How to use the expect function from chai
Find comprehensive JavaScript chai.expect code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
chai.expect is an assertion library that provides a way to write test cases by comparing the actual output with the expected output.
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var chai = require('chai'); var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised'); chai.use(chaiAsPromised); var expect = chai.expect; describe('admin - members', function() { before(async function(){ browser.get( + 'project/project-0/admin/memberships');
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When('I increment the variable by {int}', function (number) { this.incrementBy(number); }); Then('the variable should contain {int}', function (number) { expect(this.variable).to.eql(number); }); ``` ### Cypress
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How does chai.expect work?
chai.expect is a function provided by the Chai assertion library in JavaScript, which allows you to make assertions and test for specific behaviors in your code by creating a chain of expressions that evaluate the value of an object or expression. When you use chai.expect to create an assertion, you start by calling the function on the value you want to test, and then you chain together one or more methods that evaluate the value in some way, such as to check if two values are equal. Finally, you end the chain with a method that throws an error if the assertion fails, such as to.throw() or to.not.throw().
GitHub: flowhub/the-graph

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}) return bluebird.resolve(null).then(() => { //console.log('running', [prog].concat(args).join(' ')); return execFile(prog, args) }).then((out) => { chai.expect(out.stdout).to.include('Written to'); chai.expect(out.stdout).to.include(options.output); return readFile(options.output) }).then((data) => { return data
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```js const { expect } = require('chai') const allIntsArePositive = property(, num => { expect(num); }) const test = check(allIntsArePositive) console.log(test.shrunk.result)
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Ai Example
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const chai = require("chai"); const expect = chai.expect; describe("Array", function () { describe("#indexOf()", function () { it("should return -1 when the value is not present", function () { const arr = [1, 2, 3]; const val = 4; expect(arr.indexOf(val)).to.equal(-1); }); }); });
In this example, chai is required and expect is assigned to the expect function provided by chai. The test suite then describes an array and its indexOf() method. An expectation is set up that when the value 4 is searched for in the array, the result should be -1.
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Cucumber will automatically load RSpec's matchers and expectation methods to be available in your step definitions. For example: ```ruby Given /^a nice new bike$/ do expect(bike).to be_shiny end ``` If you want to configure RSpec, you'll need to also add the `rspec-core` gem
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// the revert reason, otherwise it will be the type of exception (e.g. 'invalid opcode') const actualError = error.message.replace( /Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: (revert )?/, '', ); expect(actualError).to.equal(expectedError, 'Wrong kind of exception received'); } return; }
GitHub: ssrwpo/ssr

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// Combine both jest and chai matchers on expect const originalExpect = global.expect; global.expect = (actual) => { const originalMatchers = originalExpect(actual); const chaiMatchers = chai.expect(actual); const combinedMatchers = Object.assign(chaiMatchers, originalMatchers); return combinedMatchers; };
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/** * I'm called after any instance of S1T1A is created */ afterCreate(...args) { // I need to check `args` here // chai.expect(args)... } } InstanceGenerator.create(S1T1A, 3); // create 3 instances of S1T1A });
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traceparent: '00-1111aaaa2222bbbb3333cccc4444dddd-5555eeee6666ffff-01', tracestate: TraceState.fromString('dd=s:-1;o:foo;;') } const spanContext = new SpanContext(props) expect(spanContext).to.deep.equal({ _traceId: '123', _spanId: '456', _parentId: '789', _name: 'test',
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expect(config)'debug', false) expect(config)'protocolVersion', '0.4') expect(config)'dogstatsd.hostname', '') expect(config)'dogstatsd.port', '8125') expect(config)'flushInterval', 2000) expect(config)'flushMinSpans', 1000) expect(config)'queryStringObfuscation').with.length(626) expect(config)'clientIpEnabled', false) expect(config)'clientIpHeader', null) expect(config)'sampleRate', 1)
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const { title, sql } = sqlInfo it(`should support ${title}`, () => { expect(getParsedSql(sql[0])).to.equal(sql[1]) }) it(`should support ${title} in mariadb`, () => { expect(getParsedSql(sql[0], mariadb)).to.equal(sql[1]) }) }) it('should have spaces between keywords', () => {
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const markerPath = path.join(__dirname, 'marker.png'); describe('StaticMap', () => { describe('Initializing ...', () => { it('without any arguments', () => { expect(() => { const options = { width: 600, height: 200, };
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const authKey = 'authKey'; await firebaseService.connect(options, authKey); expect(firebase.initializeApp).to.have.been.calledWith(options); expect(firebase.signInWithCustomToken).to.have.been.calledWith(authKey); }); it('should not re-initialize firebase if firebase app was already initialized', async () => { firebaseService = new FirebaseService('firebase-service-uut');
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await page.goto(host); await page.waitForSelector('#btnLoadPosts'); await'text=Load Posts'); await page.waitForSelector('#posts'); expect(isCalled()); }); it('Load Posts', async () => { const data =;
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GitHub: maximkraychev/SoftUni
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await'[type="submit"]'); await page.waitForTimeout(interval); expect(isCalled()); }); it('Register makes correct API call [ 5 Points ]', async () => { const data = mockData.users[0];
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describe("buildList", () => { const defaultTokenList = buildList(); it("validates", () => { expect(validator(defaultTokenList)).to.equal(true); }); it("contains no duplicate addresses", () => { const map = {};
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url: 'http://localhost:7865', method: 'GET', }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(body).to.equal('Welcome to the payment system'); done(); }); });
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onRequest(),"nav >> text=Logout"), ]); const token = request.headers()["x-authorization"]; expect(request.method()).to.equal("GET"); expect(token).to.equal(data.accessToken); }); });
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chai.expect is the most popular function in chai (8749 examples)