How to use the assert function from chai
Find comprehensive JavaScript chai.assert code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
chai.assert is a method from the Chai assertion library that allows you to write assertions that test if an expression is true or not.
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hosts.forEach((host) => { assert.isObject(host, `\x1b[31m[CONFIG ERROR] \x1b[0m Each item in the \x1b[33mhosts\x1b[0m array should be an object.`) const { address, isRFSupported, mac } = host; assert(address, `\x1b[31m[CONFIG ERROR] \x1b[0m Each object in the \x1b[33mhosts\x1b[0m option should contain a value for \x1b[33maddress\x1b[0m (e.g. "").`) assert(mac, `\x1b[31m[CONFIG ERROR] \x1b[0m Each object in the \x1b[33mhosts\x1b[0m option should contain a unique value for \x1b[33mmac\x1b[0m (e.g. "34:ea:34:e7:d7:28").`) const deviceType = isRFSupported ? 0x279d : 0x2712;
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const spy = sinon.spy(agent, 'addRequest'); const webhook = new IncomingWebhook(url, { agent }); return webhook.send('Hello') .catch(() => { assert(spy.called); }) .then(() => { agent.addRequest.restore(); agent.destroy();
How does chai.assert work?
is a method used in Chai, a JavaScript assertion library, to test and verify the truthiness of a value or expression. It throws an error if the assertion fails, which can be caught and handled by the user.
Ai Example
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const chai = require("chai"); chai.assert.equal(2 + 2, 4); // passes chai.assert.equal(2 + 2, 5); // throws AssertionError
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break; } } } console.error = oldConsoleError; assert(fails, 'Test suit does not fail on the initial contents'); }); let { solutions = [] } = challenge;
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expect(Object.keys(scheduler.scheduledJobs).filter(jobId => jobId.includes("_r_")).length).to.equal(0); participant = await participants.get(testId) participant.firstName = "John"; returnObj = await ReminderHandler.setReminder(testConfig, testBot, participant, "12345", 15, 0); expect(returnObj.returnCode).to.equal(DevConfig.SUCCESS_CODE); assert(Array.isArray( expect(; }) it('Should return success and list of jobs', async () => { participant = await participants.get(testId);
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await participants.initializeParticipant(testPartId, config, bot.telegram.token) let participant = await participants.get(testPartId); expect(participant); expect(participant.uniqueId).to.equal(testPartId); expect(participant.parameters.language).to.equal("English"); assert("parameterTypes" in participant); }); it('Should add and update experiment', async () => {
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expect(sortedQs[2].qId).to.equal("test1") expect(sortedQs[3].qId).to.equal("test4") }) it('Should return empty when not array', () => { let sortedQs = ScheduleHandler.sortQInfoByTime("lol"); assert(Array.isArray(sortedQs)); expect(sortedQs.length).to.equal(0) }) it('Should return empty when array empty', () => { let sortedQs = ScheduleHandler.sortQInfoByTime([]);
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expect(participant); expect(participant.uniqueId).to.equal(testPartId); expect(participant.parameters.language).to.equal("English"); assert("parameterTypes" in participant); assert("stages" in participant); assert("activity" in participant.stages); assert("stageName" in participant.stages); assert("stageDay" in participant.stages);
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// stake 1 await dawnDeposit.stake({ from: owner.address, value: 1 }); await chai.assert.equal(await dawnDeposit.balanceOf(owner.address), 1); // await web3js.eth.sendTransaction({ to: dawnDeposit.address, from: owner.address, value: 1 }) // await chai.assert.equal(await dawnDeposit.balanceOf(owner.address), 2) }); }); });
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const chai = require('chai'); // Load Chai assertions global.expect = chai.expect; global.assert = chai.assert; chai.should(); // Load Sinon global.sinon = require('sinon');
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chai.expect is the most popular function in chai (8749 examples)