How to use the request function from chai
Find comprehensive JavaScript chai.request code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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it('Verificando se um usuário é registrado com sucesso', async () => { sinon.stub(User, 'create').resolves(mockRegister) sinon.stub(jwt, 'sign').onFirstCall().returns(mockToken); sinon.stub(User, 'findOne').onFirstCall().resolves(undefined).onSecondCall(undefined); let chaiHttpResponse = await chai.request(app).post('/register').send({ name: "Scooby Doo", email: "", password: "senhaforte123", role: "customer"
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}); it('Verificando se o login foi realizado com sucesso', async () => { sinon.stub(User, 'findOne').resolves(mockUser) let chaiHttpResponse = await chai.request(app).post('/login').send({ email: '', password: 'senhamock' }) expect(chaiHttpResponse.status);
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}; spendingLimit = await SpendingLimit.create({...SPENDING_LIMIT, userId: user._id, category: category._id}); }); it("should require a logged in user", async() => { const res = await chai.request(app) .get("/api/limit/"); assertError(res, 401); });
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const UserFixture = require('../fixtures/user'); const { verifyJWT } = require('../../utils/common/auth'); chai.use(chaiHttp); chai.should(); const request = chai.request; describe('auth', function () { describe('Login', function () { before(async function () {
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it('should authenticate user with valid credentials', (done) => { const userData = { "userName": user.userName, "userPassword": user.userPassword } chai.request(app) .post('/api/v1/userLogin') .send(userData) .end((err, res) => { if(res.body.accessToke)
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}); // test get route describe("GET /cars", () => { it("It should get all cars", (done) => { chai.request(server) .get("/cars") .end((err, res) => { res.should.have.status(200);'array');
chai.expect is the most popular function in chai (8749 examples)