How to use the debuglog function from debug

Find comprehensive JavaScript debug.debuglog code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.

debug.debuglog is a method in the Node.js debug module that creates a function for printing debug messages to the console based on a specific namespace.


var debug = require('util');
if (debug && debug.debuglog) {
  debug = debug.debuglog('stream');
} else {
  debug = function () {};
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How does debug.debuglog work?

debug.debuglog is a method in the Node.js debug module that creates a function for printing debug messages to the console based on a specific namespace. When you call debug.debuglog(namespace), it returns a new function that you can use to print debug messages. The namespace parameter is a string that represents the name of the debug namespace. The function that is returned by debug.debuglog can be used to print debug messages to the console, but only if the DEBUG environment variable is set to include the namespace. If the DEBUG environment variable is not set or does not include the namespace, then the debug messages will not be printed. Here's an example of how to use debug.debuglog to print debug messages: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const debug = require('debug'); const logger = debug.debuglog('myapp'); logger('This is a debug message'); In this example, we first import the debug module. We then create a new logger function by calling debug.debuglog('myapp'). This function will only print debug messages if the DEBUG environment variable includes the string myapp. We then call the logger function with a debug message, which will only be printed if the DEBUG environment variable includes the string myapp. Overall, debug.debuglog is a simple yet powerful method in the Node.js debug module that allows you to print debug messages to the console based on a specific namespace. This can be useful for debugging complex applications, especially when dealing with multiple modules or layers of code.

Ai Example

const debug = require("debug");

const logger1 = debug.debuglog("myapp");
const logger2 = debug.debuglog("myotherapp");

logger1("This is a debug message for myapp");
logger2("This is a debug message for myotherapp");

In this example, we first import the debug module. We then create two new logger functions by calling debug.debuglog('myapp') and debug.debuglog('myotherapp'). We then call each logger function with a debug message. The first logger will only print messages if the DEBUG environment variable includes the string myapp, while the second logger will only print messages if the DEBUG environment variable includes the string myotherapp. By setting the DEBUG environment variable appropriately, we can control which logger functions will actually print messages. For example, we could set DEBUG=myapp in the environment variables to print messages from the first logger, or set DEBUG=myotherapp to print messages from the second logger. Overall, debug.debuglog is a powerful method in the Node.js debug module that allows you to print debug messages to the console based on a specific namespace, and can be customized based on the DEBUG environment variable.