How to use the write function from bfj
Find comprehensive JavaScript bfj.write code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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return _asyncToGenerator(function* () { const statsFilepath = path.resolve(_this.compiler.outputPath, _this.opts.statsFilename); mkdir.sync(path.dirname(statsFilepath)); try { yield bfj.write(statsFilepath, stats, { space: 2, promises: 'ignore', buffers: 'ignore', maps: 'ignore',
+ 2 other calls in file
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if (!zkSnark[protocol]) throw new Error("Invalid protocol"); const setup = zkSnark[protocol].setup(cir, options.verbose); await zkey.utils.write(zkeyName, setup.vk_proof); await bfj.write(provingKeyName, stringifyBigInts(setup.vk_proof), { space: 1 }); await bfj.write(verificationKeyName, stringifyBigInts(setup.vk_verifier), { space: 1 }); return 0;
+ 67 other calls in file
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//File System // ipcMain.handle('fs:writeFileJSON', async (event, file, object) => { try { await bfj.write(file, object) return true; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false;
+ 24 other calls in file