How to use the path function from temp
Find comprehensive JavaScript temp.path code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
temp.path is a method that generates a unique file path within a temporary directory.
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const { runReadmeGenerator } = require('../index.js'); test('Check basic functionality. First execution', () => { // Create empty temp file with 'Parameters' section let tempFile = temp.path({ prefix: 'readme-generator'}); let parametersHeader = "# Example\r\n\n## Parameters"; fs.writeFileSync(tempFile, parametersHeader); // Run readme generator with the test files const options = {
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await expectHelloWorldUpload(input, options) }) it('should accept fs.ReadStream', async () => { // Create a temporary file const path = temp.path() fs.writeFileSync(path, 'hello world') const file = fs.createReadStream(path) const options = {
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How does temp.path work?
temp.path is a method from the temp module in Node.js that generates a unique temporary file path, which can be used as a location to store temporary files, caches or other data that should not be persisted after the program execution. It creates a file with a unique name and extension inside the system's temporary directory and returns its full path as a string. The file created by temp.path is not automatically deleted and should be manually deleted when it is no longer needed.
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expect(; }); describe('when multiple grammars have matching fileTypes', () => { it('selects the grammar with the longest fileType match', () => { const grammarPath1 = temp.path({ suffix: '.json' }); fs.writeFileSync( grammarPath1, JSON.stringify({ name: 'test1',
GitHub: transloadit/node-sdk
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steps: { resize: resizeOriginalStep, }, }, files: { original: temp.path({ suffix: '.transloadit.jpg' }), // Non-existing path }, } const promise = createAssembly(client, params)
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Ai Example
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const temp = require("temp"); const fs = require("fs"); // Create a temporary file path const filePath = temp.path({ suffix: ".txt" }); // Write some content to the temporary file fs.writeFileSync(filePath, "Hello, world!"); // Read the contents of the temporary file const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8"); console.log(fileContent); // Output: "Hello, world!"
In this example, we require the temp and fs modules, and then use temp.path to generate a temporary file path with a .txt suffix. We then use fs.writeFileSync to write the string 'Hello, world!' to the temporary file, and fs.readFileSync to read the file's contents back into memory. Finally, we log the contents of the file to the console.
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}); describe('fs.copyFile', function () { it('copies a normal file', function (done) { const p = path.join(asarDir, 'a.asar', 'file1'); const dest = temp.path(); fs.copyFile(p, dest, function (err) { try { expect(err); expect(fs.readFileSync(p).equals(fs.readFileSync(dest)));
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// saveToFile // Since saveToFile uses createReadStream, this tests that function also Tinytest.addAsync('cfs-data - server - saveToFile', function(test, onComplete) { var total = 12, done = 0; function testSave(dataInstance) { var tempName = temp.path({suffix: '.txt'}); dataInstance.saveToFile(tempName, function (error) { test.isFalse(!!error); test.equal(fs.readFileSync(tempName, {encoding: 'utf8'}), 'Hello World', 'file was not saved with correct data'); done++;
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GitHub: MomsFriendlyDevCo/O
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return Promise.resolve() .then(()=> { if (!settings.blocking) { return; } else { var tempFile = temp.path({prefix: 'o.', suffix: '.json'}); o.log(3, 'Using blocking temporary file', tempFile); return Promise.resolve() .then(()=> o.on('close', ()=> fs.promises.unlink(tempFile))) // Clean up the tempFile when we exit .then(()=> o.emit('collectionFile', tempFile))
GitHub: kildegaard/fcen
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}); }); } function writeTmpFile(csv) { tmpPath = temp.path({ suffix: '.csv' }); Fs.writeFileSync(tmpPath, csv, 'utf8'); return tmpPath; }
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temp.mkdirSync is the most popular function in temp (129 examples)