How to use the parallel function from async
Find comprehensive JavaScript async.parallel code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
async.parallel is a function in the Async.js library for Node.js that allows multiple asynchronous functions to be executed in parallel.
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.prompt(questions) .then((answers) => callback({ ...answers, ...prefilled })); } function checkAllDependencies(callback) { async.parallel( async.reflectAll([checkPrimaryDependencies, checkSecondaryDependencies]), (error, results) => { const errors = => result.error).filter(Boolean); // all errors will be the same
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from.sourceUrl = result.url; callback(null, from); }) } }); async.parallel(async.reflectAll(tasks), (err, results) => { const result = results.find(x => !x.error); if (result) { cb(null, result.value); } else {
How does async.parallel work?
is a function that takes an object or an array of asynchronous functions to execute. It runs all the functions in parallel and calls the final callback function when all the tasks have completed.
If an object of tasks is passed, the result is an object with the same keys and corresponding values, where each value is the result of the corresponding task. If an array of tasks is passed, the result is an array of the results of each task in the order they were specified.
The syntax for using async.parallel
csharpasync.parallel(tasks, callback);
Here, tasks
is an object or array of functions to execute in parallel and callback
is the final callback function to be called once all the tasks have completed. The callback
function takes two arguments: an error object and the result of the executed tasks.
returns a Promise
if no callback function is passed in.
GitHub: davidmerfield/Blot
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// This file should become a blog post or page! if (!isPublic(path) && !isTemplate(path) && !is_preview) { queue.buildAndSet = buildAndSet.bind(this, blog, path, options); } async.parallel(queue, function (err) { if (err) return callback(err); rebuildDependents(, path, callback); }); });
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}); // functions will be executed by random order var funcs = { 'async': function(callback) { async.parallel(tasks, callback); }, 'neo-async': function(callback) { neo_async.parallel(tasks, callback); }
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Ai Example
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const async = require("async"); async.parallel( [ function (callback) { setTimeout(function () { console.log("Task 1 is done"); callback(null, "result 1"); }, 1000); }, function (callback) { setTimeout(function () { console.log("Task 2 is done"); callback(null, "result 2"); }, 2000); }, ], function (err, results) { console.log("All tasks are done"); console.log(results); } );
In this example, async.parallel is passed an array of two functions. Each function uses setTimeout to simulate an asynchronous task that takes one or two seconds to complete. When both tasks are complete, the final callback function is called with the error object (which is null in this example) and an array of the results of each task, which are logged to the console. The output of the example will be: bash Copy code
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function worker(task, cb){ if (!task.collection.items || !task.collection.items.length){ return cb(); } async.parallel([ function(parallel_cb){ if (callbackWrapper.isDone){ return parallel_cb(); }
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GitHub: metaodi/cabdriver

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var me = this; var sources = me.getSources(); var sourceEntries = me.getSourceEntries(sources); Async.parallel( Async.reflectAll(sourceEntries), function(err, allResults) { if (err) { exitCallback(err);
GitHub: DAPowerPlay/jayeth

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}) } jobs.push(job) } return new Jayson.Method(function (args, done) { async.parallel(async.reflectAll(jobs), function (err, results) { done(err, results) }) })
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errorResults.forEach((error) => onError && onError(error)); resolve(successResults); } async.parallel(wrappedTasks, callback); }), asyncMap: (array, fn, onError) => { assert(array && fn && onError, 'missing parameters');
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if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } return Async.parallel({ refreshToken: Async.apply(this._refreshTokenIfNeeded.bind(this), auth), convertAttachments: (callback) => { if (!params.attachments || params.attachments.length === 0) {
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* when the continuation is called. * @returns {Function} the partially-applied function * @example * * // using apply * async.parallel([ * async.apply(fs.writeFile, 'testfile1', 'test1'), * async.apply(fs.writeFile, 'testfile2', 'test2') * ]); *
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parallel_callback(err); }); }); }; async.parallel(parallelTasks, (err) => { if (err) { helper.response.onError(err, callback); return; }
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parallel_callback(__err); }); }); }); async.parallel(parallelTasks, (_err) => { if (_err) { helper.response.onError('error: getFramesWithOverlay', callback); return; }
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GitHub: h5665773/yscounter
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var selectDate = $("#selectDate"); const scanCancel = $("#scanCancel"); var intvalWorker; var loadAllData = function (callbackLoad) { async.parallel({ pointSop: function (callback) { console.log(config.apiHost + 'api/pointSop/' + currentCust + '/' + pointPanel.currentPointid + '/' + pointPanel.pointEmpid + '?selectdate=' + pointPanel.currentDate); request(config.apiHost + 'api/pointSop/' + currentCust + '/' + pointPanel.currentPointid + '/' + pointPanel.pointEmpid + '?selectdate=' + pointPanel.currentDate, function (error, response, body) { if (error == null) {
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const mongodbb = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/local_library' mongoose.connect(mongodbb, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true }) exports.index = (req, res) => { async.parallel // eslint-disable-next-line indent, no-unexpected-multiline ( { book_count (callback) {
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async.parallel is the most popular function in async (1226 examples)