How to use the fromJSON function from convert-source-map
Find comprehensive JavaScript convert-source-map.fromJSON code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
convert-source-map.fromJSON is a function that creates a new source map object from a JSON representation.
GitHub: leechipang/grpc007
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} } } if (map) { output += '\n' + convertSourceMap.fromJSON(map.toString()).toComment() } return { code: output } }
+ 13 other calls in file
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}) }) p.done(err => { if (err) return reject(err) let res = results.join('\n') res = res + convert.fromJSON(generator.toString()).toComment({ multiline: true }) resolve(res) })
How does convert-source-map.fromJSON work?
convert-source-map.fromJSON is a method that takes a JSON string or object and returns a SourceMapGenerator object that can be used to generate a new source map. It parses the JSON string or object and creates a new SourceMapGenerator instance from the data it contains. This can be useful when you need to manipulate an existing source map, such as merging or modifying it.
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}) } else if (/\.js$/.test(full_path)) { config().then(function (obj) { util.parseJavascript(obj, full_path).then( function ({ code, map }) { code = code + '\n' + convert.fromJSON(map).toComment() cache[full_path] = code resolve(code) }, function (err) {
Ai Example
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const convert = require("convert-source-map"); const json = '{"version":3,"file":"foo.js","sources":[""],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,IAAI,CAAC;"}'; const sm = convert.fromJSON(json); console.log(sm);
In this example, convert.fromJSON() is called with a JSON string representing a source map. The function parses the string and returns a new source map object that can be manipulated or written to a file.
convert-source-map.fromSource is the most popular function in convert-source-map (135 examples)