How to use the resolveDirective function from vue
Find comprehensive JavaScript vue.resolveDirective code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
vue.resolveDirective is a Vue.js method that returns a directive object that corresponds to a given directive name.
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}; function render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { const _component_VirtualScroller = vue.resolveComponent("VirtualScroller"); const _component_Portal = vue.resolveComponent("Portal"); const _directive_ripple = vue.resolveDirective("ripple"); return (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", { ref: "container", id: $,
+ 24 other calls in file
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const { click_event, model, config } = useInputCommon( emit, VFJButtonInputConf, props ); return (_ctx, _cache) => { const _component_Button = vue.resolveComponent("Button"); const _directive_tooltip = vue.resolveDirective("tooltip"); return vue.withDirectives((vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_Button, { label: vue.unref(config).label, class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(config).class),
+ 6 other calls in file
How does vue.resolveDirective work?
vue.resolveDirective is a method in Vue.js that is used to resolve a custom directive by its name. It checks if the directive is globally registered or locally defined and returns its definition object. If the directive is not found, it returns undefined.
Ai Example
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// Register a custom directive locally const myDirective = { bind(el, binding) { el.textContent = binding.value.toUpperCase(); }, }; export default { name: "MyComponent", directives: { myDirective, }, }; // Use resolveDirective to get the definition of the custom directive import { resolveDirective } from "vue"; const directive = resolveDirective("my-directive"); console.log(directive === myDirective); // true
In this example, resolveDirective is used to get the definition of the myDirective directive that is registered locally in the MyComponent component. The resolved directive can be compared to the original definition object to check if they are the same.
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