svg, opts); return { result: /** @type {import('svgo').Output}*/ (result).data, isUriEncoded,
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/** @type {import("svgo").Output} */ let result; try { result = optimize(, encodeOptions); } catch (error) { const originalError = error instanceof Error ? error : new Error(/** @type {string} */ (error)); const newError = new Error(
+ 3 other calls in file
How does svgo.optimize work?
svgo.optimize is a function provided by the SVGO library that optimizes SVG images by removing unnecessary elements, attributes, and whitespace. When you call svgo.optimize, you provide an SVG file or string and a configuration object that specifies the options for optimization. The configuration object can include various options such as whether to remove metadata, comments, or empty groups, and whether to inline or remove certain styles and attributes. You can also specify custom plugins to perform additional optimizations or customizations. When optimizing an SVG file or string, svgo.optimize parses the input using an SVG parser, then applies a series of optimizations to the resulting DOM tree. These optimizations can include removing unused elements, optimizing attributes, and removing whitespace. After the optimizations are applied, the resulting SVG is serialized back to a string and returned as the result of the svgo.optimize function. Depending on the configuration options used, the resulting SVG may be significantly smaller and faster to load than the original file. Overall, svgo.optimize provides a powerful and customizable tool for optimizing SVG images, allowing you to improve the performance and efficiency of your web applications.
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for (const file of files) { if (!file.endsWith(".svg")) continue; const key = path.basename(file, ".svg"); const contents = fs.readFileSync(path.join(subfolder, file), "utf8"); const result = await optimize(contents, { multipass: true, plugins: ["preset-default", "inlineStyles"], });
GitHub: AlaskaAirlines/Icons
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icon.svg = [icon.svg.slice(0, insertPos), `xmlns:xlink="${icon.xmlns_xlink}" `, icon.svg.slice(insertPos)].join(''); icon.svg = [icon.svg.slice(0, insertPos), `viewBox="${icon.viewBox}" `, icon.svg.slice(insertPos)].join(''); icon.svg = [icon.svg.slice(0, insertPos), ` `, icon.svg.slice(insertPos)].join(''); //optimize SVG icon.svg = optimize(icon.svg, { plugins: [ { name: 'preset-default', params: {
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Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs"); const SVGO = require("svgo"); // Read the SVG file const input = fs.readFileSync("example.svg", "utf8"); // Create an SVGO instance with custom configuration const svgo = new SVGO({ plugins: [ { name: "removeDoctype", active: true }, { name: "removeComments", active: true }, { name: "removeViewBox", active: false }, ], }); // Optimize the SVG file svgo.optimize(input).then((result) => { // Write the optimized SVG to a new file fs.writeFileSync("example-optimized.svg",; });
In this example, an SVG file named example.svg is read using fs.readFileSync. An SVGO instance is then created with a custom configuration that specifies various plugins to use for optimization. The plugins array in the configuration object includes options for removeDoctype, removeComments, and removeViewBox. These plugins remove the DOCTYPE declaration, comments, and viewBox attribute from the SVG, respectively. svgo.optimize is then called on the input SVG, and the resulting optimized SVG is written to a new file using fs.writeFileSync. Note that svgo.optimize can be used with various configuration options and plugins to perform different types of optimization on SVG files, allowing you to customize the optimization process to meet the specific needs of your application.
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occurrence = uniqueFileNames[variableName] + 1; variableNameKey = `${variableName}${occurrence}`; } let svgString = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); svgString = svgo.optimize(svgString, svgoSettings(attributes)); // Add name and data uniqueFileNames[variableName] = occurrence;
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GitHub: iliana/
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// SVG icon loader, with svgo. this should be async but you can't use async shortcodes in macros eleventyConfig.addNunjucksShortcode("svg", (svgPath, fillCurrent, className) => { const realPath = svgPath.includes("/") ? path.join(__dirname, "node_modules", svgPath) : path.join(__dirname, "content", "_includes", svgPath); return optimize(fs.readFileSync(realPath, "utf8"), { plugins: [ { name: "preset-default" }, { name: "removeAttrs",
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} if (src.slice(-3) === 'svg') { const inlineSvgHTML = await fetch(src).then(res => res.text()) const optimizedSvg = optimize(inlineSvgHTML, { plugins: ["removeDimensions"] }) return;
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try { filecnt = await fs.readFile(filepath); } catch (ex) { continue; } const svg = svgo.optimize(filecnt, { plugins: [ "removeTitle", "removeXMLProcInst", "removeDoctype",
+ 4 other calls in file
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} break; case '.svg': const input = readFileSync(absoluteSource, 'utf-8'); const result = optimize(input, { path: source, ...svgOptions, }); if (result.error) throw new Error(result.error);
svgo.optimize is the most popular function in svgo (108 examples)