How to use the xml2json function from xml-js
Find comprehensive JavaScript xml-js.xml2json code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
xml-js.xml2json is a JavaScript function that converts an XML string to a JSON object.
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const pth = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const axios = require('axios'); const { xml2json, json2xml } = require('xml-js'); const xml = fs.readFileSync(pth.join(__dirname, "/defdata.xml"), { encoding: "utf8" }); const cjson = xml2json(xml, { spaces: 4, ignoreComment: true, compact: true }); const cxml = json2xml(cjson, { compact: true }); const apiLinks = fs.readFileSync(pth.join(__dirname, "/apilinks.json"), { encoding: "utf8" }); const mlinks = fs.readFileSync(pth.join(__dirname, "/links.json"), { encoding: "utf8" });
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GitHub: hongsi0/crossejong
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}), }; axios(url, options) .then((res) => { const result =; const strJson = convert.xml2json(result, {compact:true,spaces:4}); const objJson = JSON.parse(strJson); const total =;
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How does xml-js.xml2json work?
xml-js is a library that allows you to convert XML documents to JSON objects, and xml2json is a function in this library that performs this conversion. When xml2json is called, it takes an XML document as input and parses it into a JSON object, which can then be used in a JavaScript program. The resulting JSON object contains key-value pairs that correspond to the elements and attributes of the original XML document.
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const { join } = require('node:path'); const { xml2json } = require('xml-js'); class FilesTratment { TransformXMLToJSON(XMLPathFile) { let result = xml2json(readFileSync(XMLPathFile, { encoding: 'utf-8' }), { compact: true }); return result; } fixRoute(route) { let newData,
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Ai Example
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const xml2json = require("xml-js"); const xml = " John 30 "; const options = { compact: true, ignoreComment: true, spaces: 4 }; const json = xml2json.xml2json(xml, options); console.log(json);
In this example, the xml2json function is called with an XML string xml and an options object options. The compact option is set to true, which means that the resulting JSON will have a more compact format. The ignoreComment option is set to true, which means that any comments in the XML will be ignored. Finally, the spaces option is set to 4, which means that the resulting JSON will be indented with 4 spaces.
GitHub: Skyminn/Law4you
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console.log(`err => ${err}`) } else { if(res.statusCode == 200){ var result = body var xmlToJson = convert.xml2json(result , {compact: true, spaces: 4}); const json = JSON.parse(xmlToJson) req.json = json next(); }
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const apiRes = await updateSap(sapData.token, commission); const updateObj = { sapLastTry: moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"), }; if (!apiRes.error) { let result = xmlparser.xml2json(, { compact: true, spaces: 4, }); result = JSON.parse(result);
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var text = fs.readFileSync(copiedFolder + '\\' + myFile, 'utf-8'); var decodeValue = Buffer.from(text, 'base64'); text = decodeValue.toString('utf-8'); fs.writeFileSync(Data_1.Data.folder + '\\OutputDataFromBID.xml', text); var xml = fs.readFileSync(Data_1.Data.folder + '\\OutputDataFromBID.xml', 'utf-8'); var json = convert.xml2json(xml, { compact: true, spaces: 4 }); fs.writeFileSync(Data_1.Data.folder + '\\OutputDataFromBID.json', json); fs.rmSync(copiedFolder + '\\' + filename + '.zip'); fs.rmSync(copiedFolder + '\\' + myFile); fs.rmSync(Data_1.Data.folder + '\\OutputDataFromBID.xml');
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// let text = fs.readFileSync(copiedFolder + "\\" + myFile, 'utf-8'); // const decodeValue = Buffer.from(text, 'base64'); // text = decodeValue.toString('utf-8'); // fs.writeFileSync("C:\\\\Users\\joung\\OneDrive\\문서\\AutoBID" + "\\OutputDataFromBID.xml", text); // const xml = fs.readFileSync("C:\\\\Users\\joung\\OneDrive\\문서\\AutoBID" + "\\OutputDataFromBID.xml", 'utf-8'); // const json = convert.xml2json(xml, {compact : true, spaces : 4}); // fs.writeFileSync("C:\\\\Users\\joung\\OneDrive\\문서\\AutoBID" + "\\OutputDataFromBID.json", json); // fs.rmSync(copiedFolder + "\\" + filename + ".zip"); // fs.rmSync(copiedFolder + "\\" + myFile); // fs.rmSync("C:\\\\Users\\joung\\OneDrive\\문서\\AutoBID" + "\\OutputDataFromBID.xml");
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xml-js.xml2js is the most popular function in xml-js (101 examples)