How to use the readJSON function from fs-extra
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs-extra.readJSON code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs-extra.readJSON is a function that reads and parses a JSON file from the file system and returns a JavaScript object.
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await execa("cp", ["./neutralino.js", "./dist/neutralino.js"]); // run neu build command await execa("pnpm", ["exec", "neu", "build"]); // build done read neutralino.config.js file const config = await fs.readJSON( path.resolve(process.cwd(), "neutralino.config.json") ); const isOverseaVersion = process.env["YAAGL_OVERSEA"] == "1"; const bundleId = isOverseaVersion
GitHub: utsuboco/create-r3f-app
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spaces: 2, }); await fs.remove(sysPath.join(root, "jsconfig.json")); await fs.remove(sysPath.join(root, "jsconfig.server.json")); const packageJson = await fs.readJSON(sysPath.join(root, "package.json")); const { scripts, ...otherConfigs } = packageJson; scripts.prettier = `npx prettier --list-different \"./src/**/*.{ts,tsx,md}\" \"./app/**/*.{ts,tsx,md}\""`; const newPackageJson = { ...otherConfigs, scripts }; await fs.writeJSON(sysPath.join(root, "package.json"), newPackageJson, {
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How does fs-extra.readJSON work?
fs-extra.readJSON works by using the fs.readFile method from the Node.js fs module to read a JSON file from the file system and then parsing the contents of the file using the JSON.parse method. When called with a file path as its first argument, fs-extra.readJSON will return a promise that resolves to the parsed JavaScript object contained in the JSON file. If an error occurs while reading or parsing the file, the promise will be rejected with an error. Under the hood, fs-extra.readJSON uses the fs.readFile method with an encoding of 'utf8' to read the contents of the file as a string. It then passes the resulting string to the JSON.parse method to parse it as JSON and return the resulting JavaScript object. fs-extra.readJSON is part of the fs-extra package, which is an extension of the Node.js fs module that provides additional functionality for working with the file system.
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outputJsonAsync = (fname, obj) => fse.outputFile(getAbsPath(fname),JSON.stringify(obj)) outputJsVarAsync = (fname, varName, obj) => fse.outputFile(getAbsPath(fname),"export var " +varName + " = " +JSON.stringify(obj)) outputFileAsync = (fname, data) => fse.outputFile(getAbsPath(fname),data) readFileAsync = (fname, encoding) => fse.readFile(getAbsPath(fname),encoding) readJsonAsync = fname => fse.readJSON(getAbsPath(fname)) readdirAsync = dirname => fse.readdir(getAbsPath(dirname)) statAsync = path => fse.stat(getAbsPath(path)) readJson = fname => fse.readJSON(getAbsPath(fname)) pathExistsAsync = fname => fse.pathExists(getAbsPath(fname))
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GitHub: chacha2340/umami
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async function sendTelemetry(action) { let json = {}; try { json = await fs.readJSON(dest); } catch { // Ignore }
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Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs-extra"); async function readMyJsonFile() { try { const myJson = await fs.readJSON("path/to/my/json/file.json"); console.log(myJson); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } readMyJsonFile();
In this example, we use fs-extra.readJSON to read a JSON file located at 'path/to/my/json/file.json'. We use the await keyword to wait for the promise returned by fs-extra.readJSON to resolve with the parsed JSON object. If an error occurs while reading or parsing the file, we catch the error and log it to the console. When the function is executed, it will log the contents of the JSON file to the console as a parsed JavaScript object. Note that fs-extra.readJSON automatically parses the JSON file into a JavaScript object, so we can access the properties of the object directly.
GitHub: impress-dev/HelloWorld
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if (options.exec && fs.existsSync(`app/modules/lib/${options.exec}.json`)) { let parentData =; = {}; this.scope = this.scope.create({ $_PARAM: this.parse(options.params) }); await this.exec(await fs.readJSON(`app/modules/lib/${options.exec}.json`), true); data =; this.scope = this.scope.parent; = parentData; } else {
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GitHub: impress-dev/HelloWorld
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this.meta = clone(cfg.meta); await validator.init(this, this.meta); } if (fs.existsSync('app/modules/global.json')) { await this.exec(await fs.readJSON('app/modules/global.json'), true); } /* debug('body: %o', this.req.body);
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); const excludeList = []; const prePath = path.resolve(changesetPath, 'pre.json'); if (await fs.pathExists(prePath)) { const data = await fs.readJSON(prePath); // Only exclude changesets in pre-release mode. if (data.mode === 'pre') { excludeList.push( => `${name}.md`)); }
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}); done(); } async function addExtensionDependencies(done) { const packageJson = await readJSON("package.json"); packageJson.extensionDependencies = ["ms-vscode.cpptools"]; await writeJSON("package.json", packageJson, { spaces: 2 }); done(); }
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const lodash = require('lodash'); const ARTIFACT_SERVER = ''; async function loadCurrentSnapshot() { return fse.readJSON(path.join(__dirname, '../../size-snapshot.json')); } /** * @param {string} commitId - the sha of a commit
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GitHub: queenwuli/aifanyi
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const repoRoot = path.join(__dirname, '..'); const recipesFolder = path.join(repoRoot, 'recipes'); const outputFolder = path.join(repoRoot, 'archives'); const allJson = path.join(repoRoot, 'all.json'); const featuredFile = path.join(repoRoot, 'featured.json'); const featuredRecipes = await fs.readJSON(featuredFile); let recipeList = []; let unsuccessful = 0; await fs.ensureDir(outputFolder);
GitHub: saby/builder
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* @returns {Promise<Object>} */ async function readComponentsProperties(componentsPropertiesFilePath) { if (!componentsProperties) { if (await fs.pathExists(componentsPropertiesFilePath)) { componentsProperties = await fs.readJSON(componentsPropertiesFilePath); } else { componentsProperties = {}; } }
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const tag = version.includes('next') ? 'next' : 'main'; const tagPath = path.resolve('versions', 'v1', 'tags', tag); // Check if there's an existing version for the tag, and that it's not newer than the one we're adding if (await fs.pathExists(tagPath)) { const currentTag = await fs.readJSON( path.resolve(tagPath, 'manifest.json'), ); if (, version)) { console.log(
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