How to use the strRightBack function from underscore.string
Find comprehensive JavaScript underscore.string.strRightBack code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
underscore.string.strRightBack is a function that finds the last occurrence of a substring within a string and returns the substring and everything to the right of it.
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throw new Error("'bundle' registration failed. See error above."); } var bundle = {}; bundle.js = _string.strRightBack(moduleToBundle, '/'); // The short name of the javascript file (with extension but without path) bundle.module = _string.strLeftBack(bundle.js, '.js'); // The short name with the .js extension removed bundle.bundleDependencyModule = (moduleToBundle === bundle.module); // The specified module to bundle is the name of a module dependency. if (!as) {
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GitHub: MadsHolten/opm-qg
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path = path.replace(firstVar, '?foi'); } return path; }).map(function (path) { //Find last variable var lastVar = '?' + _s.strRightBack(path, '?'); //remove things after space if any if (_s.contains(lastVar, ' ')) { vars.push(_s.strLeftBack(lastVar, ' ')); return _s.strLeftBack(path, ' ');
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How does underscore.string.strRightBack work?
The underscore.string.strRightBack function searches a string for the last occurrence of a given substring and returns the substring and everything to the right of it. Here's how the function works in detail: underscore.string.strRightBack takes two arguments: a string and a substring to search for. It searches the string for the last occurrence of the substring. If the substring is not found, the original string is returned. If the substring is found, the function returns a new string containing the substring and everything to the right of it. Here's an example of using underscore.string.strRightBack to find the last occurrence of a substring within a string: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const _ = require('underscore.string'); const str = 'hello world'; const substring = _.strRightBack(str, 'o'); console.log(substring); // 'orld' In this example, the str variable contains the string 'hello world'. The _.strRightBack function is called to find the last occurrence of the substring 'o'. The function returns the substring 'orld', which contains everything to the right of the last occurrence of 'o' in the original string. The substring is then logged to the console.
GitHub: w3c-lbd-cg/opm
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} getPropertyRestrictions(propertyTypeURI, validProperties) { return _.chain(validProperties) .filter(obj => { var propEnd1 = _s.strRightBack(obj.uri, "/"); var propEnd2 = _s.strRightBack(obj.uri, "#"); return (propEnd1 == propertyTypeURI || propEnd2 == propertyTypeURI); }) .first() .value();
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GitHub: w3c-lbd-cg/opm
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const typeURI = input.typeURI; const hostURI = input.hostURI; const label = input.label; const comment = input.comment; const userURI = input.userURI; const type = _s.strRightBack(typeURI.replace('#', '/'), '/'); var q = ''; q += 'PREFIX prov: <>\n'; q += 'CONSTRUCT {\n'; q += `\t?foiURI a <${typeURI}> ;\n`;
Ai Example
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const _ = require("underscore.string"); const str = "hello world"; const substring = _.strRightBack(str, "o"); console.log(substring); // 'orld'
In this example, the str variable contains the string 'hello world'. The _.strRightBack function is called to find the last occurrence of the substring 'o'. The function returns the substring 'orld', which contains everything to the right of the last occurrence of 'o' in the original string. The substring is then logged to the console.
GitHub: coinos/coinos-cd
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</div> </div> `) //Fetch and render the details of this specific deploy: const deployId = _s.strRightBack(window.location.pathname, '/') let deployType = 'regtest cloud' $.post('/deploy/' + deployId, res => {
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GitHub: coinos/coinos-cd
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console.log(dataLine) // parse for IP address: if(!ipAddress &&'Droplet IP address') > -1) { ipAddress = true //update the .env file and run the subdomain script: deploy.IP_ADDRESS = _s.strRightBack(dataLine, 'Droplet IP address:').trim() //check the string is actually an IP address and throw err if not; Droplet limit for example can bump into this issue if(_.isEmpty(deploy.IP_ADDRESS)) { ipAddress = false return terminalOutput = `${terminalOutput}\n${dataLine}`
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GitHub: tomli/NLP_tool
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console.log( 'imgurl:'+imgurl); var host = _s.strLeft(imgurl, "/"); console.log( 'host:'+host); //var path = _s.strRight(imgurl, "/"); var path = url; //var fname = _s.strRightBack(imgurl, "/"); var http = require('http'); // var hostname = ''; //var path = figureObj.bdbkSummaryImgUrl[0].replace('http://'+hostname, '');
GitHub: simhyr/ircbot
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}); if(!ping || !Array.isArray(ping) || ping.length === 0) return; var check = _str.strRightBack(ping[0], ':'); socket.write('PONG :' + check + '\r\n'); }; IRCBotServer.prototype._register = function(socket, bot) {
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.on('finish', cb); } function getHash(filename) { var info = path.parse(filename); return s.strRightBack(, '_'); }
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