How to use the select function from xpath
Find comprehensive JavaScript code examples handpicked from public code repositorys. is a function in the xpath library that selects nodes from an XML document using XPath expressions.
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.replace(/^Object.<anonymous>\s*\(/gm, "{anonymous}()@") .split("\n"); } function selectAttributeValue(item, path) { var attr =, item); return (attr[0] && attr[0].value) || ""; } function selectTagValue(item, path) {
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const requestBase64 = descriptor.formBody.SAMLRequest; const requestXML = new Buffer(requestBase64, "base64").toString("utf8"); const request = new xmldom.DOMParser().parseFromString(requestXML);"//*[local-name(.)='AuthnRequest']", request).length.should.equal(1);"//*[local-name(.)='Signature']", request).length.should.equal(1); const sigNode ="//*[local-name(.)='Signature']", request)[0]; signing.validateXMLSignature(requestXML, sigNode, sp.sp.credentials[0]).should.equal(0); }); });
How does work? is a function in the xpath library that selects nodes from an XML document using XPath expressions. When you call, you provide an XPath expression and an XML document. The function then evaluates the XPath expression against the XML document and returns a list of matching nodes. Here's an implementation of to illustrate how it works: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const xpath = require('xpath'); const dom = require('xmldom').DOMParser; = (expression, document) => { const xml = new dom().parseFromString(document); const nodes = xml.evaluate(expression, xml, null, xpath.XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); const result = []; let node = nodes.iterateNext(); while (node) { result.push(node); node = nodes.iterateNext(); } return result; }; In this implementation, we extend the xpath library by adding a new method called select using = (expression, document) => {...}. The select method takes an XPath expression as its first argument and an XML document as its second argument. We then create a new DOMParser object using const xml = new dom().parseFromString(document). The DOMParser object parses the XML document and creates a new XML DOM object. We then evaluate the XPath expression against the XML DOM object using xml.evaluate(expression, xml, null, xpath.XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null). The evaluate method returns an XPathResult object that contains a list of matching nodes. We then create a new empty array called result and use a while loop to iterate through each node in the XPathResult object. We call nodes.iterateNext() to get the next node and push it into the result array using result.push(node). Finally, we return the result array, which contains a list of matching nodes. Overall, is a useful function in the xpath library that allows you to select nodes from an XML document using XPath expressions.
GitHub: MooNight16/qinglong-js
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return res; } function ParseHtml(html) { let doc = domParser.parseFromString(html); let nodes ='//script', doc); let node = nodes[4].childNodes[0]; let babelStr; let tdom = new JSDOM(`<script>${DealScriptStr(}</script>`, { runScripts: 'dangerously'
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if (!table) { console.error('No table found in the HTML response...') process.exit(1) } const rows ='tr', table) console.log('Found rows in functions table:', rows.length) const newFunctions = []
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Ai Example
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const xpath = require("xpath"); const dom = require("xmldom").DOMParser; const xml = ` Everyday Italian Giada De Laurentiis 2005 30.00 Harry Potter J.K. Rowling 2005 29.99 `; const xmlDoc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); const nodes ="//book/title", xmlDoc); console.log(nodes); // Output: [ Everyday Italian, Harry Potter ]
In this example, we first require the xpath library using const xpath = require('xpath'). We also require the xmldom library using const dom = require('xmldom').DOMParser. We then define an XML document as a string called xml that contains some books with titles, authors, years, and prices. We create a new DOMParser object using new dom().parseFromString(xml). The DOMParser object parses the XML document and creates a new XML DOM object called xmlDoc. We then call'//book/title', xmlDoc) to select all title elements that are children of book elements. The XPath expression '//book/title' selects all title elements anywhere in the document that are descendants of book elements. returns an array of matching nodes, which in this case are two title elements. We then log the nodes variable to the console, which outputs an array of title elements: javascript Copy code
GitHub: gitadvisor/gitscan-action
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const app = express(); app.get('/some/route', function(req, res) { let tainted = req.param("userName"); xpath.parse(tainted); // NOT OK; // NOT OK xpath.select1(tainted); // NOT OK let expr = xpath.useNamespaces(map); expr(tainted); // NOT OK });
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const result = '`'+inbody+'`'; ;(async function () { try { const result = await transform(inbody, template2); var data = result; var nodes ='//EDIHeader/EDICareandContent/Fibre/FibreComponents', root); var counter = 1; var fibres = {}; nodes.forEach(function(item, i) { var fibrecomponents = '';
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}, function (err, resp, body) { if (err) return reject(err); try { var doc = new dom({ errorHandler: function (o) { } }).parseFromString(body); var shownames_xml =, doc); } catch (err) { return reject(new Error(`cant parse showrss xml: ${err}`)); }
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return; var nodes ="//body//p", doc); var abstractNodes ="//abstract//p", doc); if (typeof(abstractNodes[0]) == "undefined"){ if (idx == files.length - 1) {
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errorLog[errorLevel.toString()].push(msg); } let nodes = []; try { nodes =, doc); if(nodes && nodes.length > 0){ var out = [];
