How to use chai.isUndefined:
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it('Should return an empty object for an empty string input.', () => { assert.deepEqual(letterPositions(''), {}); }); it('Should return undefined for a letter not in the input string.', () => { assert.isUndefined(letterPositions('hello')['s']); }); });
How to use chai.isNull:
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
.then( () => { // should fail }, () => { assert.isNull(RED.node.message()); assert.equal(RED.node.error(), 'Node "message" is not supported by unknown transport'); }); });
How to use chai.should:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
const SpendingLimit = require("../models/spendingLimitModel"); const {flushDB, assertError, generateToken} = require("./utils"); const chai = require("chai"); const should = chai.should(); const chaiHttp = require("chai-http"); const app = require("../app");
How to use chai.oneOf:
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}); MessageBlock(RED); RED.node.get().emit('input', msg); return RED.node.get().await() .then(() => { assert.oneOf(RED.node.message().payload.content, ['Message 1', 'Message 2', 'Message 3']); }); }); /*it('should have even distribution for a randomly picked message', function() {
How to use chai.isObject:
147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156
ContextBlock(RED); RED.node.get().emit('input', msg); return RED.node.get().await() .then(() => { assert.equal(RED.node.message().payload.type, 'intent'); assert.isObject(RED.node.message().payload.variables); assert.equal(RED.node.message().payload.variables.variable1, 'one'); assert.equal(RED.node.message().payload.variables.variable2, 42); assert.equal(RED.node.message().payload.variables.variable3, true); assert.equal('variable1'), 'one');
How to use chai.spy:
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
loadGrammarSync('python.cson'); loadGrammarSync('python-regex.cson'); }); afterEach(() => { chai.spy.restore(console, 'error') chai.spy.restore(grammar, 'getMaxTokensPerLine') }) describe("when the registry is empty", () => {
How to use chai.deepEqual:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
const letterPositions = require('../letterPositions'); const assert = require("chai").assert; describe('#letterPositions', () => { it('Should return an object with the indices of each letter in the input string', () => { assert.deepEqual(letterPositions('hello'), { h: [0], e: [1], l: [2, 3], o: [4] }); }); it('Should return the correct indices for a given letter.', () => { assert.deepEqual(letterPositions('hello')['h'], [0]);
How to use chai.include:
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function shouldContain(shouldOrNot, expected, expectedReprompt) { test.checks.push((testCase) => { const actuals = getActuals(testCase); if (paramPassed(expected)) { it(`Alexa's ${type} response should ${not(shouldOrNot)}contain: ${expected}`, () => shouldOrNot ? assert.include(actuals.speech, expected) : assert.notInclude(actuals.speech, expected) ); } if (paramPassed(expectedReprompt)) { it(`Alexa's ${type} reprompt should ${not(shouldOrNot)}contain: ${expectedReprompt}`, () =>
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How to use chai.match:
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function shouldMatch(shouldOrNot, regex, regexReprompt) { test.checks.push((testCase) => { const actuals = getActuals(testCase); if (paramPassed(regex)) { it(`Alexa's ${type} response should ${not(shouldOrNot)}match: ${regex}`, () => shouldOrNot ? assert.match(actuals.speech, regex) : assert.notMatch(actuals.speech, regex) ); } if (paramPassed(regexReprompt)) { it(`Alexa's ${type} reprompt should ${not(shouldOrNot)}match: ${regexReprompt}`, () =>
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How to use chai.isAtMost:
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stack.push(RED.node.message().payload.content); } var stats = _.countBy(stack); assert.isAtLeast(stats['Message 1'], 290); assert.isAtMost(stats['Message 1'], 380); assert.isAtLeast(stats['Message 2'], 290); assert.isAtMost(stats['Message 2'], 380); assert.isAtLeast(stats['Message 3'], 290); assert.isAtMost(stats['Message 3'], 380);
How to use chai.isAtLeast:
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} var stats = _.countBy(stack); assert.isAtLeast(stats['Message 1'], 290); assert.isAtMost(stats['Message 1'], 380); assert.isAtLeast(stats['Message 2'], 290); assert.isAtMost(stats['Message 2'], 380); assert.isAtLeast(stats['Message 3'], 290); assert.isAtMost(stats['Message 3'], 380); });*/
How to use chai.AssertionError:
GitHub: 1024pix/pix
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} // Inspired by what is done within chai project itself to test assertions // global.chaiErr = function globalErr(fn, val) { if (chai.util.type(fn) !== 'function') throw new chai.AssertionError('Invalid fn'); try { fn(); } catch (err) {
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How to use chai.Assertion:
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
const chaiAssertionsCount = require('chai-assertions-count'); chai.use(chaiAssertionsCount); describe('suite #2', () => { beforeEach(() => { chai.Assertion.resetAssertsCheck(); }); afterEach(() => { // you don't need both of them chai.Assertion.checkAssertionsCount();
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How to use chai.request:
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
it('Verificando se um usuário é registrado com sucesso', async () => { sinon.stub(User, 'create').resolves(mockRegister) sinon.stub(jwt, 'sign').onFirstCall().returns(mockToken); sinon.stub(User, 'findOne').onFirstCall().resolves(undefined).onSecondCall(undefined); let chaiHttpResponse = await chai.request(app).post('/register').send({ name: "Scooby Doo", email: "", password: "senhaforte123", role: "customer"
How to use chai.equal:
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shouldOrNot ? assert.equal(actuals.speech, expected) : assert.notEqual(actuals.speech, expected) ); } if (paramPassed(expectedReprompt)) { it(`Alexa's ${type} reprompt should ${not(shouldOrNot)}equal: ${expectedReprompt}`, () => shouldOrNot ? assert.equal(actuals.reprompt, expectedReprompt) : assert.notEqual(actuals.reprompt, expectedReprompt) ); } }); return api(); // response.shouldEqual(...).shouldContain(...).{something}
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How to use chai.assert:
92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
hosts.forEach((host) => { assert.isObject(host, `\x1b[31m[CONFIG ERROR] \x1b[0m Each item in the \x1b[33mhosts\x1b[0m array should be an object.`) const { address, isRFSupported, mac } = host; assert(address, `\x1b[31m[CONFIG ERROR] \x1b[0m Each object in the \x1b[33mhosts\x1b[0m option should contain a value for \x1b[33maddress\x1b[0m (e.g. "").`) assert(mac, `\x1b[31m[CONFIG ERROR] \x1b[0m Each object in the \x1b[33mhosts\x1b[0m option should contain a unique value for \x1b[33mmac\x1b[0m (e.g. "34:ea:34:e7:d7:28").`) const deviceType = isRFSupported ? 0x279d : 0x2712;
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How to use chai.expect:
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
var chai = require('chai'); var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised'); chai.use(chaiAsPromised); var expect = chai.expect; describe('admin - members', function() { before(async function(){ browser.get( + 'project/project-0/admin/memberships');
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