How to use the writeFileSync function from fs
Find comprehensive JavaScript fs.writeFileSync code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
fs.writeFileSync is a function in Node.js that writes data to a file synchronously.
GitHub: NEIAPI/nei-toolkit
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*/ exports.write = function (file, content, charset) { _writeFile( file, content, charset, function (file, content) { fs.writeFileSync(file, content); } ); }; /**
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if (fs.existsSync(cnamePath)) cnameText = fs.readFileSync(cnamePath, 'utf8'); await rmAsync(DST_PATH); fs.mkdirSync(DST_PATH); if (cnameText) fs.writeFileSync(cnamePath, cnameText, 'utf8'); }); await step('2. generate index.js', async () => { const rollup = require('rollup');
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How does fs.writeFileSync work?
fs.writeFileSync is a function in Node.js that writes data to a file synchronously. When you call fs.writeFileSync(), you pass in the file path and the data to write to the file as parameters. You can also optionally pass in an encoding and a flag to specify the character encoding and file system flag, respectively. The function then writes the data to the file at the specified file path synchronously, blocking the execution of any other code until the write operation is complete. If the file already exists, fs.writeFileSync() overwrites the contents of the file with the new data. If the write operation is successful, fs.writeFileSync() returns undefined. If an error occurs during the write operation, such as if the file path is invalid or if the disk is full, fs.writeFileSync() throws an error. This function is useful for tasks that require writing data to a file synchronously, such as setting up a configuration file or saving data to a local file system. Overall, fs.writeFileSync provides a simple way to write data to a file synchronously in Node.js, but should be used with caution since it can block the execution of other code. For non-blocking file writes, consider using fs.writeFile() instead.
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const mime = 'image/png' const encoding = 'base64' const base64Data = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/image.png`).toString(encoding) const uri = `data:${mime};${encoding},${base64Data}` // data:image/png;base64, fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/index.html`,`<img src='${uri}' />`) // console.log(uri) } ```
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buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, chunk]) } let type = await FileType.fromBuffer(buffer) trueFileName = attachExtension ? (filename + '.' + type.ext) : filename // save to file await fs.writeFileSync(trueFileName, buffer) return trueFileName } alpha.downloadMediaMessage = async (message) => { let mime = (message.msg || message).mimetype || ''
Ai Example
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const fs = require("fs"); // Write data to a file synchronously const filePath = "./example.txt"; const data = "Hello, world!"; fs.writeFileSync(filePath, data); console.log(`Data written to ${filePath} successfully!`);
In this example, we use fs.writeFileSync to write the string "Hello, world!" to a file located at ./example.txt. We pass in the file path and the data as parameters to fs.writeFileSync(). Once the write operation is complete, we log a success message to the console indicating that the data was written to the file successfully. Overall, fs.writeFileSync provides a simple way to write data to a file synchronously in Node.js, but should be used with caution since it can block the execution of other code.
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const fs = require('fs') const content = '' try { const data = fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/flydean.txt', content) //文件写入成功。 } catch (err) { console.error(err) }
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GitHub: ThemeFuse/Brizy
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version: VERSION }, null, 2 ); fs.writeFileSync( + "/versions.json", versionsJSON, "utf8"); if (IS_PRO) { const versionsJSON = JSON.stringify( {
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GitHub: gchq/Bailo
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import Image from 'next/legacy/image' import imageLoader from 'src/imageLoader' `) ) writeFileSync(path, content) } function getFiles(dir) { let files = []
GitHub: yenatch/crowdmap
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options = options || {} var opts = {} if (options.binary) { data = new Uint8Array(data) } return fs.writeFileSync(path, data, opts) }, */ readAsync: function (path, options) {
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29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 (command) => { try { if (fs.existsSync('./commands/external/'+ + '.js')) return false; var response = await got(command.dataValues.url); if (response.statusCode !== 200) return false; fs.writeFileSync('./commands/external/' + + '.js', response.body); require('./commands/external/' + + '.js'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
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piexif.load(getBase64DataFromJpegFile(filename)) const deleteExifFromJpegFile = (filename) => { const scrubbed = piexif.remove(getBase64DataFromJpegFile(filename)) const fileBuffer = Buffer.from(scrubbed, 'binary') fs.writeFileSync(filename, fileBuffer) } ;(async () => { try {
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writeSync: function (str) { this.contents += str; }, endSync: function () { this.doEnd(); fs.writeFileSync(this.filename, this.contents, 'utf8'); }, startAsync: function (fileName) { this.doStart(); = fs.createWriteStream(fileName);
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} // read file const read = (location) => readFileSync(location, 'utf-8') // write file const write = (location) => (content) => writeFileSync(location, content) const readAsync = (location) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { readFile(location, 'utf-8', (err, data) => { if (err) {
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GitHub: zhuzhuyule/HexoEditor
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} } static write(fileName, content) { // content=restoreLineEndings(fileName,content) return fs.writeFileSync(fileName, content); } static writeAsync(fileName, content, cb) { // content=restoreLineEndings(fileName,content)
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GitHub: blockcollider/bcnode
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 =; exports.watchFile = fs.watchFile; exports.write = co.promisify(fs.write); exports.writeSync = fs.writeSync; exports.writeFile = co.promisify(fs.writeFile); exports.writeFileSync = fs.writeFileSync; exports.mkdirpSync = function mkdirpSync(dir, mode) { if (mode == null) mode = 0o750;
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console.time("total") // if base64 encode the image this.state = "decoding" if (this.settings.img.startsWith("data:image/")) { let decode = Buffer.from(this.settings.img.split(',')[1], 'base64') fs.writeFileSync(this.config.temp + 'decoded.png', decode) // @ts-ignore img = this.config.temp + 'decoded.png' }
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publicPath: '/js/', filename: chunkData => { // construct and output the filename here, so the client can use the // json to find the file. const filename = `${}.${chunkData.chunk.contentHash.javascript}`; writeFileSync( path.join(configPath, `${}.json`), `{"filename": "${filename}"}` ); return filename + '.js';
GitHub: Eximinati/Ari-Ani
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buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, chunk]); } let type = await FileType.fromBuffer(buffer); trueFileName = attachExtension ? filename + "." + type.ext : filename; // save to file await fs.writeFileSync(trueFileName, buffer); return trueFileName; }; client.downloadMediaMessage = async (message) => {
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let newFileContent = `# ${topicTitle}`; if (!OPEN_AI_API_KEY) { console.log(`Writing ${topicId}..`); fs.writeFileSync(contentFilePath, newFileContent, 'utf8'); continue; } const topicContent = await writeTopicContent(currTopicUrl);
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} } } } catch (error) { console.log(error) // writeFileSync(`${src}/error_${}.js`, fixedGroupString) } } // collect all fields from all levels
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} } for (const file of walkSync(root, { globs: [`**/*.md`, `**/*.mdx`]})) { const content = readFileSync(join(root, file), { encoding: 'utf-8' }); writeFileSync(join(root, file), preprocess(basename(file, '.md'), content), { encoding: 'utf-8' }); } } const wikilink = [
fs.readFileSync is the most popular function in fs (2736 examples)