How to use the create function from xmlbuilder
Find comprehensive JavaScript xmlbuilder.create code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
xmlbuilder.create is a library that allows you to create XML documents programmatically in JavaScript.
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} } static createSOAPEnvelope(prefix, nsURI) { prefix = prefix || 'soap'; var doc = xmlBuilder.create(prefix + ':Envelope', {version: '1.0', encoding: 'UTF-8', standalone: true}); nsURI = nsURI || ''; doc.attribute('xmlns:' + prefix, nsURI);
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"#text" : currentProfile.Profile, "@xmlns": "" } }; fs.outputFileSync(`${profile}`, xmlbuilder.create(xmlFormatted, { encoding: 'UTF-8' }).end({ pretty: true, indent: ' '})); } catch (e) { VlocityUtils.error('Failure Parsing Profile'); } }
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How does xmlbuilder.create work?
xmlbuilder.create is a library for creating XML documents in JavaScript. It provides a fluent, chainable API for building up an XML document tree, with methods for adding elements, attributes, and text nodes. To use xmlbuilder.create, you first need to install it using a package manager such as npm. Once installed, you can create a new XML document by calling the create method of the xmlbuilder object, like this: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const builder = require('xmlbuilder'); const doc = builder.create('root'); In this example, we first import the xmlbuilder library using the require function. We then call the create method of the xmlbuilder object to create a new XML document with a root element named 'root'. We can then use the methods provided by the doc object to add child elements, attributes, and text nodes to the document tree. For example, we might add a child element to the root element like this: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ class="!whitespace-pre hljs language-javascript">const child = doc.ele('child'); In this example, we call the ele method of the doc object to create a new child element of the root element named 'child'. As we build up the document tree, we can also add attributes and text nodes to the elements using the att and txt methods, respectively. Once we have finished building up the document tree, we can convert it to a string representation of the XML document using the end method of the doc object, like this: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ class="!whitespace-pre hljs language-javascript">const xml = doc.end({ pretty: true }); In this example, we call the end method of the doc object and pass an options object to specify that we want the resulting XML document to be formatted with whitespace for readability. By using xmlbuilder.create, we can easily generate complex XML documents programmatically, without the need for manual string concatenation or other low-level operations.
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}).catch(error_cb(400, next)); }); router.get('/shared/sitemap_index.xml', function(req, res, next) { packages.distinct('_user', {_registered: true, _type: 'src'}).then(function(users){ var xml = xmlbuilder.create('sitemapindex', {encoding:"UTF-8"}); xml.att('xmlns','') users.forEach(x => xml.ele('sitemap').ele('loc', `https://${x}`)); res.type('application/xml').send(xml.end({ pretty: true})); }).catch(error_cb(400, next));
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* - {String} xml - The method call XML. */ exports.serializeMethodCall = function(method, params) { var params = params || [] var xml = xmlBuilder.create() . begin('methodCall', { version: '1.0', standalone: 'yes', encoding: 'UTF-8' }) . ele('methodName') .txt(method) . up()
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Ai Example
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const builder = require("xmlbuilder"); const book = builder .create("book") .att("isbn", "978-3-16-148410-0") .ele("title", "The Catcher in the Rye") .ele("author", "J. D. Salinger") .ele("price", 9.99) .up() .ele( "description", "A classic novel about a teenage boy named Holden Caulfield" ); console.log(book.toString({ pretty: true }));
In this example, we first import the xmlbuilder library using the require function. We then call the create method of the xmlbuilder object to create a new XML document with a root element named 'book'. We also add an attribute to the root element using the att method. We then call the ele method of the book object to add child elements to the root element. We add a title element, an author element, a price element (which contains a numeric value), and a description element. We use the up method to move up to the parent element after adding the price element, so that we can add the description element as a sibling to the price element. Finally, we call the toString method of the book object to convert the XML document to a string representation, and log it to the console. We pass an options object to specify that we want the resulting XML document to be formatted with whitespace for readability. The resulting XML document looks like this: xml Copy code
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router.get('/planning/:eventId/projects.xml', cors(corsOptions), async function (req, res) { const { create } = require('xmlbuilder'); var root = create('projects.xml'); var projects = await Project.findAll({ where: { eventId: req.params.eventId } }); for (let project of projects) { let owner = await project.getOwner()
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class CommunityPostGen { /* TODO lots of stubs and constants in here */ static async PostsResponse(posts, community) { const expirationDate = moment().add(11, 'days'); let xml = xmlbuilder.create("result") .e("has_error", "0").up() .e("version", "1").up() .e("expire", expirationDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS')).up() .e("request_name", "people").up()
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var XMLDTD = { pubid: '-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN', sysid: '' }; var doc = xmlbuilder.create('plist'); doc.dec(XMLHDR.version, XMLHDR.encoding, XMLHDR.standalone); doc.dtd(XMLDTD.pubid, XMLDTD.sysid); doc.att('version', '1.0');
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let obj = { 'steps': { "step": steps } } let xml = builder.create(obj).end({pretty: true}); let requestBody = [ { "op": "replace", "path": "/fields/Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.Steps",
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async getTypology(_req, res) { try { const issueResponse = await this.issueService.getAllIssues(); const parsedIssues = this.issueParser.parseIssues(issueResponse.rows); const baseXml = xmlBuilder.create('typology'); const recursiveIssueBuilder = ({ issue, name, description, notes, examples, children, }, xml, level) => { const issueElement = xml.ele('errorType');
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if (params.redir_url) { postUri = `${postUri}?redir_url=${encodeURIComponent(params.redir_url)}`; delete params.redir_url; } const xml = xmlbuilder.create('lead'); for (const name in params) { const value = params[name]; xml.element(name, value); }
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return res.status(200).json(retval); }; const createXML = (xmlObj) => { // create the XML tree const root = xmlBuilder.create(xmlObj, { version: config.job.xmlHeader.version, encoding: config.job.xmlHeader.encoding }); // convert the XML tree to string return root.end({ pretty: true, allowEmpty: true }); };
GitHub: tommacode/NodeSite
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}); app.get("/sitemap.xml", async (req, res) => { const StartTime = new Date().getTime(); //Use xml builder to create the sitemap const sitemap = builder.create("urlset", { version: "1.0" }); sitemap.att("xmlns", ""); //Add the home page sitemap
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modelVersion: modelVersion, exportDate: date.toISOString().replace(/T/, ' ').replace(/\..+/, '').concat(' UTC'), testCases: _(testCases).map(buildTestCase) }; var xml = builder.create({ project: project }).end({ pretty: true });
GitHub: GordinV/buh70
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E_Invoice: eArve } } } }; l_xml = builder.create(obj, {encoding: 'utf-8'}); l_xml = l_xml.end({pretty: true}); } else { obj = {
xmlbuilder.create is the most popular function in xmlbuilder (129 examples)