How to use the trim function from underscore.string
Find comprehensive JavaScript underscore.string.trim code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
In the Underscore.string library for JavaScript, the _.trim function is used to remove whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
GitHub: PastVu/pastvu
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} return function (txt) { let result = txt; result = _s.trim(result); //Обрезаем концы //Заменяем ссылку на фото на диез-ссылку #xxx //Например, -> #123456 result = result.replace(new RegExp(`(\\b)(?:https?://)?(?:www.)?${host}/p/(\\d{1,8})/?(?=[${trailingChars}]|$)`, 'gi'), '$1#$2');
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var start = new Date(); var tags = []; var cleanMethod = _s.strLeftBack(this.url, '?'); cleanMethod = _s.replaceAll(cleanMethod, '/', '_'); cleanMethod = _s.trim(cleanMethod, '_'); cleanMethod = this.method + '.' + cleanMethod; cleanMethod = cleanMethod.toLowerCase(); tags.push('endpoint:' + cleanMethod);
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How does underscore.string.trim work?
is a function in the Underscore.string library for JavaScript that removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
When _.trim
is called with a string as input, it performs the following operations:
- It removes any whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines, etc.) from the beginning of the input string.
- It removes any whitespace characters from the end of the input string.
- It returns the resulting string with the whitespace removed.
By using _.trim
, developers can easily remove leading and trailing whitespace from strings, which can be useful for validating user input or preparing data for display. Note that _.trim
only removes whitespace from the beginning and end of strings, so it may not be suitable for all types of string manipulation.
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*/ function parseMedicationDetails(medicationStr){ if(medicationStr && medicationStr.length > 0){ var split = medicationStr.split('^'); return {ien: split[0].substring(1, split[0].length), name: _str.trim(split[1])}; } return null; } exports.parseMedicationDetails = parseMedicationDetails;
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if(index == 0){ user.duz = currentValue; }else if(index == 1){ = currentValue; }else if(index == 2){ user.role = _str.trim(_str.ltrim(currentValue, '-')); } } }); return user;
Ai Example
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const _ = require("underscore.string"); // Removing whitespace from the beginning and end of a string const string = " Hello, world! "; const trimmedString = _.trim(string); console.log(trimmedString); // Outputs: "Hello, world!"
In this example, we're using _.trim to remove leading and trailing whitespace from the string " Hello, world! ". The resulting string, "Hello, world!", has the same content as the original string but with the whitespace removed. Note that in this example, we're passing the string directly to _.trim, which removes the leading and trailing whitespace without requiring any additional code.
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* * @param {String} str * @return {String} */ function classnameize(str) { return _s.trim(str).replace(/\s+/g, '-'); } /** * Return path of CSS file.
GitHub: maboiteaspam/ssh2-utils
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stream.stderr.on('data', function(data){ debug('sudoExec stderr %s', _s.trim(''+data)) }); stream.on('data', function(data){ debug('sudoExec stdout %s', _s.trim(''+data)) }); if(done) done(null, stream);
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s.escapeRegExp = require('./helper/escapeRegExp'); s.wrap = require('./wrap'); = require('./map'); // Aliases s.strip = s.trim; s.lstrip = s.ltrim; s.rstrip = s.rtrim; = s.lrpad; s.rjust = s.lpad;
GitHub: dnnsmnstrr/workflows
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const Fuse = require('fuse.js'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs')); const moment = require('moment'); const srcFolder = process.env.NOTES_PATH; const query = s.trim(_.last(process.argv)); const log = require('./log'); const grep = require('./grep'); if (!srcFolder) {
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exports.humanize = function(value, options, callback){ callback(null, str.humanize(String(value))); }; exports.trim = function(value, options, callback){ callback(null, str.trim(String(value), typeof options[0] === 'string' ? options[0] : undefined)); }; exports.ltrim = function(value, options, callback){ callback(null, str.ltrim(String(value), typeof options[0] === 'string' ? options[0] : undefined));
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const u = use_underscore || false; str = str.replace(/\//g, ' ').trim(); if (u) { return _s.underscored(str); } else { return _s.trim(_s.dasherize(str), '-'); } } // Clean object strings.
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GitHub: restberry/restberry
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if ( { var firstName =; if (!firstName) firstName = ''; var lastName =; if (!lastName) lastName = ''; name = _s.trim(firstName + ' ' + lastName); } if (!name) name = _.first('@')); return name; },
GitHub: khsmaxim/sef-1
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var headerAndValue = _splitIntoTwoParts(line, ':'); if (!headerAndValue) { throw new InvalidRequestError('Host line must have format: [Host]: [Value]', line); } return _s.trim(headerAndValue[1]); } function _parseHeadersLines(lines) { // TODO: add check for duplicate headers
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if (u) { return _s.underscored(field); } else { return _s.trim(_s.dasherize(field), '-'); } } function markdown_extract_metadata_fields(obj) {
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GitHub: hokkoo/dianli
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offset: 10, count: 1, pages: 1, } }; search.query = _.trim(search.query); if (!search.query || search.query == 'undefined' || search.query == 'null') search.query = ''; if (! = { cur: 1, offset: 10,
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const path = require('path'); // Function fo generate object path function generateObjectPath(filePath) { return _string.camelize( _string.trim( filePath.replace( path.extname(filePath), '') .replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9//])/g, "-") .toLowerCase()
GitHub: simhyr/ircbot
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socket.end(); }); }; function parseIRCMessage(message) { message = _str.trim(message); // :<botname>!<botname@botaddress> <command> <parameterlist>:<message> //(?:) => does not form a capture group to not include ' ' into group const regex = /:(.+)!(\S*)[ ]([a-z]+)[ ](?:(\S+)[ ]){0,1}:(.*)/i;
underscore.string.slugify is the most popular function in underscore.string (323 examples)