How to use the minify function from uglify-es
Find comprehensive JavaScript uglify-es.minify code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
uglify-es.minify is a tool that minifies JavaScript code, reducing its size by removing unnecessary characters such as whitespace and comments.
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const jszip = require('jszip'); let compressCode = function (jsFile, isMin) { if (fs.existsSync(jsFile)) { let data = fs.readFileSync(jsFile, 'utf-8'); let result = uglifyES.minify(data, { compress: { dead_code: true,// 移除未使用的code drop_console: true,//丢弃console代码,默认false drop_debugger: true,//丢弃debugger代码,默认true
GitHub: lazyperson/wxappUnpacker
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const UglifyJS = require("uglify-es"); const {js_beautify} = require("js-beautify"); const {VM} = require('vm2'); function jsBeautify(code) { return UglifyJS.minify(code, {mangle: false, compress: false, output: {beautify: true, comments: true}}).code; } function splitJs(name, cb, mainDir) { let isSubPkg = mainDir && mainDir.length > 0;
How does uglify-es.minify work?
uglify-es.minify is a function provided by the UglifyJS library that minifies JavaScript code. Minification involves analyzing the structure of the code and removing any unnecessary characters that do not affect its functionality. This can include removing comments, whitespace, and unnecessary semicolons, as well as renaming variables and functions to shorter names. The uglify-es.minify function takes an object as its argument, with the following properties: code: the JavaScript code to be minified. compress: an object that specifies the compression options to use when minifying the code. mangle: an object that specifies the mangling options to use when minifying the code. output: an object that specifies the output options to use when generating the minified code. The compress and mangle options control how the code is compressed and obfuscated, respectively. The output option controls the formatting of the minified code, such as whether to include semicolons or line breaks. When uglify-es.minify is called with the appropriate options, it returns an object with the following properties: code: the minified JavaScript code. map: a source map object that maps the minified code back to the original source code. Developers can use uglify-es.minify to reduce the size of their JavaScript code, which can improve the performance of their applications by reducing the amount of data that needs to be transferred over the network. Overall, uglify-es.minify is a powerful tool for optimizing JavaScript code, making it a valuable resource for web developers.
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let deployBlock; if(typeof code === 'string') { let wallet = await this.accountManager.getAccountAsync(accountName); code = uglifyJs.minify(code).code; deployBlock = new EcmaContractDeployBlock(code, { randomSeed:, 10000), from:, resourceRent: String(resourceRent),
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return new CleanCSS({}).minify(code).styles; }); // Minify JS eleventyConfig.addFilter("jsmin", function(code) { let minified = UglifyJS.minify(code); if (minified.error) { console.log("UglifyJS error: ", minified.error); return code; }
Ai Example
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const UglifyJS = require("uglify-es"); const code = ` function addNumbers(a, b) { return a + b; } console.log(addNumbers(1, 2)); `; const options = {}; const result = UglifyJS.minify(code, options); console.log(result.code);
In this example, we first import the uglify-es library and define a block of JavaScript code that we want to minify. We then define an empty options object, which we will use to configure the minification process. We then call the UglifyJS.minify function with code and options as arguments. This generates a minified version of the code, which is returned in the code property of the result object. Finally, we log the resulting minified code to the console using console.log(result.code). When this code runs, it will print the following minified code to the console: javascript Copy code
GitHub: jackpopp/bundler
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return `${generatedCode}\n${initaliser}`; } function compress(code) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { return UglifyJS.minify(iifeTemplate(code)).code; } return code; }
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if (ref && ref.filename && ref.source) { scripts[ref.filename] = ref.source; } }); const minified = uglify.minify(scripts, { sourceMap: { filename: data.filename, url: `${String(data.filename).split(/[/\\]/).pop()}.map`, includeSources: true,
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GitHub: Vanilagy/Sarcina
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// Override the options with user-specified ones, if specified if (bundlerOptions.uglifyOptionsOverride) { Object.assign(uglifyOptions, bundlerOptions.uglifyOptionsOverride); } let minification = uglify.minify(code, uglifyOptions); if (minification.error) throw new Error(minification.error); else code = minification.code; }
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const value = configValues[field]; switch (field) { case 'script': if (value) { const minifiedScript = uglifyEs.minify(value); if (minifiedScript.error) { throw new Error(`Error while minifying script: ${minifiedScript.error.message}`); }
+ 417 other calls in file
GitHub: zmeditation/wbid
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modules = modules.reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []); let bundle = await nodeBundle(modules); if (typeOfConfig === 'prebid') { let config = await getPrebidConfig(payload); let uglified = UglifyJS.minify(config); if (uglified['error'] === undefined) { bundle += uglified['code']; } else { console.error(uglified['error']);
+ 2 other calls in file
GitHub: zmeditation/wbid
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const {googleTag} = creativeResult; payload.googleTag = googleTag; } if (dev !== "true") { let uglyOptions = {keep_fnames: true}; let uglifiedCreative = UglifyJS.minify(creative, uglyOptions); if (uglifiedCreative['error'] === undefined) { payload.creative = uglifiedCreative['code']; } else { console.error(uglifiedCreative['error']);
GitHub: skylarknode/skynode
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} scripts[ref.filename] = ref.source; }); var minified = uglify.minify(scripts, { sourceMap: { filename: data.filename, url: String(data.filename).split(/[/\\]/).pop() + '.map', includeSources: true,
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function minify( inputCode, inputMap, options) { const result = uglify.minify(inputCode, { mangle: { toplevel: false, reserved: options.reserved, keep_classnames: true,
uglify-es.minify is the most popular function in uglify-es (4602 examples)