How to use readline-sync.questionEmail:
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// taking string let username = read.question('Enter your name: '); let age = read.questionInt('Enter age: '); console.log(`Name = ${username}, Age = ${age}`); // use read.questionNewPassword('Enter password: ') and print password // use read.questionEmail('Enter email: ') and print email let pass = read.questionNewPassword('Enter password: '); console.log(`Password = ${pass}`); let email = read.questionEMail('Enter email: '); console.log(`Email: ${email}`)
How to use readline-sync.keyInYNStrict:
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{ prompt: '> The project begins in: ' } ) data.herokuValidator = readLineSync.keyInYNStrict( '> Will this project be deployed with Heroku? ', { caseSensitive: false }
How to use readline-sync.questionFloat:
console.log(`Name = ${name}, age = ${age}, amount = ${amount}, password = ${password}`);
How to use readline-sync.setDefaultOptions:
216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225
``` ### <a name="basic_methods-setdefaultoptions"></a>`setDefaultOptions` ```js currentDefaultOptions = readlineSync.setDefaultOptions([newDefaultOptions]) ``` Change the [Default Options](#basic_options) to the values of properties of `newDefaultOptions` Object. All it takes is to specify options that you want change, because unspecified options are not updated.
How to use readline-sync.promptCLLoop:
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
projectDescription: '', projectVersion : '', herokuValidator : '' } readLineSync.promptCLLoop( { npm: () => { data.manager = 'npm' return true
How to use readline-sync.questionNewPassword:
GitHub: mozilla/snakepit-client

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
} if (! { = readlineSync.questionEMail('E-Mail address: ') } if (!user.password) { user.password = readlineSync.questionNewPassword('New password: ') } return user }
How to use readline-sync.promptLoop:
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} ) data.manager = data.manager === 'npm' ? 'npm i' : 'yarn add' readLineSync.promptLoop( input => { data.projectName = input.toLowerCase() return data.projectName !== '' },
How to use readline-sync.keyInYN:
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
console.log(JSON.stringify(config.database, null, 2)) await sleep(200) answer = readLine.keyInYN('Is it correct?') if (!answer) return console.log('Rectify your config file and then restart this installer') answer = readLine.keyInYN('Do you want to erase all database content?') console.log('Starting the migration...') let sucess = await dbSync(answer) if (!sucess) return answer = readLine.keyInYN('Do you want to add a new user?')
How to use readline-sync.keyInSelect:
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* Let the user choose an item from a list: ```js var readlineSync = require('readline-sync'), animals = ['Lion', 'Elephant', 'Crocodile', 'Giraffe', 'Hippo'], index = readlineSync.keyInSelect(animals, 'Which animal?'); console.log('Ok, ' + animals[index] + ' goes to your room.'); ``` ```console
How to use readline-sync.prompt:
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``` ### <a name="basic_methods-prompt"></a>`prompt` ```js input = readlineSync.prompt([options]) ``` Display a prompt-sign (see [`prompt`](#basic_options-prompt) option) to the user, and then return the input from the user after it has been typed and the Enter key was pressed. You can specify an `options` (see [Basic Options](#basic_options)) to control the behavior (e.g. refusing unexpected input, avoiding trimming white spaces, etc.).
How to use readline-sync.questionEMail:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
let rs = require('readline-sync'); class User { constructor() { this.nome = rs.question('Qual o seu nome? '); = rs.questionEMail('Digite um endereço de e-mail: '); this.endereco = rs.question('Digite seu endereço: '); this.formasPagamento = rs.question('Digite uma forma de pagamento: '); } }
How to use readline-sync.keyIn:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
const readLine = require('readline-sync'); // const name = readLine.question("What's your name?"); // console.log('Welcome ', name); while (true) { const key = readLine.keyIn('Press a key'); if (key === 'q') { process.exit(0); } if (key === 'a') {
How to use readline-sync.questionInt:
-2 -1
console.log (`Olá, ${name}. Obrigado por fornecer sua idade: ${age} e seu emaiL: ${email} ` );
How to use readline-sync.question:
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```js var readlineSync = require('readline-sync'); // Wait for user's response. var userName = readlineSync.question('May I have your name? :'); console.log('Hi ' + userName + '!'); // Handle the secret text (e.g. password). var favFood = readlineSync.question('What is your favorite food? :', {