How to use the isPropertyAccessExpression function from typescript
Find comprehensive JavaScript typescript.isPropertyAccessExpression code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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function logTransformer(context) { return (sourceFile) => { function visit(node) { if ( ts.isCallExpression(node) && ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(node.expression) && === "log" ) { const logFunc = ts.factory.createStringLiteralFromNode( ts.factory.createStringLiteral('myLog')
+ 18 other calls in file
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exports.getInjectableDecorator = function (node) { return exports.getDecorator(node, 'Injectable'); }; exports.getNgModuleDecorator = function (node) { return exports.getDecorator(node, 'NgModule'); }; exports.getPipeDecorator = function (node) { return exports.getDecorator(node, 'Pipe'); }; exports.getSymbolName = function (expression) { var childExpression = expression.expression; return typescript_1.isPropertyAccessExpression(childExpression) ? : childExpression.getText(); }; exports.isAngularClassDecorator = function (value) { return exports.ANGULAR_CLASS_DECORATORS.has(value); };
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} else if (ts.isBinaryExpression(expression)) { const node = ts.isBinaryExpression(expression.left) ? expression.left.left : expression.left; const leftExpression = ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(node) || ts.isElementAccessExpression(node) // Static Properties // Ex: = 'value'; // ENUM Property // Ex: ChangeDetectionStrategy[ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default] = "Default"; ? node.expression // Ex: FooClass = __decorate([Component()], FooClass);
+ 3 other calls in file
typescript.SyntaxKind is the most popular function in typescript (82777 examples)