How to use the verbose function from winston
Find comprehensive JavaScript winston.verbose code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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content.slice( current.index + regex.length + current[1].length ); } } catch (err) { winston.verbose(err.messsage); } } current = regex.regex.exec(content); }
+ 12 other calls in file
GitHub: HomieOmie/nodebb-temp
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// DEPRECATED: @1.15.0, remove in version >=1.17 // for backwards compatibility // if that fails, fall back to `pluginData.library` if (pluginData.library) { winston.warn(` [plugins/${}] The plugin.json field "library" is deprecated. Please use the package.json field "main" instead.`); winston.verbose(`[plugins/${}] See`); libraryPath = path.join(pluginData.path, pluginData.library); Plugins.libraries[] = require(libraryPath); } else {
+ 50 other calls in file
GitHub: HomieOmie/nodebb-temp
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const host = nconf.get(`${nconf.get('database')}:host`); const storeLocation = host ? `at ${host}${!host.includes('/') ? `:${nconf.get(`${nconf.get('database')}:port`)}` : ''}` : ''; winston.verbose('* using %s store %s', nconf.get('database'), storeLocation); winston.verbose('* using themes stored in: %s', nconf.get('themes_path')); } } function addProcessHandlers() {
+ 25 other calls in file
GitHub: HomieOmie/nodebb-temp
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return maxThreads; }, set: function (val) { maxThreads = val; if (!process.env.minifier_child) { winston.verbose(`[minifier] utilizing a maximum of ${maxThreads} additional threads`); } }, configurable: true, enumerable: true,
+ 3 other calls in file
GitHub: newfreespsace/nsoj
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if (req.type !== name) { throw new Error("Request type in token mismatch."); } clientDisplayConfigList[] = req.displayConfig; const taskId = req.taskId; if (debug) winston.verbose(`A client trying to join ${name} namespace for ${taskId}.`); socket.join(taskId.toString()); exec(req, socket).then(x => cb(x), err => cb({ ok: false, message: err.toString() })); } catch (err) {
winston.format is the most popular function in winston (1147 examples)