How to use the debug function from winston
Find comprehensive JavaScript winston.debug code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
winston.debug is a method provided by the Winston logging library that logs debug-level messages to the console or a file.
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return false; } const userDataRequestUri = `${api_1.API_VERSION}/me?access_token=${accessToken}`; const userDataResponse = yield gaxios.request({ method: "GET", url: userDataRequestUri }); if ( && { winston.debug("Failed oauthCheck because access token was expired or due to an error: " +; return false; } return true;
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oauthUrl(redirectUri, encryptedPayload) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { // Step 2 of the oauth flow - user will be sent to this Salesforce url to consent to the login. // `redirectUri` in this case is the AH url to which Salesforce will send them *back*, along with an auth code. // Note the "payload" is what we generated in loginForm above and will just be passed back to us. winston.debug(`beginning oauth flow with redirect url: ${redirectUri}`); const actionCrypto = new Hub.ActionCrypto(); const plaintext = yield actionCrypto .decrypt(encryptedPayload) .catch((err) => {
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How does winston.debug work?
winston.debug is a method provided by the Winston logging library that allows you to log debug-level messages to the console or a file. To use winston.debug, you first need to create a Winston logger instance using the winston.createLogger() method, which returns a new logger object with various logging methods, including debug. Once you have created a logger instance, you can use the debug method to log a debug-level message. This method takes a message string as the first argument, and an optional object with metadata as the second argument. By default, winston.debug logs messages to the console using the Console transport. However, you can also configure Winston to log messages to a file or a remote logging service using other available transports. Here is an example of how to use winston.debug to log a debug-level message to the console: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const winston = require('winston'); const logger = winston.createLogger({ level: 'debug', format: winston.format.simple(), transports: [new winston.transports.Console()], }); logger.debug('Debug message'); In this example, we create a new Winston logger instance with the default Console transport, and set the logging level to "debug". We then use the debug method to log a debug-level message to the console with the message "Debug message". Overall, winston.debug provides a simple way to log debug-level messages to the console or a file, making it easier to debug and troubleshoot Node.js applications.
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} return response; } yield Promise.all(this.batchPromises); const successMessage = `Streaming upload complete. Sent ${this.numBatches} batches (batch size = ${BATCH_SIZE})`; winston.debug("info", successMessage); resp.success = true; resp.message = successMessage; return resp; });
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GitHub: looker-open-source/actions
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if (err && err.response && && && { // Note: these can still leak access tokens if facebook replies with: // "400 bad request, here's what you sent me!". keep the logging at debug level winston.debug("Facebook error message was: " +; winston.debug("Facebook user friendly message title was: " +; winston.debug("Facebook user friendly message was: " +; }
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Ai Example
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const winston = require("winston"); // Create a logger instance with the default Console transport const logger = winston.createLogger({ level: "debug", format: winston.format.simple(), transports: [new winston.transports.Console()], }); // Log a debug message with some metadata logger.debug("Debug message", { foo: "bar", baz: 42 });
In this example, we create a logger instance with the default Console transport and set the logging level to "debug". We then use the debug method to log a message with the string "Debug message" and some metadata. When run in a Node.js environment, this code will output a message to the console that looks something like this: css Copy code
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level: "debug", transports: [ new (winston.transports.Console)(), ], }); winston.debug("Debug Mode"); } const port = process.env.PORT ? parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) : 8080; // Default to 0 to prevent Node from applying timeout to sockets // Load balancers in front of the app may still timeout
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GitHub: jcsombria/ReNoLabs
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`${Settings.VIEWS_SERVE}/${}/${view.description}`, 'utf8' ); res.send(help); } catch (e) { logger.debug(e); res.send(e.message); } },
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GitHub: jcsombria/ReNoLabs
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var stats = fs.statSync(user_path); } catch (e) { logger.debug('Updater: Folder not found!'); let default_path = this._get_default_folder(language); try { logger.debug( `Updater: Copying default controller ${default_path}->${user_path}` ); var fileNames = fs.readdirSync(default_path); fs.mkdirSync(user_path, { recursive: true });
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GitHub: jcsombria/ReNoLabs
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this.session.hardware.eventGenerator.addListener(socket); } disconnect(id) { try { logger.debug(`Disconnecting read only client ${id}`); this.socket.disconnect(); } catch (e) { logger.debug("Can't disconnect read only client properly."); }
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redirectUrl = '/tickets' } req.logIn(user, function (err) { if (err) { winston.debug(err) return next(err) } return res.redirect(redirectUrl)
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GitHub: newfreespsace/nsoj
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}); } function initializeSocketIO(s) { ioInstance = socketio(s); const initializeNamespace = (name, exec) => { if (debug) winston.debug('initializing socketIO', name); const newNamespace = ioInstance.of('/' + name); newNamespace.on('connection', (socket) => { socket.on('disconnect', () => { if (debug)`Client ${} disconnected.`);
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} exports.searchmf = async (req, res) => { try { Logger.debug(req.query) let mf = let société = await retenueService.searchmf(mf) res.status(200).json(société) } catch (error) {
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//---------------- Création de user ---------------------------------- exports.register = async (req, res, next) => { try { Logger.debug(, req.body.login) let name = let login = req.body.login let password = req.body.password let type = req.body.type
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exports.register = async (data, filename) => { try { // Logger.debug("user to register : ", data) let found = await User.find({ login: data.user.login }) if (!found || found.length <= 0) { let template = await Template.findAll()
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} exports.createCompany = async (req, res) => { try { Logger.debug(req.body, req.file) let data = { name: ?? undefined, address: req.body.address ?? undefined, telephone: req.body.telephone ?? undefined,
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exports.register = async (req, res) => { try { // Logger.debug(req.body, req.file) let file let filename if (req.file) { req.file.originalname = req.file.originalname.split('.')[0] + '.PNG'
winston.format is the most popular function in winston (1147 examples)