How to use the each function from async
Find comprehensive JavaScript async.each code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
async.each is a method in the Async library for Node.js that runs an asynchronous function for each element of an array or object, handling the results and errors appropriately.
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* Manually collect all missing prerequisites * Therefore we do not pass error to async-callbacks as this would exit the process */ function checkDependencies(checks, callback) { let hasErrored = false; async.each( checks, function (check, cb) {, function (error, warning) { if (error) {
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// the array index to match up the basic and detailed results. ...(idx < detailedSubmissionResult.rowCount ? detailedSubmissionResult.rows[idx] : {}), })); await async.each(locals.submissions, async (s) => { if ( { s.feedback_manual_html = await markdown.processContent( || '' );
How does async.each work?
async.each is an async utility function in the async library for iterating over a collection of elements, executing an asynchronous function for each element in the collection, and then calling a final callback function once all iterations are complete. It is similar to the Array.prototype.forEach method, but designed to work with asynchronous functions.
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`${basePath}/topic` : `${basePath}/consumers/${groupId}`); } initZkPaths(cb) { async.each([this.getBucketsZkPath()], (path, done) => this._zkClient.mkdirp(path, done), cb); } _processBucket(ownerId, bucketName, done) {
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var oldpath = path.join(LOCAL_CACHE_DIR, zipFilename); extractZip(oldpath, { dir: destinationDir, defaultFileMode: parseInt('744', 8) }, cb); } async.each(remappedUrls, function (urlObject, cb) { if (!urlObject || !urlObject.url || !urlObject.component) { return cb(); }
Ai Example
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const async = require("async"); const items = ["item1", "item2", "item3"]; async.each( items, function (item, callback) { console.log("Working on " + item); callback(); // Make sure to call the callback when done }, function (err) { if (err) { console.log("Error: " + err); } else { console.log("All items have been processed successfully"); } } );
In this example, we have an array of items and we want to process them asynchronously. We use async.each to iterate over each item and process them. The second argument is the function to be called for each item. It takes two arguments, the item itself and a callback function that needs to be called when the processing is done for that item. The third argument is a callback function that is called once all items have been processed or if an error occurs during the processing.
GitHub: TheFive/osmbc
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if (err) return callback(err); const list = []; for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { list.push(result[i]); } async.each(list, function(item, cb) { item.calculateDerived(req.user, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); userMentions += calculateUnreadMessages(item._userMention, req.user.OSMUser); mainLangMentions += calculateUnreadMessages(item._mainLangMention, req.user.OSMUser);
GitHub: TheFive/osmbc
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async.parallel([ function(callback) { userModule.find(query, sort, function(err, result) { if (err) return callback(err); users = result; async.each(users, function (item, eachcb) { item.calculateChanges(eachcb); }, function(err) { if (req.query.sort === "OSMBC-changes") { users.sort(function(b, a) { return a._countChanges - b._countChanges; });
GitHub: brainlife/warehouse
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//if(!task.deps_config) return cb(); //just in case? if(!task.config) return cb(); //normal apps should have _inputs (validator doesn't) async.each(task.config._inputs, (input, next_dep)=>{ if(!input.task_id) return next_dep(); //old task didn't have this set? load_task(input.task_id, (err, dep_task)=>{ if(err) return next_dep(err); //process uses app-stage to load input datasets
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```c var async = require('async'); var fs = require('fs'); fs.readdir('./bufferconcat', function (err, files) { async.each(files, function (file, callback) { if( file.length > 32 ) { console.log('This file name is too long'); callback('File name too long'); } else {
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calllback(err); } else { console.log("gots " + scenes.length + " scenes"); var availableScenes = []; availableScenesResponse.availableScenes = availableScenes; async.each(scenes, function (scene, cb) { availableScene = {}; if (scene.scenePostcards != null && scene.scenePostcards.length > 0) { //cain't show without no postcard var postcardIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*scene.scenePostcards.length); var oo_id = ObjectID(scene.scenePostcards[postcardIndex]); //TODO randomize? or ensure latest? or use assigned default?
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}) }) } async each(coll, iteratee) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { async.each(coll, iteratee, (err, res) => { if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve(res)
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GitHub: Cloud-V/Backend
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if (err) { return cb(err); } else { const fileNames = {}; const reverseMap = {}; return async.each( verilogEntries, function (entry, callback) { //fileName = shortid.generate() + '_' + + '.v' const fileName = `${
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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
* @example * * async.applyEach([enableSearch, updateSchema], 'bucket', callback); * * // partial application example: * async.each( * buckets, * async.applyEach([enableSearch, updateSchema]), * callback * );
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// Get array of rooms connectionObj.getRoomNames(asyncCallback); }, function(roomNames, asyncCallback) { // leave all rooms async.each(roomNames, function(currentRoomName, asyncEachCallback) {"roomLeave", connectionObj, currentRoomName, function(err) {asyncEachCallback(null);}); }, function(err) {
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callback(err); return; } // Set all options in options object. If any fail, an error will be sent to the callback. async.each(Object.keys(options), function(currentOptionName, asyncCallback) { appObj.setOption(currentOptionName, options[currentOptionName]); asyncCallback(null); }, function(err) {
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if (folderIds.length > 0) { requestFolders = folderIds; } let allMessages = []; return Async.each(requestFolders, (folderId, callback) => { const folderUri = `me/mailFolders/${folderId}/messages${uri}`; client.api(folderUri).get().then((resMessages) => {
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async.eachOfSeries(subpackagesEntriesMap, (deps, packageRoot, callback) => { mpx.currentPackageRoot = packageRoot mpx.componentsMap[packageRoot] = mpx.componentsMap[packageRoot] || {} mpx.staticResourcesMap[packageRoot] = mpx.staticResourcesMap[packageRoot] || {} mpx.subpackageModulesMap[packageRoot] = mpx.subpackageModulesMap[packageRoot] || {} async.each(deps, (dep, callback) => { dep.addEntry(compilation, (err, { resultPath }) => { if (err) return callback(err) dep.resultPath = mpx.replacePathMap[dep.key] = resultPath callback()
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GitHub: asayuki/oktavio
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createMode: (request, response) => { let mode = new Mode(); =; Async.each(request.payload.devices, (device, callback) => { Device.findById(, (error, deviceObj) => { if (error) { callback(Boom.badImplementation('Could not fetch device for mode.')); }
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function loadAsset(player, entry, callback) { player.getAssetData(`assets/${entry.storagePath}/cubicModel.json`, "json", (err, data) => { data.textures = {}; const mapsList = data.maps; data.textures = {}; async.each(mapsList, (key, cb) => { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = data.textureWidth; canvas.height = data.textureHeight; const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
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1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 = clientId; loadPlugins(); } function loadPlugins() { SupClient.fetch(`/systems/${}/plugins.json`, "json", (err, pluginsInfo) => { async.each(pluginsInfo.list, (pluginName, cb) => { SupClient.loadScript(`/systems/${}/plugins/${pluginName}/bundles/typescriptAPI.js`, cb); }, (err) => { // Read API definitions let globalDefs = "";
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} plugin.loadAsset(this, entry, (err, data) => { onAssetLoaded(err, entry, data); }); }); } _initPlugins(callback) { async.each(Object.keys(SupRuntime.plugins), (name, cb) => { const plugin = SupRuntime.plugins[name]; if (plugin.init != null) plugin.init(this, cb); else
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async.parallel is the most popular function in async (1226 examples)