How to use the write function from gulp-sourcemaps
Find comprehensive JavaScript gulp-sourcemaps.write code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
gulp-sourcemaps.write is a Gulp plugin that writes source map files to disk.
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return gulp.src(wxssFileList, {cwd: srcPath, base: srcPath}) .pipe(gulpif(wxssConfig.less && wxssConfig.sourcemap, sourcemaps.init())) .pipe(gulpif(wxssConfig.less, less({paths: [srcPath]}))) .pipe(rename({extname: '.wxss'})) .pipe(gulpif(wxssConfig.less && wxssConfig.sourcemap, sourcemaps.write('./'))) .pipe(_.logger(wxssConfig.less ? 'generate' : undefined)) .pipe(gulp.dest(distPath)) }
GitHub: Dima0dev/MetamaskFork
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.get('sourcemaps:write') // Use inline source maps for development due to Chrome DevTools bug // .push( devMode ? sourcemaps.write() : sourcemaps.write('../sourcemaps', { addComment: false }), ); }); }
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How does gulp-sourcemaps.write work?
gulp-sourcemaps.write is a function in the Gulp pipeline that writes the sourcemap to a file or a stream based on the source file's destination. It takes an optional configuration object that allows you to specify the destination for the sourcemap file and other options. The sourcemap helps in debugging the minified or transpiled code by mapping it back to the original code.
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`${src}/**/*.js` /* <-- then source globs */ ], { base: `./` }), sourcemaps.init(), closureCompiler(createClosureArgs(entry_point, externs)), // rename the sourcemaps from * files to * sourcemaps.write(`.`, { mapFile: (mapPath) => mapPath.replace(``, `.${target}`) }), gulp.dest(out) ); } }))({});
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rename({ suffix: '.min' }) ) .pipe( sourcemaps.write('./') ) .pipe( dest(paths.css) );
Ai Example
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const gulp = require("gulp"); const babel = require("gulp-babel"); const sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps"); function js() { return gulp .src("src/**/*.js") .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(babel()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write(".")) .pipe(gulp.dest("dist")); } exports.js = js;
In this example, gulp-sourcemaps.write() is used to write the sourcemaps generated by the babel transpiler to the output directory specified in the gulp.dest() call.
GitHub: dynastina/biostudy
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return lazypipe().pipe(function () { return gulpif(config.jsSourcemaps, sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true, debug: config.debug})); }).pipe(function () { return gulpif(config.jsMinify, terser()); }).pipe(function () { return gulpif(config.jsSourcemaps, sourcemaps.write('./')); }); }, /**
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return src(paths.styles.src) .pipe(gulpif(!PRODUCTION, sourcemaps.init())) .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError)) .pipe(gulpif(PRODUCTION, postcss([ autoprefixer ]))) .pipe(gulpif(PRODUCTION, cleanCss({compatibility:'ie10'}))) .pipe(gulpif(!PRODUCTION, sourcemaps.write())) .pipe(dest(paths.styles.dest)) .pipe(; } export const images = () => {
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GitHub: wuguokai/gpt_bot
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return tsProject .src() .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(tsProject()) .pipe( sourcemaps.write({ sourceRoot: file => { const sourceFile = path.join(file.cwd, 'src', file.sourceMap.file) return path.relative(path.dirname(sourceFile), file.cwd) }
+ 8 other calls in file
gulp-sourcemaps.write is the most popular function in gulp-sourcemaps (175 examples)