How to use the obj function from through2
Find comprehensive JavaScript through2.obj code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
through2.obj is a method in the through2 module of Node.js that creates a stream which passes data through a function that operates on the data, returning a new stream of transformed data.
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exports.stringify = jsonStream.stringify.bind(jsonStream); exports.stringify.obj = jsonStream.stringifyObject = function (options) { options = options || {}; return through.obj(function (chunk, enc, done) { done(null, JSON.stringify(chunk, null,; }); }
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GitHub: nuxeo/nuxeo-web-ui
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exports.parse = jsonStream.parse.bind(jsonStream); exports.stringify = jsonStream.stringify.bind(jsonStream); exports.stringify.obj = jsonStream.stringifyObject = (options) => { options = options || {}; return through.obj((chunk, enc, done) => { done(null, JSON.stringify(chunk, null,; }); }; exports.validate = isStream;
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How does through2.obj work?
is a function in the through2
library that creates a stream transform object, which means it can be used as a readable and writable stream that transforms data in-between, while also being an object with methods for controlling the stream flow. The .obj
version creates a stream that expects and returns objects, rather than just raw data.
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fitGTFS: function (osmExtract, src, dst) { return run('gtfs_shape_mapfit/fit_gtfs.bash', osmExtract, src, dst) }, fitGTFSTask: (configs) => { return through.obj(function (file, encoding, callback) { const gtfsFile = file.history[file.history.length - 1] const fileName = gtfsFile.split('/').pop() const relativeFilename = path.relative(process.cwd(), gtfsFile) const id = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf('-gtfs'))
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/** * Make router data ready for inclusion in data container. */ module.exports = function (configs) { const stream = through.obj() configs.forEach(config => { stream.push(createFile(config, 'build-config.json', `${routerDir(config)}/build-config.json`)) stream.push(createFile(config, 'otp-config.json', `${routerDir(config)}/otp-config.json`))
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Ai Example
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const through = require("through2"); const stream = through.obj(function (obj, enc, next) { // transform the object in some way obj.prop = obj.prop.toUpperCase(); // push the transformed object downstream this.push(obj); // call the callback to signal that we're done processing this object next(); }); // write some objects to the stream stream.write({ prop: "foo" }); stream.write({ prop: "bar" }); // signal that we're done writing to the stream stream.end(); // consume the transformed objects from the stream stream.on("data", function (obj) { console.log(obj); // { prop: 'FOO' }, then { prop: 'BAR' } });
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* Download external data (gtfs, osm) resources. */ module.exports = function (entries) { let downloadCount = 0 var stream = through.obj() const incProcessed = () => { downloadCount += 1 if (downloadCount !== entries.length) {
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function plugin(options = {}){ var selector = options.selector || 'img[src]'; var attribute = options.attribute || 'src'; return through.obj(function(file, encoding, callback){ if(file.isStream()){ this.emit('error', new util.PluginError(PLUGIN_NAME, 'Streams are not supported!')); return callback(); }
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let es = require('event-stream'); let through2 = require('through2'); // simple callback stream used to synchronize stuff function synchro(done) { return through2.obj(function (data, enc, cb) { cb(); }, function (cb) { cb(); done(); }); } var igConfig = require('./gulp-config.js')
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GitHub: Dima0dev/MetamaskFork
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}; const { events } = buildConfiguration; events.on('configurePipeline', ({ pipeline }) => { pipeline.get('minify').push( // this is the "gulp-terser-js" wrapper around the latest version of terser through.obj( callbackify(async (file, _enc) => { const input = { [file.sourceMap.file]: file.contents.toString(), };
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* * @returns {Stream} caches files that match INLINE_EXTS */ exports.create = function (api) { var cache = {}; var stream = through2.obj(undefined, function (file, enc, cb) { var ext = file.extname; if (!INLINE_EXTS[ext] || file.inline === false) { // do not inline this.push(file);
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exports.File = ResourceFile; exports.getDirectories = require('./directories').get; exports.getMetadata = require('./metadata').get; exports.createFileStream = function (api, app, config, outputDirectory, directories) { var stream = through2.obj(undefined); var statCache = {}; Promise.resolve(directories || exports.getDirectories(api, app, config)) .map(function (directory) { var files = directory.files && Promise.resolve(directory.files)
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* later in the build pipe */ module.exports = function createFileStream(api, app, config, opts) { var blockingEnd = []; var stream = through2.obj(undefined, opts.onFile && onFile, onFinish); return stream;
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} callback(); } return through.obj(minify); };
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var through = require('through2') var ndjson = require('ndjson') var each = require('./') tape('each', function (t) { var s = through.obj() s.write('a') s.write('b') s.write('c') s.end()
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GitHub: mozilla/pdf.js
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LIB: false, IMAGE_DECODERS: false, }); function transform(charEncoding, transformFunction) { return through.obj(function (vinylFile, enc, done) { const transformedFile = vinylFile.clone(); transformedFile.contents = Buffer.from( transformFunction(transformedFile.contents), charEncoding
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return escodegen.generate(rootProgram, {comment: true}); } module.exports = function() { return through.obj(function(file, enc, cb) { if (file.isBuffer()) { file.contents = new Buffer(uniffe(file.contents.toString(enc)), enc); }
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buffer = lines[lines.length - 1]; callback(); }) ) .pipe( through2.obj(function(data, enc, callback) { // This is JSONL, so each line is a separate JSON object const obj = JSON.parse(data); context.symbolicateAttribution(obj); this.push(JSON.stringify(obj) + "\n");
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done() } _outStream () { const self = this return Through.obj(transform) function transform (message, _, callback) { message.from = this.push(message)
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GitHub: bbeckacharya/hehehaha
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}; const flush = function(cb) { cb(); }; return through.obj(transform, flush); } const addFrontmatterLine = (name, value, file) => { const chunk = String(file.contents);
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(Array.isArray(reporter) ? reporter : [reporter]).forEach(function (el) { miniJasmineLib.addReporter(el); }); } return through.obj(function (file, enc, cb) { if (file.isNull()) { cb(null, file); return; }
through2.obj is the most popular function in through2 (203 examples)