How to use the parse function from url
Find comprehensive JavaScript url.parse code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
url.parse is a built-in Node.js function that parses a given URL string and returns an object containing its various components such as protocol, hostname, port, path, etc.
GitHub: kube-HPC/hkube
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await _extractFile({ src, dest, fileExt, overwrite }); await fse.remove(src); }; const _parseGitUrl = (url) => { const parsedUrl = urlLib.parse(url); const [, owner, repo] = parsedUrl.pathname.split('/'); return { owner, repo,
+ 3 other calls in file
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Parsing the URL string using the Legacy API: ```js const url = require('url'); const myURL = url.parse(''); ``` ## The WHATWG URL API <!-- YAML
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How does url.parse work?
is a built-in Node.js function that takes a URL string as input and returns an object containing properties of the parsed URL, such as the protocol, hostname, port number, path, and query parameters. It also has optional parameters to specify whether to include query string or not, and the ability to parse URLs without the protocol.
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console.logColor(logging.Green, `WebSocket listening for Players connections on :${httpPort}`); let playerServer = new WebSocket.Server({ server: config.UseHTTPS ? https : http}); playerServer.on('connection', function (ws, req) { var url = require('url'); const parsedUrl = url.parse(req.url); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const browserSendOffer = urlParams.has('OfferToReceive') && urlParams.get('OfferToReceive') !== 'false'; if (playerCount + 1 > maxPlayerCount && maxPlayerCount !== -1)
GitHub: kamicane/elements
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var url = require('url') var wrapup = require('wrapup') var app = require('http').createServer(function(req, res){ var parsed = url.parse(req.url) var pathname = parsed.pathname if (pathname == '/test.js' &&{
Ai Example
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const url = require("url"); const urlString = ""; const parsedUrl = url.parse(urlString); console.log(parsedUrl);
Output: yaml Copy code
GitHub: volumio/volumio3-backend
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var explodedUri = { service: 'webradio', type: 'track' }; let parsedUrl = url.parse(uri, true); let streamId =; let streamUrl = self.tuneIn.tune_radio(streamId); let streamDescribe = self.tuneIn.describe(streamId); let streamNowPlaying = self.tuneIn.describe(streamId, true);
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GitHub: totaljs/framework4
436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444
return F.temporary.other[key]; if (p.indexOf('://') === -1) p = 'http://' + p; var obj = Url.parse(p); if (obj.auth) obj._auth = 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(obj.auth).toString('base64');
+ 3 other calls in file
GitHub: wulove/my_scripts
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144
'msg': msg, 'index': index }) } urlparse(url) { return urls.parse(url, true, true) } md5(encryptString) { return CryptoJS.MD5(encryptString).toString() }
GitHub: AToMPM/atompm
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
/* onmessage : on reception of data from client or csworker*/ socket.on('message', function(msg/*{method:_,url:_}*/) { let url = _url.parse(msg.url,true); let loc = {'at':"session_mngr"}; if (url['query'] != undefined && url['query']['id'] != undefined && url['query']['id'].includes("worker")){ loc = {'from':url['query']['id'],'to':"session_mngr"};
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let hostname = options.domain; if (!hostname) { const baseUri = dom.getHttpsBaseUri(document); if (baseUri) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/no-deprecated-api hostname = url.parse(baseUri).hostname; } } if (headEl) { headEl.appendChild(createStylesheetLinkElement(document,
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const jar = new CookieJar(); const client = wrapper(axios.create({ jar })); const targetUrl = ""; const targetUrlParsed = url.parse(targetUrl); /* Akamai Start*/
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function coronerSetup(argv, config) { var coroner, pu; process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = (!!!argv.k) ? "1" : "0"; try { pu = url.parse(argv._[1]); } catch (error) { errx('Usage: morgue setup <url>'); }
GitHub: linvinglor/node
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res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }); res.end('okay'); }); proxy.on('connect', (req, cltSocket, head) => { // connect to an origin server const srvUrl = url.parse(`http://${req.url}`); const srvSocket = net.connect(srvUrl.port, srvUrl.hostname, () => { cltSocket.write('HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established\r\n' + 'Proxy-agent: Node.js-Proxy\r\n' + '\r\n');
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res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS') next(); }); app.use(function (req, res, next) { var urlobj = url.parse(req.originalUrl); if (urlobj.pathname === '/' || urlobj.pathname.includes("/push/webhook/endpoint/") ) { next(); return; }
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GitHub: coder0987/Taroky
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const app = express(); const START_TIME =; //Standard file-serving const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { let q = url.parse(req.url, true); let filename = '.' + q.pathname; if (filename == '.') { filename = './index.html';//Default to index.html
GitHub: mbostock/node
176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185
} else if (name.startsWith('URI:')) { let uri; try { uri = new URL(name.slice(4)); } catch (err) { uri = url.parse(name.slice(4)); if (!urlWarningEmitted && !process.noDeprecation) { urlWarningEmitted = true; process.emitWarning( `The URI ${name.slice(4)} found in cert.subjectaltname ` +
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body.d.results = proxyBody.value || []; if (req.context.$count) { body.d.__count = String(proxyBody["@odata.count"] || proxyBody["@count"] || 0); } if (proxyBody["@odata.nextLink"] !== undefined || proxyBody["@nextLink"] !== undefined) { const skipToken = URL.parse(proxyBody["@odata.nextLink"] || proxyBody["@nextLink"], true).query["$skiptoken"]; if (skipToken) { body.d.__next = linkUri(req, { $skiptoken: skipToken, });
+ 7 other calls in file
GitHub: BridgeAR/node
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
Parsing the URL string using the Legacy API: ```js const url = require('url'); const myURL = url.parse(''); ``` ## The WHATWG URL API
GitHub: virtualvivek/electron
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} } function parseOptions (options) { if (typeof options === 'string') { options = url.parse(options) } else { options = { ...options } }
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if (altNames) { for (const name of altNames.split(', ')) { if (name.startsWith('DNS:')) { dnsNames.push(name.slice(4)); } else if (name.startsWith('URI:')) { const uri = url.parse(name.slice(4)); uriNames.push(uri.hostname); // TODO(bnoordhuis) Also use scheme. } else if (name.startsWith('IP Address:')) { ips.push(name.slice(11)); }
GitHub: devlato/node
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if (option[1] === 'DNS') { dnsNames.push(option[2]); } else if (option[1] === 'IP Address') { ips.push(option[2]); } else if (option[1] === 'URI') { var uri = url.parse(option[2]); if (uri) uriNames.push(uri.hostname); } }); }