How to use the camelize function from underscore.string
Find comprehensive JavaScript underscore.string.camelize code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
Underscore.string.camelize is a JavaScript function that converts a string to camel case format by removing spaces and replacing them with capital letters on the following words.
GitHub: guyoung/CaptfEncoder
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/** * 将下划线或者中划线字符转换成 camelized * @param str */ function camelize(str) { return _s.camelize(str); } /** * 将camelized 或者中划线转化成下划线
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reverse: defaultFunction("reverse"), decapitalize: defaultFunction("decapitalize"), capitalize: defaultFunction("capitalize"), sentence: defaultFunction("capitalize", true), camelize: (str) => _string.camelize(str.match(/[a-z]/) ? str : str.toLowerCase()), slugify: slugify, swapCase: defaultFunction("swapCase"), snake: (str) => _string
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How does underscore.string.camelize work?
Underscore.string.camelize works by converting a string to camel case format, which is a convention for writing variable names in which the first word is lowercase and subsequent words are capitalized, with no spaces between words. The function takes a string as input and replaces any spaces, dashes, or underscores with empty strings, while capitalizing the first letter of each subsequent word. This creates a new string that is formatted in camel case. Underscore.string.camelize can be useful in situations where it is necessary to convert a string to a specific naming convention, such as when parsing data from an external source or when generating code from a template. By standardizing the naming convention, this can help to simplify code and make it more consistent and easier to read.
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s.rjust = s.lpad; s.ljust = s.rpad; s.contains = s.include; s.q = s.quote; s.toBool = s.toBoolean; s.camelcase = s.camelize; s.mapChars =; // Implement chaining
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exports.titleize = function(value, options, callback){ callback(null, str.titleize(String(value))); }; exports.camelize = function(value, options, callback){ callback(null, str.camelize(String(value))); }; exports.classify = function(value, options, callback){ callback(null, str.classify(String(value)));
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Ai Example
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const _ = require("underscore.string"); // Define a string to convert to camel case const originalString = "this_is-a_string"; // Convert the string to camel case format const camelCaseString = _.camelize(originalString); // Output the result to the console console.log(`Original string: ${originalString}`); console.log(`Camel case string: ${camelCaseString}`);
In this example, we use underscore.string.camelize() to convert a string (originalString) to camel case format. The function replaces the underscore and dash characters with empty strings and capitalizes the first letter of each subsequent word, creating a new string that is formatted in camel case. We output both the original string and the camel case string to the console. In this case, the original string is this_is-a_string, and the camel case string is thisIsAString.
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this.props = answers; });; } writing() { let field_name_php_camel_case = s.camelize(this.props.project_name); let field_name_class_php = s.classify(field_name_php_camel_case) + '_Field'; this.registerTransformStream([ rename((path) => {
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key: "render", value: function render() { var subject = this.props.subject; var answerProps = { answer: subject, className: s.camelize(subject.question().formControl) }; switch (subject.question().formControl) { case 'checkbox':
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const babel = or('babel'); const updateNotifier = or('updateNotifier'); const tpl = { repoName: props.repoName, camelModuleName: _s.camelize(props.repoName), moduleDescription: props.moduleDescription, githubUsername: props.githubUsername, name:, email:,
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</div>`; }, dasherize: (str) => dasherize(str), camelize: (str) => camelize(str, true), link(str, locals) { if (!locals.href) { throw new Error('externalLink is missing href attribute');
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const repoName = utils.repoName(props.moduleName); const tpl = { moduleName: props.moduleName, moduleDescription: props.moduleDescription, camelModuleName: _s.camelize(repoName), githubUsername: || props.githubUsername, repoName, name:, email:,
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GitHub: jboothe/ngMorrisJs
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]) .pipe($.sourcemaps.init()) .pipe($.if(isProd, htmlFilter)) .pipe($.if(isProd, $.ngHtml2js({ // lower camel case all app names moduleName: _.camelize(_.slugify(_.humanize(require('../package.json').name))), declareModule: false }))) .pipe($.if(isProd, htmlFilter.restore)) .pipe(jsFilter)
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} // If we have filesystem separators, use them to build the full path let pathArray = path.split('/'); // Build the full components name return => { return _.camelize(_.slugify(_.humanize(path))); }).join('/') + _.capitalize(suffix); }; /**
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function transformName(name) { var nameMatch = name.match(/^([-_]*)(.*?)([-_]*)$/); if (nameMatch == null) { return name + "Rule"; } return nameMatch[1] + underscore_string_1.camelize(nameMatch[2]) + nameMatch[3] + "Rule"; } function loadRule(directory, ruleName) { var fullPath = path.join(directory, ruleName); if (fs.existsSync(fullPath + ".js")) {
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function findFormatter(name, formattersDirectory) { if (isFunction(name)) { return name; } else if (isString(name)) { var camelizedName = underscore_string_1.camelize(name + "Formatter"); var Formatter = loadFormatter(CORE_FORMATTERS_DIRECTORY, camelizedName); if (Formatter != null) { return Formatter; }
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const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); // Function fo generate object path function generateObjectPath(filePath) { return _string.camelize( _string.trim( filePath.replace( path.extname(filePath), '') .replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9//])/g, "-")
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this.prompt({ type : 'input', name : 'nomeModulo', message : 'Qual o nome do módulo?' }, function (resposta) { var nomeModulo = _.camelize(_.humanize(resposta.nomeModulo)); this._copiarTemplateModulo(nomeModulo); this._registrarModulo(nomeModulo);
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message : 'Qual o nome da aplicação?', default : this.appname }, function (resposta) { this.nomeAplicacao = resposta.appName; var nomeAplicacaoTratado = _.camelize(_.humanize(resposta.appName)); this.nomeAplicacaoTratado = nomeAplicacaoTratado; done(); }.bind(this));
underscore.string.slugify is the most popular function in underscore.string (323 examples)