How to use the minify function from uglify-js
Find comprehensive JavaScript uglify-js.minify code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The uglify-js.minify function is used to compress and optimize JavaScript code.
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dash = "loadNgModules(" + templatePathArr[count] + " , " + controllerPathArr[count] + ", true)" count++ return dash })) } else { pluginContent = uglifyjs.minify(pluginContent) } if (manifest.renderer.dependencies) { manifest.renderer.dependencies.forEach(function (obj, i) {
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payload += fs.readFileSync('./src/js/main.js') ejs.renderFile('./src/tpl/mainjs.ejs',{payload: payload}, function(err, str) { if (err !== null) { console.log(err) } let res = uglify.minify(str) if (res.error !== undefined) { console.log('uglify', res.error) } fs.writeFileSync(outputPath+"/main.js", res.code)
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How does uglify-js.minify work?
uglify-js.minify is a JavaScript minifier that reduces the size of JavaScript files by removing unnecessary characters such as whitespace, comments, and renaming variables with shorter names without affecting functionality. It uses a process called abstract syntax tree (AST) parsing to modify the code before it is compressed.
GitHub: mi-g/express-ads-demo
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if(--tasksCount == 0) { var cacheFile = "public/"+type+"/cache-"+hash+"."+type; var code=fileBodies.join("\n"); if(type=="js") { if(config.minifyScripts) code = uglify.minify(code,{fromString:true}).code; } else if(type=="css") { if(config.minifyStyles) code = new ccss({ processImport: false,
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destPath = undefined; } if (!destPath) { destPath = srcPath.replace(/(?=\.js$)/, '.min'); } const output = uglify.minify(srcPath, _.defaults(options || {}, uglifyOptions)); fs.writeFile(destPath, output.code, 'utf-8', callback); } module.exports = minify;
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Ai Example
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const UglifyJS = require("uglify-js"); const code = "function add(a, b) { return a + b; }"; const options = { compress: true, mangle: true }; const minified = UglifyJS.minify(code, options); console.log(minified.code); // "function add(n,d){return n+d}"
In this example, UglifyJS.minify() is used to minify the code string using the given options. The resulting minified object contains the minified code in its code property, which is then logged to the console.
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dash = 'loadNgModules(' + templatePathArr[count] + ' , ' + controllerPathArr[count] + ', true)' count++; return dash; })) } else { pluginContent = uglifyjs.minify(pluginContent); } if (manifest.editor.dependencies) { manifest.editor.dependencies.forEach(function(obj, i) {
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GitHub: Blitzo56/Greatwhiterhead
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); const minify = (fileName, newFileName) => { const minified = UglifyJS.minify(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, './client', fileName), 'utf8')); if (minified.error) { throw minified.error; } fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, './client', newFileName), minified.code, 'utf8');
GitHub: 8borane8/slick
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let code = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../../../${req.url}`, "utf-8"); if(loadedMinify.has(req.url)){ code = loadedMinify.get(req.url); } else{ if(req.url.endsWith(".js")){ code = isDevMod ? code : uglifyjs.minify(code, { mangle: { keep_fnames: true } }).code; if(!Object.keys(req.query).includes("required")){
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const unpackerUMD = code.replace("%", `exports.Unpacker = ${unpackerSliced}`); const allUMD = code.replace("%", `exports.Packer = ${packerSliced}; exports.Unpacker = ${unpackerSliced}`); mkdirSync("./umd", { recursive: true }); writeFileSync("./umd/packer.min.js", uglify.minify(packerUMD).code); writeFileSync("./umd/unpacker.min.js", uglify.minify(unpackerUMD).code); writeFileSync(`./umd/${packageName.toLowerCase()}.min.js`, uglify.minify(allUMD).code);
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tim("navscript"); //navigation handler import nav = dom.window.document.createElement("script"); let njs = fs.readFileSync(__dirname+"/nav.js", "utf-8"); if(config.minifyJS){ njs = UglifyJS.minify(njs); if(njs.error != undefined){ throw njs.error; } njs=njs.code;
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drop_debugger, drop_console } }; const result = UglifyJS.minify(conversion, { ...uglifyOptions }); if (
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GitHub: talib55/ningmeng
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if (debug) { log(`\n\n【debug】===============这是 返回result==============`); log(data) } if(result.success == true){ token = uglifyjs.minify(result.token).code token = eval(uglifyjs.minify('window={};'+token).code) token = eval(key) log('token:'+token)
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} let reservedVars = _.range(1, 64).map(x => encodeBijective(BigInt(x), '_$')) function encodeExpression(expr) { let code = uglify.minify(String(expr), { mangle: {reserved: reservedVars}, compress: {reduce_funcs: true}, }).code
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var code = result.code.replace( /(sweetAlert.*?).version = ''/, `$1.version = '${pack.version}'` ) if (options.minify) { code = uglify.minify(code).code } return write(options.dest, code) }) })
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let result = JSON.parse(data); if (debug) { log(`\n\n【debug】===============这是 返回result==============`); log(data) } Tokens = uglifyjs.minify( } catch (e) {
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name: 'Worker Loader', baseDataPath: 'options' }); //丑化代码 if (options.uglify) { source = _uglify.minify(source, { mangle: { toplevel: true, }, nameCache: {}
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(value.parse || (value.parse = {})).bare_returns = false; options.minifyJS = function(text, inline) { var start = text.match(/^\s*<!--.*/); var code = start ? text.slice(start[0].length).replace(/\n\s*-->\s*$/, '') : text; value.parse.bare_returns = inline; var result = UglifyJS.minify(code, value); if (result.error) { options.log(result.error); return text; }
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} ` fs.writeFileSync("./VS Code Extension/overpy.js", overpyCode); var minifiedCode = UglifyJS.minify(overpyCode).code; fs.writeFileSync("./VS Code Extension/overpy.min.js", minifiedCode); //fs.writeFileSync("./bot/overpy.js", overpyCode);
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} function uglifyCode(code) { return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ try { const result = UglifyJS.minify(code, { output: { ascii_only:true },
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* * @param {*} script * @param {*} sourceMap */ function obfuscate(script, sourceMap) { return uglify.minify(script, { nameCache: null, // or specify a name cache object toplevel: false, ie8: false, warnings: false,
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for (let lang of LANGUAGES) { for (let srcRelativePath of srcRelativePathList) { let srcAbsolutePath = path.resolve(projectDir, srcRelativePath); let content = fs.readFileSync(srcAbsolutePath, 'utf8'); let result = uglify.minify(content); if (result.error) { console.log(; console.error(result.error); process.exit(1);
uglify-js.minify is the most popular function in uglify-js (2700 examples)