How to use the cleanup function from temp
Find comprehensive JavaScript temp.cleanup code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
temp.cleanup removes all the temporary files and directories created by temp.
GitHub: blckhodl/fungit
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jsonResultOrFailProm(res, gitPromise(req.body.command, req.body.path)).then( emitWorkingTreeChanged.bind(null, req.body.path) ); });`${exports.pathPrefix}/testing/cleanup`, (req, res) => { temp.cleanup((err, cleaned) => {'Cleaned up: ' + JSON.stringify(cleaned)); res.json({ result: cleaned }); }); });
+ 5 other calls in file
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editorElement = atom.views.getView(editor); }); }); afterEach(() => { temp.cleanup(); }); describe('When git-diff targets a file in a nested git-repository', () => { /***
How does temp.cleanup work?
temp.cleanup is a function provided by the temp module in Node.js that deletes all temporary files and directories created by the temp module, based on their age or the number of files that have been created. When called, temp.cleanup iterates over all the temporary files and directories created by temp module and removes them if they match the criteria specified by the user. It returns a promise that resolves when all the files and directories have been removed. By default, temp.cleanup removes all files and directories that are more than 1 hour old or if there are more than 100 files created in the temporary directory. However, the behavior of temp.cleanup can be customized by passing options such as the age of the files to remove, or a filter function to remove only certain files.
Ai Example
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const temp = require("temp"); // Create a temporary file const path = temp.path({ prefix: "myPrefix-" }); // Use the temporary file // ... // Clean up the temporary file temp.cleanup((err, stats) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else { console.log("Temporary file deleted:", stats); } });
In this example, temp.path() is used to create a temporary file with a given prefix. The file can then be used as needed. Finally, temp.cleanup() is called to delete the temporary file. When temp.cleanup() is called, it takes a callback function as an argument that will be called when the cleanup is complete. If there was an error during cleanup, the error object will be passed to the callback function, otherwise, the second argument will be a fs.Stats object containing information about the deleted file.
temp.mkdirSync is the most popular function in temp (129 examples)