How to use the default function from yargs
Find comprehensive JavaScript yargs.default code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
yargs.default allows setting default values for command line arguments in a yargs command.
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const fs = require('fs'); const util = require('util'); const got = require('got'); const yargs = require('yargs'); let argv = yargs.default('branch', 'Katalyst').alias('b', 'branch').argv; async function getRemoteReport() { try { const url = `${argv.branch}/gasUsed.json`;
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yargs = yargs.describe(alias, option.description); if ('default' in option) { const template = name.endsWith('-template'); const def = template ? path.resolve(path.dirname(__dirname), option.default) : option.default; yargs = yargs.default(alias, def); if (option.default === true || option.default === false) { yargs = yargs.boolean(name); }
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How does yargs.default work?
In yargs, the default method is used to set default values for options or arguments, which are used when those options or arguments are not provided. It takes an object as an argument, where the keys are the names of the options/arguments and the values are the default values to be used. If an option or argument is not included in the default object, it will not have a default value.
GitHub: coda/packs-sdk
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hidden: true, default: config_storage_1.DEFAULT_API_ENDPOINT, }; if (require.main === module) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions void yargs_1.default .parserConfiguration({ 'parse-numbers': false }) .command({ command: 'execute <manifestPath> <formulaName> [params..]', describe: 'Execute a formula',
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GitHub: spacenectar/builda-app
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const builda_new_1 = require("./scripts/builda-new"); const builda_build_1 = require("./scripts/builda-build"); const builda_init_1 = require("./scripts/builda-init"); const { websiteUrl } = globals_1.default; const builda = async () => { return yargs_1.default .scriptName('builda') .usage('$0 <cmd> [args]') .help() .demandCommand(1, 'You need at least one command before moving on. Try "builda --help" for more information')
Ai Example
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const argv = require("yargs").default("port", 3000).argv; console.log(argv.port); // output: 3000
In this example, yargs.default sets the default value of the port option to 3000. If the user doesn't provide a value for the port option, the default value will be used. The argv object contains the parsed command-line arguments, and console.log(argv.port) prints the value of the port option to the console, which in this case is 3000.
GitHub: evgeniiIIF/test-page
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let sass = require("gulp-sass")(require("node-sass")); let emittyPug; let errorHandler; let argv = yargs.default({ cache: true, debug: true, fix: false, minifyHtml: null,
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GitHub: MarcusTF/hdicli
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const prettier_1 = __importDefault(require("prettier")); const swagger_parser_1 = __importDefault(require("@apidevtools/swagger-parser")); const yargs_1 = __importDefault(require("yargs")); const main = () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () { try { const options = yield yargs_1.default .scriptName("hdicli") .version() .usage("\nHow to use:\n$0 -u <url> -o <outdir> -n <name>") .option("u", {
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GitHub: yargs/yargs
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require('yargs/yargs')(process.argv.slice(2)) .command({ command: 'configure <key> [value]', aliases: ['config', 'cfg'], desc: 'Set a config variable', builder: (yargs) => yargs.default('value', 'true'), handler: (argv) => { console.log(`setting ${argv.key} to ${argv.value}`) } })
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yargs.argv is the most popular function in yargs (1012 examples)