How to use the closeSync function from fs
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs.closeSync code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs.closeSync is a synchronous method in Node.js that closes an open file descriptor.
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stringifyStream.on('data', (strChunk) => { fs.writeSync(fd, strChunk); }); stringifyStream.on('end', () => { fs.closeSync(fd); resolve(); }); } catch (err) { reject(err);
GitHub: blockcollider/bcnode
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exports.chmod = co.promisify(fs.chmod); exports.chmodSync = fs.chmodSync; exports.chown = co.promisify(fs.chown); exports.chownSync = fs.chownSync; exports.close = co.promisify(fs.close); exports.closeSync = fs.closeSync; exports.constants = fs.constants; exports.createReadStream = fs.createReadStream; exports.createWriteStream = fs.createWriteStream; exports.exists = async (file) => {
How does fs.closeSync work?
fs.closeSync() is a synchronous function in Node.js that closes the specified file descriptor, freeing up any system resources associated with the file. If an error occurs during the closing process, an exception is thrown.
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function () { }, // onError function (err) { console.log('An error occurred while encrypting the file: %s', err.message); fs.closeSync(inFile); fs.closeSync(outFile); }, // onCompleted function () { console.log('Successfully encrypted the file.');
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fs._open =; fs._openSync = fs.openSync; = open; fs.openSync = openSync; fs._close = fs.close; fs._closeSync = fs.closeSync; fs.close = close; fs.closeSync = closeSync; let openCount = 0;
Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs"); const fd = fs.openSync("example.txt", "r"); console.log("File opened successfully!"); fs.closeSync(fd); console.log("File closed successfully!");
In this example, fs.openSync is used to open a file 'example.txt' in read-only mode and returns a file descriptor fd. The fd is then passed to fs.closeSync to close the file. The message 'File opened successfully!' and 'File closed successfully!' are printed to the console to indicate the operations were successful.
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common.runWithInvalidFD((fd) => { fs.close(fd, common.mustCall(validateError)); assert.throws( () => fs.closeSync(fd), validateError ); }); }
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const mode = entry.mode & 0o7777 || this.fmode const oner = er => { let closeError try { fs.closeSync(fd) } catch (e) { closeError = e } if (er || closeError)
GitHub: kyriosli/node-zip
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for (var red = 0; red < length;) { red += fs.readSync(file, buf, red, length - red, offset + red); } return buf; }, false)._closeHook(function () { fs.closeSync(file); }); } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(file)) { return zipFile(file.length, function (offset, length) { return file.slice(offset, offset + length)
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} } async function checkForWhiteboard() { const wb = await fsp.stat(white_board).catch((e) => { fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(white_board, "w")); }); //console.log(wb) } async function checkForPathToRootStorage(path) {
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this.emit('done') } close () { if (typeof this.fd === 'number' && this.closeAfter) try { fs.closeSync(this.fd) } catch (er) {} } }
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GitHub: ds-sampaio/ClicouChegouApp
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*/ function _prepareTmpFileRemoveCallback(name, fd, opts) { const removeCallback = _prepareRemoveCallback(function _removeCallback(fdPath) { try { if (0 <= fdPath[0]) { fs.closeSync(fdPath[0]); } } catch (e) { // under some node/windows related circumstances, a temporary file
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// Create a new chat room await messaging.newRoom(1, [2]); // Create an empty file to test DELETE /files and thumb deletion fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(path.resolve(nconf.get('upload_path'), 'files/test.txt'), 'w')); fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(path.resolve(nconf.get('upload_path'), 'files/test.png'), 'w')); // Associate thumb with topic to test thumb reordering await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: 2,
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// Make sure tmp directory is clean tmpdir.refresh(); // Create the necessary files files.forEach(function(filename) { fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(path.join(testDir, filename), 'w')); }); function assertDirent(dirent) { assert(dirent instanceof fs.Dirent);
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} { const filename = getFilename(); const fd = fs.openSync(filename, 'r'); runCallbackTest(fs.fstat, fd, () => { fs.closeSync(fd); }); } const runPromiseTest = async (func, arg) => { const startTime = process.hrtime.bigint();
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{ const w = new Worker(`${preamble} parentPort.postMessage(fs.openSync(__filename)); parentPort.once('message', () => { const reopened = fs.openSync(__filename); fs.closeSync(reopened); }); `, { eval: true, trackUnmanagedFds: true }); const [ fd ] = await once(w, 'message'); fs.closeSync(fd);
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{ const file2 = path.resolve(tmp, 'truncate-file-2.txt'); fs.writeFileSync(file2, 'Hi'); const fd = fs.openSync(file2, 'r+'); process.on('beforeExit', () => fs.closeSync(fd)); fs.ftruncateSync(fd, 4); assert(fs.readFileSync(file2).equals(Buffer.from('Hi\u0000\u0000'))); }
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// Get project basename const dmeBaseName = dmeFile.replace(/\.dme$/, ''); // Make sure output files are writable const testOutputFile = (name) => { try { fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(name, 'r+')); } catch (err) { if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') { return;
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'last-modified': stat.mtime.toUTCString(), 'content-type': 'text/plain' }; stream.respondWithFD(fd, headers); }); server.on('close', () => fs.closeSync(fd)); ``` The optional `options.statCheck` function may be specified to give user code an opportunity to set additional content headers based on the `fs.Stat` details
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GitHub: eps1lon/node
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'content-length': stat.size, 'last-modified': stat.mtime.toUTCString(), 'content-type': 'text/plain' }; stream.respondWithFD(fd, headers); stream.on('close', () => fs.closeSync(fd)); }); ``` The optional `options.statCheck` function may be specified to give user code
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fs.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs (2736 examples)