How to use the createNodeArray function from typescript
Find comprehensive JavaScript typescript.createNodeArray code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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const nonAugmentations = node.statements.filter((s) => !isGlobalAugmentation(s)); // If there is no top level await, don't move all the statements around const hasTLA = node.statements.some(s => ts.isExpressionStatement(s) && s.expression.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.AwaitExpression); // Move all statements to the top of the file that cannot appear in a function body let hoistedStatements = hasTLA ? ts.createNodeArray(nonAugmentations.filter((s) => mustBeHoisted(s, isGlobal))) : ts.createNodeArray(nonAugmentations); // The rest gets wrapped const wrappedStatements = hasTLA ? nonAugmentations.filter(s => !mustBeHoisted(s, isGlobal)) : [];
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? visitComponentMetadata(node, styleReplacements, directTemplateLoading, resourceImportDeclarations, moduleKind) : node); // replace properties with updated properties if (styleReplacements.length > 0) { const styleProperty = ts.createPropertyAssignment(ts.createIdentifier('styles'), ts.createArrayLiteral(styleReplacements)); properties = ts.createNodeArray([, styleProperty]); } return ts.updateDecorator(node, ts.updateCall(decoratorFactory, decoratorFactory.expression, decoratorFactory.typeArguments, [ ts.updateObjectLiteral(objectExpression, properties), ]));
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exports.isAngularLifecycleMethod = function (value) { return exports.ANGULAR_LIFECYCLE_METHODS.has(value); }; exports.getDeclaredInterfaces = function (node) { var heritageClause = typescript_1.createNodeArray(node.heritageClauses).find(function (h) { return h.token === typescript_1.SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword; }); return heritageClause ? heritageClause.types : typescript_1.createNodeArray([]); }; exports.getDeclaredInterfaceNames = function (node) { return exports.getDeclaredInterfaces(node).map(exports.getSymbolName); }; exports.getDeclaredInterfaceName = function (node, value) { return exports.getDeclaredInterfaceNames(node).find(function (interfaceName) { return interfaceName === value; });
+ 3 other calls in file
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var callbackHandler = function (walkContext, node) { if (isDeclarationLike(node)) validateDeclaration(walkContext, node); }; var getClassDecoratorName = function (klass) { return typescript_1.createNodeArray(klass.decorators) .map(utils_2.getDecoratorName) .filter(isNotNullOrUndefined_1.isNotNullOrUndefined) .find(utils_2.isAngularClassDecorator); };
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if (utils_2.isSameLine(walkContext.sourceFile, firstDecoratorStartPos, declarationStartPos)) return; walkContext.addFailureAt(firstDecoratorStartPos, declaration.getWidth(), Rule.FAILURE_STRING); }; var validateDeclaration = function (walkContext, declaration, optionKey) { validateDecorators(walkContext, typescript_1.createNodeArray(declaration.decorators), declaration, optionKey); }; var validateGetAccessorDeclaration = function (walkContext, node) { validateDeclaration(walkContext, node, OPTION_GETTERS); };
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updatedStatements[uIndex] = result; } } // if changes, return updated statements // otherwise, return original array instance return updatedStatements ? ts.createNodeArray(updatedStatements) : statements; } // TS 2.3 enums have statements that are inside a IIFE. function findEnumIife(name, statement) { if (!ts.isExpressionStatement(statement)) {
typescript.SyntaxKind is the most popular function in typescript (82777 examples)