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function get_csproj_package_version(doc) { const xpath_selector = args.xpath.replace("\$1", args.package) // console.log(xpath_selector); const verAttribute =, doc); // console.log(verAttribute); if (verAttribute === undefined || verAttribute.length == 0 ||
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var contents = fs.readFileSync(opts.file, { encoding: encoding }); var doc = new Dom().parseFromString(contents); var queryText = function(str) { var context = this; var result = + '/text()', context, true); if (result) { return result.toString(); } else { return null;
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typeName, itemSelector, itemProps, }) => { // try and select all items in the document by the given selector const items =, document.documentElement); // apply the property mapping to each item return, index) => {
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Method: Method, Found: Found, Conclusion: Conclusion }; } else { var vItems ="/Audit/PlugIns/PlugIn[@id='" + PluginId + "']/Domain[@nr='" + DomainId + "']/Area[@nr='" + AreaId + "']/Issue[@nr='" + IssueId + "']/Matrix/Objectives/obj/tx[@l='" + selectedLang + "']/@name",doc); for (var i=0; i<vItems.length; i++) { Objectives= Objectives + vItems[i].nodeValue; } var vItems ="/Audit/PlugIns/PlugIn[@id='" + PluginId + "']/Domain[@nr='" + DomainId + "']/Area[@nr='" + AreaId + "']/Issue[@nr='" + IssueId + "']/Matrix/Criteria/cri/tx[@l='" + selectedLang + "']/@name",doc);
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* @param {string} html * @returns {Array<string>} Array of lyric blocks */ function parseLyrics(t) { const doc = new DOMParser({ errorHandler: {warning:()=>{}, error:()=>{}} }).parseFromString(t); const nodes = select('//span[@class="lyrics__content__ok"]', doc); data = { title: select('//h1', doc)[0], artist: select('//h2', doc)[0], lyrics: ""
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Description: tempDescription, Number: vNumber, Priority:"/Audit/Recommendations/Recommendation[@nr='" + vRecommendations[i].nodeValue + "']/@priority",doc)[0].nodeValue, Risk:"/Audit/Recommendations/Recommendation[@nr='" + vRecommendations[i].nodeValue + "']/@risk",doc)[0].nodeValue, Riskevaluation:"/Audit/Recommendations/Recommendation[@nr='" + vRecommendations[i].nodeValue + "']/@riskevaluation",doc)[0].nodeValue, Repeated:"/Audit/Recommendations/Recommendation[@nr='" + vRecommendations[i].nodeValue + "']/@repeated",doc)[0].nodeValue, Timeline: tempTimeline, Status: tempStatus, Findings: tempFindings };
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if (page.status === 200) { const xpathString = 'string(/html/body/div[2]/section/ol/li[1]/text())'; var doc = new dom().parseFromString( var currentSong =, doc) console.log('Printing current song', currentSong); message = currentSong; }
GitHub: gamus-space/scraper
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const gameInfo = xpath.select1("./following::h2[normalize-space(text()) = 'Game info']/following-sibling::p", page); const game = || xpath.select1("normalize-space(./big[normalize-space(text()) = 'Name:']/following-sibling::a/text())", gameInfo); const developersStart = xpath.select1("./big[normalize-space(text()) = 'Developers:' or normalize-space(text()) = 'Developer:']", gameInfo); const developersEnd = xpath.select1("./following-sibling::big", developersStart); const developers = takeUntil("./following-sibling::*[name() = 'a' or name() = 'big']", developersStart), developersEnd).map(dev =>"normalize-space(./text())", dev)); const publishersStart = xpath.select1("./big[normalize-space(text()) = 'Publishers:' or normalize-space(text()) = 'Publisher:']", gameInfo); const publishersEnd = xpath.select1("./following-sibling::big", publishersStart); const publishers = takeUntil("./following-sibling::*[name() = 'a' or name() = 'big']", publishersStart), publishersEnd).map(dev =>"normalize-space(./text())", dev));
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const platform = PLATFORM_MAP[platformStr] || platformStr; const year = parseInt('normalize-space(./tr[normalize-space(./td[1]) = "Year:"]/td[2])', metricsTable)) || null; const developers = ['normalize-space(./tr[normalize-space(./td[1]) = "Developer:"]/td[2])', metricsTable)]; const releasesTitle = xpath.select1('//div[@id="mw-content-text"]//h2[span/@id="Releases"]', doc); const releasesTables ='./following-sibling::*/descendant-or-self::table//table', releasesTitle); const publishers = [ Set( => xpath.select1('normalize-space(./tr[normalize-space(./td[1]) = "Publisher:"]/td[2])', table)))]; const ripTitle = xpath.select1('//div[@id="mw-content-text"]//h3[span/@id="Game_Rip"]', doc); const mainDownloadLink = xpath.select1('string(./following-sibling::*/descendant-or-self::table[1]//a[normalize-space(text()) = "Download"]/@href)', ripTitle);
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const html = await (await fetch(url)).text(); const doc = new dom().parseFromString(html); const infobox = xpath.select1("//table[contains(@class, 'infobox')]", doc); const title = normalizeName("normalize-space(.//tr[1]/th/i)", infobox)); //const composers =".//tr[normalize-space(th/text()) = 'Composer(s)']/td/a/text()", infobox).map(t =>; const developers =".//tr[normalize-space(th/text()) = 'Team(s)']/td/a/text()", infobox).map(t =>; const publishers =".//tr[normalize-space(th/text()) = 'Publisher(s)']/td/a/text()", infobox).map(t =>; const year = parseInt("normalize-space(.//tr[normalize-space(th/text()) = 'Year published']/td)", infobox)) || null; const music = xpath.select1("//h2/span[normalize-space() = 'UnExoticA Music Files']", doc);
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page = page + 1; const res = syncRequest('GET', pidUrl(page)); const xml = res.getBody('utf8'); const doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); remainder = xpath.select1('/programmeList/remainder', doc); const links ='//link', doc); const titles ='//title', doc); for (let i=0; i < links.length; i++) { const pid = /(\d\d*)/.exec(links[i][1]; const title = titles[i]; is the most popular function in xpath (2001 examples)