How to use the isFunctionExpression function from typescript
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typescript.isFunctionExpression is a function that checks whether a given AST node is a function expression or not.
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return false } } const isArrowFunction = ts.isArrowFunction(node) const isFunctionExpression = ts.isFunctionExpression(node) // const isFunctionLike = ts.isFunctionLike(node) const isVariFunctionNode = isVariableFunction(node) if (isVariFunctionNode !== false) {
+ 3 other calls in file
How does typescript.isFunctionExpression work?
typescript.isFunctionExpression is a function provided by the TypeScript compiler API that checks whether a given node is a function expression node. In more detail, it takes a TypeScript Node object as input and returns a boolean value indicating whether the node represents a function expression. A function expression is a syntactic construct in JavaScript that defines an anonymous function and returns it as a value, which can be assigned to a variable or passed as an argument to another function. typescript.isFunctionExpression checks if the given node has a type of SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression, which represents a function expression node in the TypeScript abstract syntax tree.
Ai Example
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import ts from "typescript"; const code = "const sum = (a, b) => a + b;"; const sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile( "sample.ts", code, ts.ScriptTarget.ES2020, true ); ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, (node) => { if ( ts.isVariableDeclaration(node) && ts.isFunctionExpression(node.initializer) ) { console.log("This is a variable declaration with a function expression"); } });
In this example, the typescript.isFunctionExpression function is used to check if a given node is a function expression. The ts.isVariableDeclaration function is used to check if the node is a variable declaration, and the ts.isFunctionExpression function is used to check if the initializer of the variable declaration is a function expression. If both conditions are true, the console will log "This is a variable declaration with a function expression".
typescript.SyntaxKind is the most popular function in typescript (82777 examples)