How to use the v4 function from uuid
Find comprehensive JavaScript uuid.v4 code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
uuid.v4 is a function that generates a version 4 UUID, which is a 128-bit identifier that is generated using pseudo-random numbers.
GitHub: CapacitorSet/box-js
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function hash(algo, string) { return crypto.createHash(algo).update(string).digest("hex"); } const getUUID = uuid.v4; function logIOC(type, value, description) { log("info", "IOC: " + description); IOC.push({type, value, description});
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if (!match){ res.send({error: "Invalid password"}); return; }; newSecret = uuid.v4() newAccount = await sql`UPDATE accounts SET password=${bcrypt.hashSync(req.body.newPass, 10)}, secret=${newSecret} WHERE secret=${req.body.secret}` res.send({"Success": true, "secret": newSecret}) });
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How does uuid.v4 work?
uuid.v4 is a function that generates a version 4 UUID, which is a type of UUID that uses randomly or pseudo-randomly generated values to create a 128-bit identifier. To generate a version 4 UUID, the uuid.v4 function will use a high-quality random number generator to generate 122 bits of random data. It then sets the two most significant bits of the first octet to 0 and 1, respectively, to indicate that this is a version 4 UUID. Finally, the function formats the resulting 128-bit value as a string in the canonical format, which is a sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits separated by hyphens into five groups with 8, 4, 4, 4, and 12 hexadecimal digits, respectively. This format is compatible with the UUID standard defined by RFC 4122, which specifies how UUIDs should be represented and used in software systems.
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// if (defaultAdminCheck) { // throw new Error('Change the default admins password first!'); // } // Create new User const newKey = v4(); await users .create({ username: username,
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}); describe.skip('Final comments', () => { it('should return a final comment entity and email the secure code for it to the appellant when requested, after creating the entity', async () => { // Given: a request to create a final comments entry for a case const caseReference = uuid.v4(); const appellantEmail = ''; // And: the final comments end date is set in the future await mockedExternalApis.mockHorizonGetCaseResponse(new Date(2100, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0), 200);
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Ai Example
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const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid"); const id = uuidv4(); console.log(id);
In this example, we use the uuid library to generate a version 4 UUID using the uuidv4() function. The resulting id variable is a string that represents a unique identifier based on pseudo-random numbers. The format of the UUID will look something like this: Copy code
GitHub: SandwichFox/MBCord
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type: 'boolean', default: false }, UUID: { type: 'string', default: v4() }, doDisplayStatus: { type: 'boolean', default: true
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dispenser .on('part', part => { if ( && typeof params[] === 'undefined') { // if (!isUploadValid(part.fileName, port.config.fileUpload)) return h.response('Invalid file name').code(400); files.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const filename = workDir + '/' + uuid.v4() + '.upload'; set(params,, { originalFilename: part.filename, headers: part.headers, filename
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data.message = `Alert : Polish ${req.body._id} updating request.`; data.payload = req.body; break; case "insertBlog": req.body.uuid = uuid.v4(); if (req.files["banner_image"] === undefined) return res.status(203).send({ message: "Image Is Required !!!" }); req.body.card_image = `${process.env.Official}/${req.files["banner_image"][0].path}`;
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const crypto = require('crypto') var mt = require('../modules/mt_rand'); const i18n = require('../translation/i18n'); const uuid = require('uuid'); const deviceId = uuid.v4(); function generateToken(params = {}) { return jwt.sign(params, auth.jwt_secret_key, { expiresIn: '1d' // 1day
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Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const StrapiHandler = require("./StrapiHandler"); const uuidLib = require("uuid"); const axios_1 = __importDefault(require("axios")); const Interfaces_1 = require("./Interfaces"); const uuidv4 = uuidLib.v4; const { IS_EQUAL_TO } = Interfaces_1.FilterOperator; const strapiUrl = ''; const apiKey = '37a9dca00ffbd809de068adf97ae7b4bcc0b78a3102798fd393d7126da8984fbf563e6ebf6e507e3fc93970b9971ecee6175096e85523169d6feea6f89d2d15ccafcf6ad4e7adcab5c99c6146e959a4106e92c619933a050d558f692afaf2a703ad55c151ebf90485fab1e7a61f035b722177cec37f9037ee3292d8e2c1a160b'; const tests = 'Tests';
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GitHub: brianmarete/gallery
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// res.send("test"); if (req.file == undefined){ res.redirect('/?msg=Error: No file selcted!'); }else{ // const imageObj = { // id: uuid.v4(), // name: req.file.filename, // path: 'images/' + req.file.filename // } // db.push(imageObj);
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) { const formIdentifier = typeof formID === "string" ? formID : formID.toString(); const formSubmission = typeof formResponse === "string" ? formResponse : JSON.stringify(formResponse); const confirmationCode = uuid.v4(); const submissionDate = new Date(Number(createdAt)); let duplicateFound = false; let writeSucessfull = false;
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path, method = 'GET', opts = {}, headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } ) { const correlationId = uuid.v4(); const url = `${config.applications.url}${path}`; const logger = parentLogger.child({ correlationId,
GitHub: NikFranki/node-in-action
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if (sheets.length > 0) { const data = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[sheets[0]]); const values = data .map((row) => ([ uuid.v4(), row['content'], row['status'], row['position_id'], row['folder_id'],
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* @param {any} req * @param {any} res * @param {function(Error=): void} */ const setRequestId = (req, res, next) => { req.requestId = uuid.v4(); res.header('X-Request-Id', req.requestId); next(); };
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filename: "test-report", sourcePath: path.resolve(__dirname, "mocks", ""), suiteIdentifier: "aabbcc" } let testAccount = await nodemailer.createTestAccount(); const uuid = v4(); const status = "Success"; const body = "There aren't errors"; const smtpParams = { enableSmtpNotification: true,
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module.exports = { getOrSetCookie: (req, res) => { let cgid if (req.cookies[cookieName] === undefined) { cgid = uuid.v4() console.log(`creating CGID: ${cgid}`) res.cookie(cookieName, cgid, cookieOptions) } else { cgid = req.cookies[cookieName]
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// const { id } = userData[0]; // let courses = read_file("courses.json"); // courses.push({ // id: v4(), // user_id: id, // title, // price, // author,
GitHub: SerhiiKudria/project
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if (typeof generate === 'function') { value = await generate(); } else if (generate === 'increment') { value = await this.nextId(); } else if (generate === 'uuid') { value = uuid.v4(); } value && Object.assign(primaryKeys, { [field]: value }); } return primaryKeys;
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process.env.REDIS_PUBSUB_CHANNEL || "VehicleServers"; const clientSockets = {}; // Map of client IDs to socket objects const server = net.createServer(); // Generate a unique identifier for the client const serverIdentifier = uuid.v4(); // Redis Publisher const redisPublisher = new Redis(REDIS_PORT, REDIS_HOST); // Send messages to the client when `redisPublisher` publishes to the channel
GitHub: chsaqib/ci
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} function requestIdMiddleware(request, response, next) { let requestId = request.header("X-Request-ID"); if (!requestId) { requestId = uuid.v4(); response.header("X-Request-ID", requestId); } request.context = request.context || {};