How to use the equal function from chai
Find comprehensive JavaScript chai.equal code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The chai.equal method is used to check if two values are equal or not.
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shouldOrNot ? assert.equal(actuals.speech, expected) : assert.notEqual(actuals.speech, expected) ); } if (paramPassed(expectedReprompt)) { it(`Alexa's ${type} reprompt should ${not(shouldOrNot)}equal: ${expectedReprompt}`, () => shouldOrNot ? assert.equal(actuals.reprompt, expectedReprompt) : assert.notEqual(actuals.reprompt, expectedReprompt) ); } }); return api(); // response.shouldEqual(...).shouldContain(...).{something}
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it('should return an array', () => { assert(Array.isArray('a,b,c'.split(','))) }) it('should return the same array', () => { assert.equal(testArray.length, testString.split(',').length, `arrays have equal length`) for (let i = 0; i < testArray.length; i++) { assert.equal(testArray[i],
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How does chai.equal work?
chai.equal is a method that performs a strict equality check between two values using the === operator and throws an error if the values are not equal.
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}); ContextBlock(RED); RED.node.get().emit('input', msg); return RED.node.get().await() .then(() => { assert.equal(RED.node.message().payload, 42); assert.equal(RED.node.message(), 42); }); });
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}); MessageBlock(RED); RED.node.get().emit('input', msg); return RED.node.get().await() .then(function() { assert.equal(RED.node.message().payload.content, 'i am the message'); assert.equal(RED.node.message().payload.chatId, 42); assert.equal(RED.node.message().payload.inbound, false); });
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Ai Example
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const { expect } = require("chai"); describe("Test suite", function () { it("should test chai.equal", function () { const actualValue = 5; const expectedValue = 5; expect(actualValue).to.equal(expectedValue); }); });
In this example, we're testing if actualValue is equal to expectedValue using chai.equal. We use expect(actualValue) to create an assertion object and call the to.equal(expectedValue) method on it to assert that actualValue is equal to expectedValue. If the assertion fails, the test will fail.
chai.expect is the most popular function in chai (8749 examples)