How to use the warn function from winston
Find comprehensive JavaScript winston.warn code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
winston.warn is a method in the Winston logging library for Node.js that allows you to log a warning-level message.
GitHub: entria/trudesk

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accountsController.profile = function(req, res) { var user = req.user; var backUrl = req.header('Referer') || '/'; if (_.isUndefined(user)) { req.flash('message', 'Permission Denied.'); winston.warn('Undefined User - /Profile'); return res.redirect(backUrl); } var content = {};
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accountsController.profile = function (req, res) { var user = req.user var backUrl = req.header('Referer') || '/' if (_.isUndefined(user)) { req.flash('message', 'Permission Denied.') winston.warn('Undefined User - /Profile') return res.redirect(backUrl) } var content = {}
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How does winston.warn work?
In Winston, the warn method logs a message with severity level "warn" and can include metadata such as the current timestamp and custom data. The logged message will be output to one or more configured transports, such as the console or a file.
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&& process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET) { const fcma = new FacebookCustomAudiencesAction(process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID, process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET); Hub.addAction(fcma); } else { winston.warn(`[Facebook Custom Audiences] Action not registered because required environment variables are missing.`); }
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throw e; }).then(() => {`Google Sheets Streamed ${rowCount} rows including headers`, { webhookId: request.webhookId }); resolve(); }).catch((e) => { winston.warn("End flush failed.", { webhookId: request.webhookId }); reject(e); }); } }).on("error", (e) => {
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Ai Example
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const winston = require("winston"); const logger = winston.createLogger({ level: "warn", transports: [new winston.transports.Console()], }); logger.warn("This is a warning message.");
In this example, we create a new logger with a log level of warn, which means it will only log messages with a severity of warn or higher. We then add a console transport to log messages to the console. Finally, we log a warning message using the warn method of the logger instance. The output in the console will be something like: vbnet Copy code
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autoBreadcrumbs: false, environment: process.env.ACTION_HUB_BASE_URL, }).install(); } blocked((time, stack) => { winston.warn(`Event loop blocked for ${time}ms, operation started here:\n${stack.join("\n")}`); }, { threshold: 100 }); if (!process.env.ACTION_HUB_BASE_URL) { throw new Error("No ACTION_HUB_BASE_URL environment variable set."); }
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if (supportMultiWs) { try { json = JSON.parse(stateJson); } catch (e) { winston.warn("Received malform JSON for supported multi tenant version. Proceeding as str."); } } if (supportMultiWs && Array.isArray(json)) { this.clients = JSON.parse(stateJson)
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const batch = require('../batch'); module.exports = function (Categories) { Categories.getRecentReplies = async function (cid, uid, start, stop) { // backwards compatibility, treat start as count if (stop === undefined && start > 0) { winston.warn('[Categories.getRecentReplies] 3 params deprecated please use Categories.getRecentReplies(cid, uid, start, stop)'); stop = start - 1; start = 0; } let pids = await db.getSortedSetRevRange(`cid:${cid}:pids`, start, stop);
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GitHub: jcsombria/ReNoLabs
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var content = fs.readFileSync(default_path + name); var stats = fs.statSync(default_path + name); fs.writeFileSync(user_path + name, content, { mode: stats.mode }); } } catch (e1) { logger.warn(`Updater: Missing default controller ${default_path}`); return false; } } return true;
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GitHub: jcsombria/ReNoLabs
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r, rules[r]['condition'], rules[r]['action'] ); } catch (e) { logger.warn('Cannot import event processing rule.'); } } }
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GitHub: wojtekxtx/ejs
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if (!mongo.port) { mongo.port = dbPort; } const dbName = mongo.database; if (dbName === undefined || dbName === "") { winston.warn(noDefaultDbName); mongo.database = "nodebb"; } const hosts =",");
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file.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(object.filePath)) }) busboy.on('finish', function () { if (error) { winston.warn(error) return res.status(error.status).send(error.message) } if (_.isUndefined(object.filePath) || _.isUndefined(object.filename)) {
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GitHub: HomieOmie/nodebb-temp
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const range = pkg.engines.node; const semver = require('semver'); const compatible = semver.satisfies(version, range); if (!compatible) { winston.warn('Your version of Node.js is too outdated for NodeBB. Please update your version of Node.js.'); winston.warn(`Recommended ${}, ${chalk.yellow(version)} provided\n`); } }
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GitHub: HomieOmie/nodebb-temp
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try { size = await image.size(path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'), 'system', 'site-logo-x50.png')); } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { // For whatever reason the x50 logo wasn't generated, gracefully error out winston.warn('[logo] The email-safe logo doesn\'t seem to have been created, please re-upload your site logo.'); size = { height: 0, width: 0, };
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GitHub: HomieOmie/nodebb-temp
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} catch (e) { // DEPRECATED: @1.15.0, remove in version >=1.17 // for backwards compatibility // if that fails, fall back to `pluginData.library` if (pluginData.library) { winston.warn(` [plugins/${}] The plugin.json field "library" is deprecated. Please use the package.json field "main" instead.`); winston.verbose(`[plugins/${}] See`); libraryPath = path.join(pluginData.path, pluginData.library); Plugins.libraries[] = require(libraryPath);
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GitHub: HomieOmie/nodebb-temp
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} if (nconf.get('dep-check') === undefined || nconf.get('dep-check') !== false) { await meta.dependencies.check(); } else { winston.warn('[init] Dependency checking skipped!'); } await db.initSessionStore();
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GitHub: HomieOmie/nodebb-temp
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async function createAdmin() { const User = require('./user'); const Groups = require('./groups'); let password; winston.warn('No administrators have been detected, running initial user setup\n'); let questions = [{ name: 'username', description: 'Administrator username',
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GitHub: newfreespsace/nsoj
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clients.forEach(client => { exec(client); }); } else { if (debug) winston.warn(`Error while listing socketio clients in ${taskId}`, err); } }); } function initializeSocketIO(s) {
winston.format is the most popular function in winston (1147 examples)