How to use the inspect function from util
Find comprehensive JavaScript util.inspect code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
util.inspect is a Node.js utility function that converts any JavaScript object to a human-readable string representation.
GitHub: firewalla/firewalla
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return this.localizedMessage() + this.timestamp ? " %@" : ""; } toString() { return util.inspect(this); } // toJsonObject() { // let obj = {};
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// false ``` <div id="inspect" class="anchor"></div> ## util.inspect(object[, options]) 返回 `object` 的字符串表示,这对调试有用。 可通过可选选项对象改变格式化字符串的某些方面:
How does util.inspect work?
util.inspect is a built-in utility function in Node.js that provides a way to convert any JavaScript object to a string representation that can be printed to the console or logged in a file. It provides many configuration options to customize the output format, such as colors, depth of recursion, and whether or not to show non-enumerable properties. The output can be used for debugging and logging purposes to help understand the structure of complex objects and their values. The util.inspect function can be used in both synchronous and asynchronous contexts, making it a versatile and powerful tool for working with JavaScript objects in Node.js.
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* * If the placeholder does not have a corresponding argument, the placeholder is * not replaced. * * If there are more arguments than placeholders, the extra arguments are * coerced to strings (for objects and symbols, util.inspect() is used) and then * concatenated, delimited by a space. * * If the first argument is not a format string then util.format() returns a * string that is the concatenation of all its arguments separated by spaces.
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} function formatWithInspect(val, colorize) { const prefix = isPrimitive(val) ? '' : '\n'; const shouldFormat = typeof val !== 'string'; return prefix + (shouldFormat ? inspect(val, { depth: null, colors: colorize }) : val); } function fancyPrintf(colorize) { return function(info) { const msg = formatWithInspect(info.message, colorize);
Ai Example
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const util = require("util"); const obj = { name: "John", age: 30, address: { street: "123 Main St", city: "Anytown", state: "CA", }, hobbies: ["reading", "hiking", "coding"], }; console.log(util.inspect(obj));
This would output the following string to the console: css Copy code
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}; Formatter.prototype.formatObject = function(token) { // If no precision is specified, then reset it to null (infinite depth). var precision = (token.period === '.') ? token.precision : null; // Historically, inspect was called with 3 options // token.arg = util.inspect(token.arg, !token.alternative, precision, token.sign); // Now using an object but not sure colors make any sense here token.arg = util.inspect(token.arg, { showHidden: !token.alternative, depth: precision,
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} var resp = "<No response>"; try { resp = await mainFunc(); } catch(e) { return "ERR: Run: \n" + util.inspect(e, { colors: includeColors }); } if(typeof resp != "string" && typeof resp != "number" && typeof resp != "bigint") { resp = util.inspect(resp, { colors: includeColors }); } else {
+ 8 other calls in file
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} function formatWithInspect(val) { const prefix = isPrimitive(val) ? '' : '\n'; const shouldFormat = typeof val !== 'string' && !ansiRegex.test(val); return prefix + (shouldFormat ? inspect(val, { depth: null, colors: true }) : val); } // Custom format of the logs const generateItFormat = printf((info) => {
GitHub: Eveble/eveble
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stringifyValue(value, inspectOptions = {}, prefix = '', suffix = '') { const prefixStr = this.isPrimitive(value) ? '' : prefix; const suffixStr = this.isPrimitive(value) ? '' : suffix; const isInspectable = typeof value !== 'string' || !hasAnsi(value); return (prefixStr + (isInspectable ? util.inspect(value, inspectOptions) : value) + suffixStr); } stringifyMethodParams(entry, metadata, inspectOptions = {}) { if (entry.method === undefined) {
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switch (format) { case 's': str = String(str) break case 'r': str = inspect(str) break case 'd': case 'i': if (typeof str !== 'number') {
+ 3 other calls in file
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const assert = require('assert') const util = require('util') const fs = require('fs') const sub = require('./lib/sub') const path = require('path') const repr = util.inspect function get_argv() { // omit first argument (which is assumed to be interpreter - `node`, `coffee`, `ts-node`, etc.) return process.argv.slice(1)
+ 3 other calls in file
GitHub: lojkofob/eeditor
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if (meta) { if (typeof meta !== 'object') { output += ' ' + meta; } else if (Object.keys(meta).length > 0) { output += ' ' + (options.prettyPrint ? ('\n' + util.inspect(meta, false, null, options.colorize)) : exports.serialize(meta)); } } return output;
GitHub: dangthai228/GameCaro
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return s; } } function inspect(something) { if (functionsHaveNames || !util.isFunction(something)) { return util.inspect(something); } var rawname = getName(something); var name = rawname ? ': ' + rawname : ''; return '[Function' + name + ']';
+ 2 other calls in file
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* Map %o to `util.inspect()`, all on a single line. */ exports.formatters.o = function(v) { this.inspectOpts.colors = this.useColors; return util.inspect(v, this.inspectOpts) .split('\n').map(function(str) { return str.trim() }).join(' '); };
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exportTo = wfschemaWizziModel.exportTos[i]; this.addExportTo(exportTo.wzName); } var ctx = { error: function(msg, node) { throw new Error(msg + '\n' + util.inspect(node, { depth: 2})); } }; this.wzSetup(ctx); this.wzVerify(ctx);
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} } exports.APIRequestContext = APIRequestContext; _util$inspect$custom = util.inspect.custom; class APIResponse { constructor(context, initializer) { this._initializer = void 0;
GitHub: achansen121/chess-js
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var str = { if (arg != undefined && arg.constructor === String) { return arg; } else { return util.inspect(arg); } }).join(' '); if (!colors.enabled || !str) {
util.promisify is the most popular function in util (378 examples)