How to use the parseStringPromise function from xml2js
Find comprehensive JavaScript xml2js.parseStringPromise code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
xml2js.parseStringPromise is a function that converts XML data into a JavaScript object and returns a Promise that resolves with the result.
GitHub: ubccr/heorot
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} return { command: cmd, output } } else if (type === "OS10") { try { let convertTmp = await xml2js.parseStringPromise(data) let tmp = {} if (convertTmp["rpc-reply"].hasOwnProperty("bulk")) tmp = convertTmp["rpc-reply"].bulk[0].data[0] else tmp = convertTmp["rpc-reply"].data[0]
GitHub: ubccr/heorot
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} return { command: cmd, output }; } else if (type === "OS10") { try { let convertTmp = yield xml2js.parseStringPromise(data); let tmp = {}; if (convertTmp["rpc-reply"].hasOwnProperty("bulk")) tmp = convertTmp["rpc-reply"].bulk[0].data[0]; else
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How does xml2js.parseStringPromise work?
is a method in the xml2js library for Node.js that converts an XML string to a JavaScript object promise, using a promise-based API. The method parses the XML string and returns a promise that resolves to a JavaScript object that represents the parsed data. The parser options can be customized to control how the XML is parsed.
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const response = await, xmlData, { headers }); console.log(, "data"); const json = await parseStringPromise(; const agentTickets = json["soap:Envelope"]["soap:Body"]["GetTimeSlotResponse"][ "GetTimeSlotResult"
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async function getFrontChannelLogoutClientKey(request) { const buffer = Buffer.from(request, 'base64'); const xmlData = zlib.inflateRawSync(buffer).toString(); return xml2js.parseStringPromise(xmlData).then((data) => { return data['saml2p:LogoutRequest'] ['saml2:Issuer'][0]['_']; });
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Ai Example
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const xml2js = require("xml2js"); const xml = ` John 30 `; (async () => { const result = await xml2js.parseStringPromise(xml); console.log(result); })();
In this example, we're parsing an XML string that contains information about a person. We're using the parseStringPromise function of the xml2js module to parse the XML and convert it to a JavaScript object. Once the parsing is complete, we're logging the resulting object to the console.
GitHub: Zeroc0077/CTF_Archives
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async function validateTicket(ticket, got) { try { let response = await got.get(`http://sso:3000/validate?ticket=${ticket}&service=${service}`) let data = await response.body let xml = await xml2js.parseStringPromise(data, { explicitArray: false }) return xml.response ? xml.response.authenticationSuccess : undefined } catch { return undefined }
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xml2js.parseStringPromise is the most popular function in xml2js (162 examples)