How to use the isEmpty function from validator
Find comprehensive JavaScript validator.isEmpty code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The validator.isEmpty function checks if a given value is an empty string, null or undefined.
GitHub: Tencent/DCache
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var hasError = false; _.each(checkRule, (rules, paramName) => { if (rules) { var value = params[paramName] != undefined ? params[paramName].toString() : ''; _.each(rules.split(';'), (rule) => { if (rule === 'notEmpty' && validator.isEmpty(value)) { hasError = true; ctx.makeResObj(500, paramName + '#common.notEmpty#'); return false; } else if (rule === 'number' && !validator.isFloat(value)) {
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} if (!args[main][name]) { return (errors = `${capitalize(name)} is required`); } let value = args[main][name] if (!args[main][name] || Validator.isEmpty(value.toString())) { return (errors = `${capitalize(name)} field is required`) } if (name === "email" && !Validator.isEmail(args[main][name])) {
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How does validator.isEmpty work?
validator.isEmpty is a function that checks whether a given value is an empty string, an empty array, an empty object, or a falsy value, and returns true if it is, false otherwise. The function takes a single argument which is the value to be checked.
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const password = req.body.password; const cpassword = req.body.cnfpass; const email =; const role = [req.body.role]; const empty = validator.isEmpty(password && cpassword); if (password === cpassword && !empty) { if (role) { const eg = await Role.find({ name: { $in: req.body.role } });
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!validator.isLength(postInput.title, { min: 5 }) ) { errors.push({ message: 'Title is invalid.' }); } if ( validator.isEmpty(postInput.content) || !validator.isLength(postInput.content, { min: 5 }) ) { errors.push({ message: 'Content is invalid.' }); }
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Ai Example
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const validator = require("validator"); const str = ""; if (validator.isEmpty(str)) { console.log("The string is empty"); } else { console.log("The string is not empty"); }
In this example, validator.isEmpty is used to check whether the str variable is an empty string or not. If it is empty, the code will log "The string is empty", otherwise it will log "The string is not empty".
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} // Validating the request for lastName if ( typeof req.body.lastName !== "string" || validator.isEmpty(req.body.lastName) || validator.isWhitelisted(req.body.lastName, " ") ) { return responseGenerator(res,400,false,"lastName is required as String and must not be Empty",[]); }
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// } // Validating the request for title if ( typeof req.body.title !== "string" || validator.isEmpty(req.body.title) || validator.isWhitelisted(req.body.title, " ") ) { return responseGenerator(res,400,false,"Title is required and must not be Empty",[]); }
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validator[key] = extend; }); // map isNull to isEmpty // validator.isNull = validator.isEmpty; // isDate removed in 7.0.0 // validator.isDate = function(dateString) {
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GitHub: graysteven/maxnode
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const errors = []; if (!validator.isEmail(email)) { errors.push({ message: "E-mail is invalid" }); } if ( validator.isEmpty(password) || !validator.isLength(password, { min: 5 }) ) { errors.push({ message: "Password too short" }); }
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createEvent : [tokenValidator, (req, res) => { if(validator.isEmpty(req.body.eventName) || !validator.isBoolean(req.body.eventOrWorkshop) || validator.isEmpty(req.body.description) || !validator.isEmail(req.body.eventManagerEmail) || validator.isEmpty( || validator.isEmpty(req.body.eventTime) || validator.isEmpty(req.body.venue) ||
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const vOption = { ignore_whitespace: false }; let errors = []; // if (requestBody.UserId === undefined || V.isEmpty(requestBody.UserId + '', vOption)) { // errors.push({ // attr: 'UserId', // msg: 'attribute is required.' // });
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const vOption = { ignore_whitespace: false }; let errors = []; if (requestBody.userId === undefined || V.isEmpty(requestBody.userId + '', vOption)) { errors.push({ attr: 'userId', msg: 'attribute is required.' });
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*/ if (user_role === 'sales' && type === 'sales') { throw new Error(`Sales representative can not create 'sales' users`); } if (full_name === undefined || V.isEmpty(full_name + '', {ignore_whitespace: false})) { throw new Error('Full name is required.'); } if (email) {
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attr: 'Sender', msg: 'attribute is required.' }); } if (requestBody.Source === undefined || V.isEmpty(requestBody.Source + '', vOption)) { errors.push({ attr: 'Source', msg: 'attribute is required.' });
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} if (!validator.isAscii(name) || validator.isEmpty(name)) { req.flash('nameError', 'Names contains just letters!') isSomeError = true } if (!validator.isNumeric(points) || validator.isEmpty(points)) { req.flash('pointsError', 'Just numbers please!') isSomeError = true }
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errors[fieldName] = "Please use valid email"; } }; exports.vEmpty = (fieldName, errors, value)=> { if(!value || validator.isEmpty(value)) { errors[fieldName] = "This field is required"; } };
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if (validator.isEmpty(nom) || nom === '{nom}' || nom === 'undefined' || validator.isEmpty(email) || email === '{email}' || email === 'undefined' || validator.isEmpty(telephone) || telephone === '{telephone}' || telephone === 'undefined' || validator.isEmpty(site_web) || site_web === '{site_web}' || site_web === 'undefined' || validator.isEmpty(passwd) || passwd === '{passwd}' || passwd === 'undefined' || id_type === '{id_type}' || id_type === 'undefined') { return res.status(400).send({success:0,data: "Bad request, veuillez remplir tous les champs."}); } else if (validator.isAscii(nom) && validator.isEmail(email) && validator.isAscii(telephone)
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id_age = typeof id_age === 'undefined' ? "" : id_age; id_sexe = typeof id_sexe === 'undefined' ? "" : id_sexe; id_pays = typeof id_pays === 'undefined' ? "" : id_pays; if (validator.isEmpty(idPublic) || idPublic === '{idPublic}' || idPublic === 'undefined' || validator.isEmpty(prenom) || prenom === '{prenom}' || prenom === 'undefined' || validator.isEmpty(nom) || nom === '{nom}' || nom === 'undefined' || validator.isEmpty(email) || email === '{email}' || email === 'undefined' || validator.isEmpty(passwd) || passwd === '{passwd}' || passwd === 'undefined' || id_langue === '{id_langue}' || id_langue === 'undefined' ||
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GitHub: VihangaPankaja/HRMS
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const phone_number2 = req.body.phon_num2; if ( validator.isEmpty(username) || validator.isEmpty(password1) || validator.isEmpty(password2) || validator.isEmpty(line1) || validator.isEmpty(line2)|| validator.isEmpty(Town) || validator.isEmpty(district) ||
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const errors = []; if (!validator.isEmail( { errors.push({ message: "E-mail is invalid." }); } if ( validator.isEmpty(userSignUpInput.password) || !validator.isStrongPassword(userSignUpInput.password, { minLength: 8, minLowercase: 1, minUppercase: 1,
validator.escape is the most popular function in validator (548 examples)