How to use the titleize function from underscore.string
Find comprehensive JavaScript underscore.string.titleize code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
underscore.string.titleize is a function that capitalizes the first letter of each word in a given string.
GitHub: guyoung/CaptfEncoder
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/** * * @param str */ function titleize(str) { return _s.titleize(str); } /** *
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exports.unescapeHTML = function(value, options, callback){ callback(null, str.unescapeHTML(String(value))); }; exports.titleize = function(value, options, callback){ callback(null, str.titleize(String(value))); }; exports.camelize = function(value, options, callback){ callback(null, str.camelize(String(value)));
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How does underscore.string.titleize work?
underscore.string.titleize is a function in the Underscore.string library that capitalizes the first letter of each word in a given string. To use underscore.string.titleize(), you pass a string as its parameter. The method splits the string into words using white space as a delimiter and then capitalizes the first letter of each word. It returns the resulting string with the first letter of each word capitalized. For example, if you pass the string "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" to underscore.string.titleize(), it will return "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog". underscore.string.titleize() is particularly useful for formatting text in a more readable way, such as for titles, headings, or labels in user interfaces. Overall, underscore.string.titleize() provides a simple way to capitalize the first letter of each word in a string, making it more readable and visually appealing.
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} // Convert a slug to a title function slugToTitle (slug) { slug = slug.replace('.md', '').trim(); return _s.titleize(_s.humanize(path.basename(slug))); } // Strip meta from Markdown content function stripMeta (markdownContent) {
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Ai Example
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const _ = require("underscore.string"); const myString = "this is a test string"; const titleizedString = _.titleize(myString); console.log(titleizedString); // Output: This Is A Test String
In this example, we first import the underscore.string library and assign a test string to the myString variable. We then call _.titleize(myString) to capitalize the first letter of each word in the string. The resulting string is stored in the titleizedString variable. Finally, we log the titleizedString variable to the console, which outputs "This Is A Test String". Overall, this example demonstrates how to use underscore.string.titleize() to format a string by capitalizing the first letter of each word.
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} } filesProcessed.push({ slug : shortPath, title : dirMetadata.title || _s.titleize(_s.humanize(path.basename(shortPath))), show_on_home: dirMetadata.show_on_home ? (dirMetadata.show_on_home === 'true') : this.config.show_on_home_default, is_index : false, is_directory: true, active : activePageSlug.startsWith('/' + fileSlug),
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underscore.string.slugify is the most popular function in underscore.string (323 examples)