How to use the version function from yargs
Find comprehensive JavaScript yargs.version code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
yargs.version is a property in the yargs module in Node.js that specifies the version number of a command-line tool built with yargs.
GitHub: ccampbell/rainbow
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.pipe(bump({version: argv.version})) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); }); gulp.task('update-version', function() { var message = 'Update version to ' + argv.version; return gulp.src(['./package.json', './package-lock.json', 'dist/' + lowercaseAppName + '.min.js']) .pipe(git.add()) .pipe(git.commit(message)) .on('data', function(err) {
+ 5 other calls in file
GitHub: spheronFdn/sdk
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
.usage("Usage: $0 login [--github|--gitlab|--bitbucket]") .wrap(100) .help(); }) .command("logout", "Logs out of your account", (yargs: any) => { yargs.version(false).usage("Usage: $0 logout").help(); }) .command("upload", "Upload", (yargs: any) => { yargs .option("path", {
How does yargs.version work?
When you use yargs.version in your Node.js application, you are setting the version number of the command-line tool you are building with yargs. This property is used to display the version number when users run the tool with the --version flag. When the --version flag is present, yargs will print the version number specified in yargs.version to the console and exit the program. To use yargs.version, you would typically set it when configuring your yargs parser, like this: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const argv = yargs .version('1.0.0') .command('hello', 'Say hello', (yargs) => {}, (argv) => { console.log('Hello, world!'); }) .parse(); In this example, we are setting the version number to '1.0.0' using the version method, and then defining a command using the command method. When the user runs the tool with the --version flag, yargs will print '1.0.0' to the console and exit the program, without executing the command. Overall, yargs.version provides a simple way to specify the version number of a command-line tool built with yargs, and allows users to quickly check the version number of the tool when needed.
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process.exit(1); } } let cacheDir = "cache/" + argv.version; let outDir = "hapi/" + argv.version; if (!fs.existsSync(cacheDir + "/info")) {fs.mkdirSync(cacheDir + "/info", {recursive: true})} if (!fs.existsSync(outDir + "/info")) {fs.mkdirSync(outDir + "/info", {recursive: true})}
Ai Example
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const yargs = require("yargs"); const argv = yargs .version("1.0.0") .command( "hello", "Say hello", (yargs) => {}, (argv) => { console.log("Hello, world!"); } ) .parse();
In this example, we are using yargs.version to set the version number to '1.0.0'. We then define a command using the command method, with a command name of 'hello' and a description of 'Say hello'. When the user runs the tool with the --version flag, yargs will print '1.0.0' to the console and exit the program, without executing the command. If the user runs the tool without any flags, the hello command will execute and print 'Hello, world!' to the console. Note that yargs.version is just one of many methods and properties available in the yargs module, which provides a powerful and flexible way to build command-line tools in Node.js.
yargs.argv is the most popular function in yargs (1012 examples)